Chapter Two: Granpa

Shan's phone buzzed with an incoming call, the screen displaying the familiar name: Grandpa Lu Zhuhai. Answering, he greeted, "Hello, Grandpa! Good morning. Still up early as usual, I see."

"Good morning, my little Shan," Grandpa Lu's warm voice came through. "It's already past ten in the morning, my dear. You should get out of bed! I do take care of myself, but old habits die hard, you know."

"Is it really that late already?" Shan rubbed his eyes, groggy from the late-night catch-up with Xu Lin. "Sorry, Grandpa. Lin and I talked until late. It was just like old times. I didn't realize how much I'd missed him."

"That's wonderful, Shan. Give him my regards. Speaking of long-lost friends, I have an old friend of mine I'd like you to meet on my birthday. I wanted to let you know ahead of time so it doesn't catch you off guard."

"Oh, really?" Shan replied, intrigued but still too sleepy to think deeply about it. "I'll look forward to it then. Happy early birthday, Grandpa. I'll see you next week."

"Thank you, little one. Don't forget to call me if you need anything. Take care!" The call ended with a soft click, and Shan groaned, stretching out his sleep-heavy limbs.

"Ugh, Lin got me so drunk last night," Shan muttered to himself. "How does he love wine so much when he can't even hold his liquor?" He shuffled to the kitchen to make some much-needed coffee.

As he waited for the coffee to brew, a figure appeared in the doorway, catching Shan off guard. The man smiled, his posture formal yet approachable. "Hi, I'm Liam. I'll be your personal assistant and bodyguard from now on."

Still battling the effects of his hangover, Shan blinked in confusion. "Wh...what? Who are you?" Then it hit him. "Oh no, my brother must have sent you. I can't believe Yan Yan did this after I told him I'd be fine on my own. We had a deal!"

Liam chuckled softly. "Young Master Lu, your brother and father would never be at ease knowing you're alone. I'm your best option if you want to avoid having an entire squad of bodyguards. Your brother thought you'd prefer just one person looking after you."

Shan sighed in resignation. "Fine, but if you're staying here, drop the formalities and just call me Shan."

"Sure thing," Liam replied with a smile. "I'll make you some hangover soup to help you feel better."

Shan groaned again. "I don't think we have any ingredients for soup. We'll have to order something."

Liam opened the fridge, revealing a bounty of fresh groceries. "Don't worry, Shan. I went shopping last night. You won't have to worry about cooking or groceries anymore. I've got it covered."

Just then, Lin strolled into the kitchen, his eyes widening at the sight of Liam. "Who's the new guy? Are you moving in with Shan too? Are you a student at X City University?"

Shan quickly interjected, "Lin, this is Liam. He's not a student. He's a beta from my family's security team. Liam, this is my friend, Xu Lin."

Liam nodded, looking a bit starstruck. "Oh, I know him. He's famous for his paintings. I've heard you can write calligraphy with both hands at the same time, Lin. I'm a big fan of your work."

Lin smiled, a hint of melancholy flashing in his eyes. "Thank you, Liam. It's nice to meet a fan. Although, I don't paint anymore." He shook off the sadness with a bright smile. "So, you'll be staying with us?"

Liam nodded, his demeanor shifting back to professional. "Yes, I'll be staying here to ensure Shan's safety and assist him with anything he needs."

"Great!" Lin said, clapping his hands together. "Looks like we've got ourselves a new housemate."

As the three of them settled into the kitchen, Shan couldn't help but think about his grandfather's upcoming birthday and the mysterious friend he was supposed to meet. He had a feeling that the next few weeks were going to bring a lot of changes and perhaps a few surprises. With Liam's help, and Lin's ever-cheerful presence, Shan felt a surge of optimism.

Liam moved around the kitchen with a surprising grace, whipping up a simple yet nourishing breakfast in no time. The rich aroma of hangover soup mingled with the fragrant scent of freshly cooked rice and stir-fried vegetables, making Shan's and Lin's mouths water despite their hangover-induced lethargy. The two omegas sat at the dining table, their heads occasionally resting on their arms as they tried to recover from the previous night's excesses.

"Wow, Liam, you're like a magician in the kitchen," Lin said, sniffing the air with appreciation. "I've never seen anyone make hangover soup look so...gourmet!"

Liam chuckled, setting the steaming bowls and plates on the table. "It's nothing fancy, just a little something to help you both feel better. Go ahead and dig in."

Shan lifted his spoon and took a cautious sip of the soup. The warmth spread through his body, soothing his unsettled stomach. "This is amazing," he said, his voice filled with surprise. "I didn't know hangover soup could taste this good."

Lin, always the more effusive of the two, took a bite of the stir-fried vegetables and let out an exaggerated moan of delight. "Oh my goodness, Liam! This is heavenly. Are you sure you're not a chef? I think you missed your calling."

Liam smiled modestly, sitting down to join them. "I'm glad you like it. It's just something I picked up over the years. A good meal can make all the difference, especially when you're not feeling your best."

Lin took another bite, nodding vigorously. "I feel better already. I might even be ready for some more wine later—just kidding!" He laughed, but the groan that followed suggested he wasn't quite ready to joke about drinking again so soon.

Shan rolled his eyes, smirking. "Yeah, right, Lin. You're the only omega I know who claims to love wine but ends up singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' after just two glasses."

Lin placed a dramatic hand over his heart. "Hey, that was one time, and it was a particularly strong vintage! Besides, you were the one who couldn't stop laughing."

Liam watched their banter with a bemused expression, savoring the playful dynamic between the two friends. "Sounds like you both had quite the night."

Lin grinned, leaning in conspiratorially. "You have no idea. Shan here tried to teach me some dance moves from this trendy new club he heard about. Let's just say we're not exactly cut out for synchronized dancing."

Shan groaned, covering his face with his hands. "Please, don't remind me. My feet are still sore from all the stumbles. I think we terrified half the people on the dance floor."

Liam chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, it sounds like you two know how to have fun. Just try not to overdo it next time, alright?"

Lin raised his spoon in a mock toast. "To moderation and all that good stuff! But seriously, Liam, this breakfast is a lifesaver. If I'd known you were this good at cooking, I would've begged Shan to let you move in sooner."

Shan glanced at Liam, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Careful, Liam. Lin might try to kidnap you for his own personal chef. You better watch out."

Lin gasped in mock horror. "Why, I would never! But...if you're open to cooking for more than one person..."

Liam shook his head, laughing. "Nice try, Lin. I think I'll stick with just one demanding boss for now, thank you very much."

They continued eating, the room filled with the comforting sounds of laughter and clinking utensils. As the meal progressed, Shan and Lin's spirits lifted, their hangovers fading into a distant memory thanks to Liam's culinary skills.

"Seriously, though," Lin said between bites of rice, "this is the best hangover cure I've ever had. You're a genius, Liam. I feel like I could conquer the world now—or at least the rest of the day."

Shan nodded in agreement, his smile wide and genuine. "Yeah, Liam. You really saved us this morning. I don't know what we would've done without you."

Liam shrugged modestly, though he was clearly pleased with the praise. "Just doing my job, Shan. And making sure you're both well-fed is part of that."

Lin leaned back in his chair, sighing contentedly. "Well, mission accomplished. I'm stuffed and feeling much better. Now, who's up for a little post-breakfast nap?"

Shan laughed, shaking his head. "I think I've had enough sleep for today. How about we go for a walk instead? Fresh air might do us both some good."

Lin groaned playfully but nodded. "Alright, alright. A walk it is. But only if Liam promises to make us lunch when we get back."

Liam rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

As they got up from the table, ready to face the day with renewed energy, Shan couldn't help but feel grateful. With friends like Lin and a guardian like Liam, he was sure that the challenges ahead would be easier to face. Even if those challenges included early-morning phone calls from a scheming grandpa and unexpected bodyguards in his kitchen, he knew he wouldn't have to face them alone.