Chapter Six Accidentally in love

The continue of the previous chapter. While in the hospital. Elara and Fives still in the hospital. Elara ask Fives where's his home and Fives honestly tells her that he doesn't have home because he is one of a missing clones and the reason. Elara shock about his story and tell him why did he leave and Fives says that he don't want to live as a soldier and fives say that all he wants is to live by his the life that he choose. Elara tells him if he feel different than other clones and Fives answer her and tells her that "I am different among my brothers" Fives says. Elara shock and tells him that "I am also different from my sister too I think we are the same" Elara says.

While in the hospital. Elara and Fives understand each other's situation and Elara tells him " maybe you can go with me fives " Elara says. Fives smiles and happy and says " thank you Elara " Fives says. Elara says she will be back in a minute. Elara arrange all the documents and pays the bills and bring Fives home. While Elara brings Fives into her home she text Mrs. Watson she ask Mrs. Watson if Fives can stay with them because he doesn't have a house or home.

While in the military camp Commander shepherd and the operative still searching for the missing clones. The search confirm that one of the missing clones is fives. Commander shepherd has doubt about fives missing in action. Commander shepherd knows that fives is still alive and no longer here in the military camp because commander shepherd previous conversation with fives. Fives tells him that he want to leave to the military camp that's why commander shepherd has a doubt that fives is still alive.

While in the hospital. Elara carry Fives and fives gets very shocked because Elara has a 2X strong than him. Fives tells Elara "you are so strong and beautiful" Fives says. Elara says "thank you I just want you to be okay but don't worry I will take you home" Elara says. Fives looks like a gay and hugs Elara. Elara smiles and looks like a lesbian because they are both in the reverse situation. Elara puts Fives in the Car and put a seatbelt to him.

While she put a seatbelt to him Fives look at her falling in love to her deeply like a car accident. While Elara finished set the belt she look at Fives face she see that Fives has a very handsome face. Elara love rate increase more and more. Fives deeply in love to her because Elara is very beautiful android. Fives try to kiss her and Elara wanted to kiss him too but there is a group of man walking and talking together. Elara and Fives get distract and They didn't continue the kisses scene. Fives shy and say sorry to Elara and Elara shy rate is increase and Elara says it's okay to Fives.

While Elara get to the car and they both start to go home. Elara ask Fives if the Clones can have a family if they get retired. Fives answer he doesn't know about military life because he just force to be a soldier since he was born. Fives tells Elara that he have an inhibitor chips and that is the reason why he and all his brothers have been force to serve as a soldier. Elara tells him what happened to his inhibitor chips and Fives answer her that his inhibitor chips has been broken and he is no longer a regular Clone. Fives ask Elara why she is not acting like an android like her sisters. Elara also answer him that her program has been also destroyed too because of the shocking happened to her. Fives gets doubt and tells her that maybe they are both defected Clone and Android and maybe they are the only one who can bring balance to there brothers and sisters.

to be continue...