Chapter seven Perfect Home

This is the continue of the previous chapter. While in the house of family Watson. The family Watson arrange the room of fives and they all excited to see fives face. The kids say " do he have a beard " the kids says. Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson says " we don't know about him but sure he is a good guy " Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson says While they talking. Elara and Fives had been in a right timing. The kids happy and they welcome Fives in the house. While Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson also welcome him to there home. Mrs. Watson tells Elara " I'm glad you came back safe Elara " Mrs. Watson says. Elara says " Thank you Mother Watson " Elara says.

While in the laboratory of the project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N. The building of project N.E.W.H.U.M.A.N. has been rebuilt again and Dr. Maniac still the owner of the company. Dr. Maniac still calculate the process of what happened and still planning of what happened next. Because of the anger Dr. Maniac planning to destroy the human kind and he searching for more strongest DNA or a weapon android. Dr. Maniac got insane because of losing his daughter. Dr. Maniac keep searching about any kind of species that can help him destroy human kind until he discover that there is another being that can help him destroy the human.

While in the house of family Watson. Fives is very welcome there and all the people and pets loves him. Fives feels the happiness in his heart. Fives says " thank you for keeping me and helping me I'm so blessed that you are the one who found me " Fives says. The family Watson happy about him they make group hugs to Fives. While Fives gets shy and happy and of course Elara also hugs him that's why he is more happy.

While the end of that moment all the family Watson is getting to sleep now. While Fives go to his room and look around and happy being free. Elara go to her room and that was Fives room's too because they need to share a room because there are no room left. Fives looks at her and shyly says " hi Elara you look so beautiful and pretty " Fives says. Elara romantic rate increase and Elara says " thank you Fives you are a good man " Elara says with love in her eyes.

Elara tell him that they will share a room together. Fives happy and agree to her while Elara loves rate increase. Fives lay down on the bed and Elara lay down next to him. Fives gets nervous because he never sleeps with a girl before and he don't know why Elara always watching him. Elara is very curious about the clones that's why she always looks at him. Elara looks at him and ask him if the clone can falling in love. Fives answer her and he says he doesn't know and he says if the clone will falling in love it means Fives also falling in love too and Elara will be his chosen lover. Elara ask him if he loves her and Fives looks at her smiling and says " what if I'm falling in love to you what will you do Elara? " Fives says. Elara says " Fives if you love me please kiss me and protect me " Elara says. Fives greatly says " yes I love you Elara please love " Fives says. Elara says " I love you too Fives please love me too " Elara says and Elara love rate and romantic rate increases more. The two sleeping together and hugs each other until they sleep.

While in the laboratory. Dr. Maniac discovered that there is a chance that he can destroy human kind. While he searching about the creature he didn't notice that there is a notification in his computer that there is a male clone and a female android both have been confirm to be a defective.

to be continue....