Chapter 11: Lu Shan’s first date

After closing the door a very handsome man could be seen, walking in calm and steady steps. Even without any facial expression anyone could tell that this man has elegant with the cool and calm persona, this person is none other than Lu yang, the man Xu Lin wished not to see at that moment, mean while on the other hand little Shan was so excited when saw his brother holding his favorite snack, soft buns with chocolate filling, it's even rose scent flavor, his favorite

Oh yan yan am so happy to see you, you got me my favorite snack, no one understand me more than you, Shan excitingly collected the two medium snack boxes from his brother as he opened the first box to have a taste, as the smell of roses assault his nostrils, it brought him great delight, the familiar smell brought back great memories, as he took a bite of the soft bun the chocolate busts into his mouth as different flavors collide with his tongue, Shan gave out sweet Morn sounds while eating, making his brother smile, that was the reaction he expected from the little omega when eating his favorite snack, after Shan was out of his sweet zone he realized that his brother also brought a small basket full of peaches, so he asked "oh yang yang why did you buy a basket of only peaches" why didn't you buy a mixed fruit basket, Lu yang wasn't even paying attention at that moment, he was staring at the omega who was quietly sitting on the bed with his head down, while playing with his fingers, at that moment Lu yang even thought he was cute

Shan loudly clear his hmmmm throat to grab his brother's attention, who seemed not to be listening to him at that moment, Ah ....Lu yang seemed to be short of words even though he was usually a man of few words, and so without thinking much of it, he said they are Lin's favorite fruits so I got it for him... .. wait they are !!! Shan asked now surprise could be seen all over his face, Lu yang couldn't say anything but Lin answered instead; yes peaches are my favorite,

Ahh no wonder you normally smell like peaches, but I thought it was your cologne, Shan is now having a serious face, not believing that was ever something that his brother knows about Lin, and as Lin's best friend doesn't even know that about his own friend

Lin was about to say something to Lu yang when a phone started ringing, Shan apologize saying he will pick the call outside, as he brought out his phone from his purket, he went outside to pick the call

While the two people left inside the room were in awkwardly silent, so Lu yang decided to asked Lin what he wanted to say earlier before the phone rang, Lin seems to be brought out of his daydream, so he lowered his head and said; Thank you for everything, for saving me from wangxi, am sorry for causing you trouble,

Lu yang only smiled and said; trouble you say, he got what he deserves, take care of your self, I will get going now, with that the Alpha stood up and left the room leaving the omega who was thinking at that moment it is for the best if he forget about the Alpha, after all his chances are all limited now

After a short while Shan and Liam came back to the room, and so they left the hospital, on their way home, Lin decided to ask Shan what was troubling him he seemed not himself after the phone call earlier, Shan only replied, "don't worry i just have a date with some Alpha tonight", wait really Lin was now curious to know who the Alpha is, so who is he do I know him, oh of course you do, who doesn't know Gu Guangxi, wait what Lin said I don't understand, how did you get to involved with him, even when we were kids he likes being alone, he is cold and distant with every one, oh yeah that's what I heard too he is not nice at all,

Shan only sigh and after taking a long breath he told Lin about his talk with his grandpa and how he is now engaged to the Alpha, I really don't have much interest in relationships now, but I guess it's worth a shot, Shan looks serious when he looked at Lin while saying "hey why don't you rest up tonight tomorrow we are going to have a great comeback"

At the top of the most expensive hotel, a very beautiful young man is sipping a chocolate milk smoothie while going through his iPad, he seems lost in thought as he casually takes a sip from his smoothie, this has been going on for an hour, Shan looked at the time to see his date has been late for an hour, so he looked at Liam and as if they could communicate telepathically Liam only nodded and brought out his phone and dialed the number of Gu's Secretary, after two rings the line was answered, "hello Liam am sorry you had to call, I was just about to call you but you called first, am sorry my boss is busy he can't make it tonight, but please rest assured that the bill is already taken cared for" and with that the call ended and just then a waiter brought a meal covered saying that his host ordered this for mr Shan, after the waiter left Shan opened the dish only to see a very dark blue orchid, the flower almost looked like its black, the omega only sighed and asked Liam to take him back home, so much for a first date