Chapter Three: Mr Gu

After a serious four-hour meeting at the Gu company, the atmosphere in the conference room was thick with tension. Gu Guangxi, the president, looked displeased, his cold gaze sweeping across the room. "I'll give each department three days to submit their reports," he announced, his voice icy and commanding. "This time, I don't want to see any crappy proposals. The pay is high in this company, and I expect the best from all of you."

As he dismissed the meeting, a collective sigh of relief rippled through the room. Employees exhaled deeply, as if they had been holding their breath for the entire duration. Their new president, nicknamed the Ice King, was known for his stern demeanor and high expectations. The only person seemingly immune to his intimidating presence was his cheerful secretary, who some rumored had been his childhood friend.

Back in his office, Guangxi and his secretary were sifting through files related to the ongoing cooperation between the Lu and Gu companies. Just then, the office phone rang. The secretary picked it up and then turned to look at Guangxi, who was sitting on the sofa, engrossed in the documents. "It's your father," the secretary informed him.

Guangxi raised his head and took the phone. "Greetings, Father," he said, his voice devoid of emotion. Their conversation was terse, consisting mostly of grunts and monosyllabic replies, reflecting their mutual lack of verbosity.

Finally, his father invited him to dinner at the Gu residence. Guangxi agreed with a curt "Okay, see you at dinner. I'll be hanging up now."

His secretary, always one to tease, couldn't resist. "Did I hear you right? Going out for dinner? Who's the lucky girl?"

Guangxi, unfazed, replied casually, "I'm going to the Gu family residence for dinner. Inform the driver."

The secretary, disappointed at the lack of reaction, sighed dramatically. "You know, it wouldn't kill you to smile sometimes!"

Guangxi ignored the comment, his face remaining as impassive as ever.


**At the Gu Residence:**

The Gu estate, nestled in the eastern part of X city, was a serene oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Surrounded by thick trees and shrubs, it had the vibe of a secluded forest retreat. Grandpa Gu had chosen this location for its peace and quiet, a stark contrast to the busy urban life.

In his study, Grandpa Gu was deep in thought, pondering how to broach a delicate subject with his grandson. He knew Guangxi could be a challenge to deal with, but he also knew that the young man always listened to him without question. Determined to make Guangxi understand the importance of what he was about to propose, Grandpa Gu steeled himself for the conversation.

Just then, Guangxi's father walked in, looking concerned. "Father, do you think my son will agree to this? I've never seen him show any interest in romance, and I don't think his type exists. I'm worried he might intimidate little Shan with his cold demeanor."

Grandpa Gu smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. Little Shan is positive and lively. He's perfect for Guangxi. They'll complement each other well."

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. The butler entered to announce, "Young master Guangxi has arrived and is waiting at the dinner table." He then excused himself to ensure the food was being served.

Guangxi stood as his grandfather entered the dining room, a sign of respect that was met with a pleased nod. "Please, sit," Grandpa Gu said warmly. The table was laden with a feast, the aroma of rich dishes filling the room.

As they ate, Guangxi's father busied himself adding vegetables to his father's plate. "Here, eat more. It's good for your health," he said, while Grandpa Gu focused on piling meat and fish onto Guangxi's plate, urging him to eat heartily.

After dinner, Grandpa Gu requested tea and invited Guangxi to join him in the study for a private conversation. The young Alpha, sensing the gravity of the moment, followed his grandfather.

In the study, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. Grandpa Gu took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts. "Guangxi, there's something important we need to discuss," he began, his tone serious yet kind.

Guangxi, ever the composed and stoic figure, nodded for his grandfather to continue.

"You know our families, the Gu and Lu families, have been close for generations," Grandpa Gu said, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Your grandmother and I, along with the Lu family, always dreamed of joining our families in marriage to strengthen our bond. Now, it's time to fulfill that promise."

Guangxi's expression remained unreadable, but he listened attentively.

"We want you to consider a marriage alliance with Lu Shan," Grandpa Gu said, watching his grandson carefully for any reaction. "He's a bright, positive young man, and I believe he would be a wonderful match for you."

Guangxi's cold facade softened slightly, though his eyes remained thoughtful. "I understand, Grandfather. But what if he doesn't agree? I don't want to force anyone into anything."

Grandpa Gu smiled, a twinkle in his eye. "Leave that to me. I have a feeling that once you meet him, you'll find him quite charming. He's not one to be easily intimidated."


**Back at Shan's Apartment:**

Shan, had recovered from his hangover, it was like it never happened now lounging on the couch when Liam, true to his word, started preparing a steak for dinner. The smell of the grill meat and fresh vegetables filled the apartment, and Shan's stomach grumbled in anticipation.

Lin, who had also crashed at Shan's place, dragged himself into the kitchen, looking a bit worse for wear. "Oh dinner Liam, you're a lifesaver," he exclaimed, plopping down at the table.

Liam set three plates of steak nicely arranged with some vegetables by the side, a fresh bottle of wine served with a glass of water for each, and a colorful assortment of stir-fried vegetables with the steak was mouth watering. "Dig in, guys. Dont let it get cold."

Lin took a sip of the his wine after one bit of the juicy steak and let out a dramatic sigh of contentment. "Oh my goodness, this is fantastic! Best steak I have ever had!!!

Shan, trying to stifle a laugh, took a bite of the stir-fried vegetables. "Lin, if you keep complimenting him like that, he might actually start charging us for dinner

Liam chuckled, shaking his head. "No need, am your body guard so this is also part of the service your brother hired me for.

They continued their banter, the atmosphere light and filled with laughter. As they finished their meal, Shan felt a wave of gratitude wash over him. With friends like Lin and support from Liam, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, even if they included unexpected dinner invitations and mysterious marriage proposals.