Chapter Five: The marriage proposal

**Arriving at the Party:**

The grand entrance of the Lu residence was a dazzling spectacle. Fairy lights hung from the trees, casting a warm glow over the elegant guests who mingled on the sprawling lawn. Shan, Liam, and Lin navigated through the crowd, their eyes searching for the host of the evening, Grandpa Lu.

Seated regally in a grand chair, Grandpa Lu was the epitome of joy, greeting each guest with a warm smile. Two young maids stood beside him, gracefully collecting gifts and placing them on a lavishly decorated gift table. As soon as he spotted his grandson, Grandpa Lu's face lit up. Shan, dressed in a finely tailored cream suit, his innocent smile reaching his sparkling eyes, approached his grandfather, flanked by Liam and Lin.

"Happy birthday, Grandpa! You're looking as spry as ever," Shan said, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Grandpa Lu laughed heartily at Shan's playful compliment. Lin, ever respectful, bowed slightly, a fond smile on his face. Grandpa Lu had always been kind to Lin, once joking that he would make a perfect bride for his grandson, Lu Yan. Little did Grandpa know how deeply those words had impacted the young Omega, planting the seeds of a hopeful, yet one-sided, affection.

Noticing Lin's wandering eyes, Grandpa Lu's gaze softened. "Little Lin, why don't you go and greet your big brother, Yan? He's been here for a while now. I want to have a word with Shan."

Blushing furiously, Lin nodded. "O-okay, Grandpa." He hurried off, embarrassed that the old man had caught him searching for Lu Yan, the man of his dreams.of course he greeted Lu Yang ealier on arrival but he didn't get a chance to start a conversation with the alpha. As he approached, he saw Lu Yang surrounded by people, effortlessly commanding their attention with his imposing presence and charisma. Lin's heart sank as he watched a beautiful woman in a blue dress engage Lu Yangh in animated conversation, her laughter ringing out like a bell.

Feeling a pang of jealousy and a sudden loss of courage, Lin decided to sit down at a nearby table, sulking. A waiter approached him with a tray of wine. Grabbing two glasses, he downed one in a single gulp, then handed the waiter a five-thousand-dollar tip, mumbling, "Keep them coming." The waiter's eyes widened in surprise and delight at the generous tip from the strikingly handsome young man.

Back with Grandpa Lu, Shan felt the weight of the evening pressing down on him. The festive atmosphere did little to alleviate the sense of foreboding he had carried since his strange encounter earlier in the day.

"Little Shan, do you remember the Gu family's grandson, Gu Guangxi? You two used to play together when you were young," Grandpa Lu said, his tone unusually serious.

Shan's brow furrowed in thought. He had no clear memories of his childhood playmates, but the name was well-known to him. "I know who he is, Grandpa. Everyone does. He's a business tycoon, just like Lu Yang. Why do you ask?"

Even without asking Shan felt there is something going on, earlier on arrival he met the same alpha and now his grandfather is talking about him.

Grandpa Lu looked troubled, a rare sight that made Shan's heart clench with concern. "It's nothing too serious. I just... I have a favor to ask of you, one that means a lot to our family and to me personally. I know you don't have anyone special in your life right now, so I'm hoping you might consider fulfilling a wish of your late grandmother."

Shan's confusion deepened. "Of course, Grandpa. I'll do my best to help. What is it that you need?"

Taking a deep breath, Grandpa Lu finally spoke. "I want you to marry Gu Guangxi. It would mean the world to me to see our families united in a stronger bond before I pass on."

Shan was momentarily speechless, his mind reeling from the unexpected request. Marry Gu Guangxi? The idea seemed preposterous, yet seeing the hope in his grandfather's eyes, he couldn't bring himself to refuse. He forced a smile, masking his inner turmoil. "If it means that much to you, Grandpa, I'll do it. I'll marry Gu Guangxi."

Grandpa Lu beamed, his heart warmed by Shan's willingness to comply. "You always know how to make me smile, little Shan. Thank you."

As their conversation ended, Grandpa Lu returned to his guests, leaving Shan to process the monumental decision he had just agreed to. Needing a moment to collect himself, Shan decided to get a drink. Before he could reach the bar, Liam whispered urgently in his ear, "Lin is drunk and seems to be going into heat."

Alarmed, Shan and Liam made their way to where Lin had been sitting, only to find his seat empty. A faint, intoxicating scent lingered in the air—Lin's scent, unmistakably sweet with a hint of peaches. Panic gripped Shan as he realized Lin was missing.

"Liam, where is he?" Shan asked, his voice trembling with worry.

Liam, always alert, scanned the area. "We need to check the security cameras. Someone said they saw two men in black take him outside, claiming to be his bodyguards."

Shan's heart pounded with fear. They hadn't brought any extra security, and Lin didn't have any bodyguards he wasn't aware of. "Let's hurry," he said, urgency in his voice.

They made their way to the security room, where they reviewed the footage. The sight of two unfamiliar men leading Lin to a black car sent a chill down Shan's spine. The car belonged to one of the largest gangs in X city, known for their ruthless reputation.

As they watched the car speed away, Lu Yan approached them, his usually calm demeanor replaced with concern. "What's going on?" he asked, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"Lin has been kidnapped," Liam replied, his tone grim. "And it looks like the work of the Dragon Syndicate."

Lu Yan's eyes narrowed, his protective instincts kicking in. "We need to act fast. I'll get my team on this immediately."

Shan's mind raced, fear for his friend mingling with the newfound burden of his grandfather's request. He knew they had to save Lin, and fast. But the shadow of Gu Guangxi's unexpected presence and his grandfather's request loomed large, casting a mysterious and uncertain future ahead.


**The Kidnapping Unfolds:**

As Lin was led to the car, his mind hazy from the alcohol, he barely registered the two men guiding him. He thought they were security, there to take him home. But as the car sped away from the party, a sinking feeling set in. The men exchanged looks, their expressions revealing a hidden agenda.

"Where are we going?" Lin asked, his voice slurring slightly.

"Just taking you somewhere safe," one of the men replied, his tone dripping with false reassurance.

Lin's head spun, a mixture of fear and confusion clouding his thoughts. He tried to focus, but the alcohol and the rising heat within him made it difficult to think clearly. The car sped through the dark streets of X city, heading towards an unknown destination.

Back at the Lu residence, Shan and Liam were working frantically to track down the car. Lu Yan, using his connections, had already mobilized a team to search for Lin. The atmosphere was tense, the air thick with worry and anticipation.


**At the Dragon Syndicate's Hideout:**

The car pulled up to a dimly lit warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Lin, now fully aware that something was terribly wrong, tried to protest, but his voice was weak, his body betraying him as the heat began to take over this isn't his usual heat he can't even move, it seemed like he got drugged in his wine, because he was fine his heat isn't supposed to come till after some weeks.

The men dragged him inside, where a group of rough-looking individuals waited. Their leader, a tall, scarred man, stepped forward, eyeing Lin with a predatory gaze. "Well, well, what do we have here? An Omega ripe for the taking."

Lin's heart raced with terror. He knew he had to stay calm, to buy time until anyone could find him, he thought maybe Shan would noticed that he has gone missing, but somehow he felt hopeful that maybe someone will come to his rescue. But soon fear gripped Lin from the leader's words, which filled him with dread, of the reality of his situation.

Meanwhile Lu yang has already traced the warehouse. Lu yang owns a bodyguards and security firm, using one of the capable teams, the track Lin, the team leader request for orders thinking they would be leaving alone but Lu yang said he would come along. After all he gave his little brother his word to bring his friend back.

As they approached, the tension was palpable, each of them prepared for a fight.


**The Rescue:**

Bursting into the hideouts they found the gang members but Lin was no where in sight. The men turned, their eyes narrowing as they saw the intruders. "Who the hell are you?" One of the men snarled.

Without a word, the teamleader lunged at him, his training kicking in as he subdued the man with swift, precise movements. Lu Yan left and the security team fought off the other gang members, their determination fueled by the need to