Chapter Fives Rescue by Elara

The continue of the previous chapter. While in the city Elara feels sad and worried about the missing clones. Elara watch the news and until she get sleeps. Elara had a dream that she found a right guy for her but the problem is the man is crying full of suffering in his face. Elara worried about him and hugs him then she ask the man "why are you crying darling" Elara says, and the man says the time has come. Then Elara wakes up and looks at the window and feels sad.

While in the truck fives stills in there and relaxing. While fives sleeping inside the truck fives had a dream that he found the perfect woman in his life but the problem is the woman is also suffering too and crying. Fives as the woman why and the woman says "the time has come" the same as in the dream of Elara. Fives wakes up and he already in the city. Fives leave the truck and walk by himself. Fives walk and walk to the city he didn't know where he will find a rest and right home.

While in the house of family Watson. Mrs. Watson ask Elara again to buy some things they need in the house. Elara agreed and go to the mall buy some things they need. Elara notice that there are so many kids and teenagers takes a picture of her. Elara looks at their and says "hi" to them all the teenagers and kids shout happily " Elara!!!!! " the kids and teenagers shout happily. Elara feels happy and say thanks to them and all the people take a picture of her because they love her because she is their hero who save a young woman in the street and the previous chapter.

While in the street fives keep walking like a beggar and don't know where his right destination. Fives feels tired and go to mall to find something he can eat. Fives walk in the street of the mall. While Elara is almost leaving the mall. She buy the last thing she needs while fives is getting tired and slowly falls into the ground. Elara is going outside and arranged all the things she needs and close her car. But Elara notice that there is something in the far away street. She notice that there is a dying man in there and she realizes that was the same suffering as the man happened in her dream. Elara quickly runs towards on the dying man and she give it a water to him. Elara tells the man "are you okay sir" Elara says, to the man and that man was Fives. Elara decided to bring the man to the hospital and she carry the man with no problem.

While in the situation of Fives and Elara. Elara decided to put Fives in the hospital. Elara calls the Mrs. Watson that she find a poor man who is almost dying in the street. Mrs. Watson tells her if the man okay and Elara says "Yes she is in a great condition now madam" Elara says. Mrs. Watson tells her that she will not call her madam again because she is not just her owner but she is her mom now. Elara feels happy and say thanks to her and Mrs. Watson happy about her. While in the moment of conversation of Elara and Mrs. Watson. Fives suddenly wakes up and Elara notice her that he is already wakes up. Elara tells Mrs. Watson that the man is wake up and she need to talk to her Mrs. Watson agreed and say goodbye to her and Elara say goodbye too.

While in the hospital. Elara ask the man what is his name Fives tells her that his name is Fives. Elara tells her that her name is Elara and she tell him that she is an android not a real human. Fives remember her that she is the beautiful stranger woman in his mind. Fives tell her if she remember something a man in her mind. Elara remember his face and tell him if she remember a woman in his mind. Fives say yes and tell her that Elara was the beautiful stranger woman in his mind. Elara smiles and get blushes in her face and say thank you to fives. While fives looks at her and slowly falling in love to her. Fives tells her that she is more beautiful in the personal and Elara's love rate is increasing and she looks at him. Elara smiles and slowly falling in love to fives too.

to be continue...