Chapter Four: Birthday

**Back at Shan and Lin's Apartment:**

"Hey, Shan, guess what? Liam and I are planning to go shopping for your grandpa's birthday present. Want to come along?" Lin's voice was filled with excitement. "Trust me, it'll be fun! Besides, you've been working on that project for ages. You need a break, don't you think?"

Shan looked up from his laptop, his eyes tired but intrigued. "Alright, Lin, give me a minute. I'll change into something better."

Lin's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Great! I'll help you pick out an outfit. Hurry up, it's already noon. We don't have much time, and I don't want to be late for dear Grandpa's birthday party. I can't wait to try out some new wine, cocktails, and, of course, scope out the good-looking Alphas!"

A few minutes later, Shan emerged from the bathroom, his hair still damp. He saw a pink hoodie and white trousers laid out on his bed and raised an eyebrow at Lin, clearly puzzled by the choice.

Lin chuckled, understanding Shan's confusion. "Oh, I got that for you as a souvenir from overseas. I saw it at the mall and thought of you. The pink matches your hair and eye color perfectly. Plus, it's still winter, so it'll keep you warm. And let's face it, you look adorable in pink."

Shan sighed, but a small smile tugged at his lips. "Fine, fine. I'll wear it."

Liam drove them in Lin's SUV to a quaint little gift shop known for its unique Western antiques. It was the perfect place to find a gift for Shan's grandpa, a suggestion Liam had made earlier when Lin realized he didn't have a present yet.

Inside the shop, the trio split up to browse. Shan's eyes were drawn to a small ceramic seahorse, no bigger than a keychain. It looked oddly familiar, and a strange sense of déjà vu washed over him. Deciding to buy it, he headed towards the cashier.

As he turned a corner, he collided with something solid, and his body suddenly felt feverish and weak. The man he had bumped into steadied him and asked, "Are you alright?"

Shan, avoiding eye contact, muttered, "I'm fine," and hurried away, feeling dizzy and disoriented. The shop was starting to smell like roses, a scent that made his head spin.

By the time he reached the cashier, Shan was practically dragging his feet. He handed over the seahorse and managed to croak out, "We need to leave, now."

Liam, sensing the urgency, quickly paid for the item, and they left the store.

Once they were back in the car, Lin turned to Shan, concern etched on his face. "Hey, buddy, are you okay? Your scent was all over the place back there. I didn't realize it was you at first, but then I noticed the smell of roses. What's going on?"

Shan remained silent, lost in thought. Years ago, when he was five, a mandatory medical checkup had revealed his second gender. Since then, his family had been overprotective. His mother was often away on business trips, so his father and brother took extra measures to keep him safe. They replaced all the household staff with Betas and some Omegas to ensure his safety during any potential heat episodes. At sixteen, his brother had even assigned shadow bodyguards to watch over him.

Despite all this, Shan had never experienced his first heat. It bothered him occasionally, but his doctor had reassured him it was normal and that he might only experience his heat when he met the right Alpha or his fated mate.

Lin, on the other hand, had started his heat years ago. He had once described it to Shan as excruciating. During his first heat, Lin had been overseas with his mother. Without his medication to suppress the heat, he had nearly lost consciousness from the pain. His mother had returned just in time to help him. Since then, she had been overly cautious, even attempting to set him up with various Alphas, though Lin had always resisted, claiming he already had someone he loved back in X city.

**End of Flashback**

Shan was quiet for the rest of the drive home. Knowing his friend's personality, Lin and Liam didn't push for more information, understanding that Shan wasn't the type to easily share his troubles.

Back at the apartment, Lin couldn't hold back any longer. "So, are we going to the party or not? And are you okay? You seemed really out of it back there."

Shan nodded, forcing a small smile. "I'm fine, Lin. I just hit my head earlier, that's all."


**Later That Evening:**

The trio got ready for the party, although they were running late because of Lin's meticulous attention to his outfit. He changed his clothes more than five times, trying to find the perfect look. Finally, Shan suggested, "You know, gray is my brother's favorite color."

With that in mind, Lin opted for a gray tuxedo, while Shan chose a cream-colored tailored suit. They looked like models straight out of a fashion magazine, their gifts for Grandpa Lu wrapped and ready.

In the car, the mood was a mix of excitement and nervousness. Lin was practically bouncing in his seat, eagerly anticipating the party. "I can't wait to see all the good-looking Alphas and try some new cocktails!"

Shan, on the other hand, was lost in thought, still shaken from his earlier encounter at the gift shop. Liam, ever the vigilant bodyguard, remained focused and alert, his eyes scanning the road ahead.

As they pulled up to the grand Lu residence, the lavish estate was lit up with twinkling lights, and a crowd of well-dressed guests was mingling on the lawn. The sight of the festive atmosphere brought a small smile to Shan's face, though a hint of apprehension lingered in his eyes.


**At the Party:**

The grand hall of the Lu residence was buzzing with activity. Waiters flitted about with trays of champagne, and guests chatted amiably, the air filled with laughter and the soft strains of classical music. Lin was in his element, greeting everyone with a smile and a friendly wink, while Shan hung back, scanning the room nervously.

Just as they entered, a familiar voice called out, "Shan! Lin! Over here!"

It was Shan's brother, Lu Yan, looking dapper in a dark suit. He greeted them with a warm hug, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Glad you could make it. You both look fantastic!"

Lin blushed, mumbling a shy "Thank you," while Shan managed a smile. "Thanks, Yan. We wouldn't miss Grandpa's birthday for the world."

As they made their way through the crowd, Shan's unease grew. The scent of roses was still faintly lingering in his mind, a reminder of the strange encounter at the gift shop. He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just begun.

Suddenly, the crowd parted, and Shan found himself face-to-face with the last person he expected to see: Gu Guangxi. The tall, imposing Alpha was talking to some guests but turned to look at Shan, his icy gaze softening slightly.

Guangxi's eyes flickered with recognition, and a small, almost imperceptible smile played at the corners of his mouth. "Shan, it's good to see you here," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle.

Shan's heart skipped a beat. This was the man he had bumped into at the gift shop, the one who had made him feel feverish and disoriented. The scent of roses seemed to grow stronger, wrapping around him like a comforting, yet confusing, embrace.

"Uh, hi," Shan stammered, feeling a rush of heat in his cheeks.

Lin, ever the social butterfly, jumped in, flashing a bright smile at Guangxi. "Hello! I'm Lin. Shan's best friend. You must be Gu Guangxi, right? I've heard so much about you."

Guangxi nodded, his gaze never leaving Shan's face. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lin. And yes, I am Gu Guangxi."

The atmosphere around them seemed to shift, the air crackling with unspoken tension. Shan's mind was a whirlwind of emotions, torn between curiosity and the strange, compelling pull he felt towards Guangxi.

As the party continued around them, Shan couldn't help but wonder if this unexpected meeting was a coincidence or fate's way of setting something in motion. Whatever it was, one thing was clear: his life was about to change in ways he couldn't even begin to imagine.