Chapter 12: the comeback

The next morning, the two omega's woke up ready for the day, each getting ready in his room.

Lin was the first to come out, he was dressed in white fitted jeans with a white top and a nice yellow jacket, he looked so cool like some Korean celebrity, he walked down the stairs in high spirits, seems like today is going to be great.

Liam was already making breakfast when Lin got to the kitchen, the beta greeted him and asked if he would like some pancake, seeing how fluffy the pancakes looked Lin said, "oh that looks great" thanks Liam, by the way do we have juice left? No we don't have any, and before the beta could say anything Lin said ok then I will make some, Lin enjoys cooking its always a stress reliever for him, while Shan enjoys making sophisticated dishes unlike Lin's light dishes that are mostly snack, beverages and some simple breakfast, based on the nature of his eating habits,

Shan walked into the kitchen when Lin was about to put the juice he made that is now inside a transparent glass jug,

Hey guys, morning, seems like I came out late today, anything i could do to help?

Lin said oh morning there pinky, you could just set the table for us, I made peach juice, want some, or would you prefer coffee instead,

Shan smiled hearing the name he was called, it seems like Lin is indeed going to be ok, though sometimes Shan wondered if Lin is actually hurting inside and just trying to be tough on the outside

Shan had coffee with his pancakes, while the two enjoyed theirs with a glass of juice, while eating Lin asked about Shan's date last night but the omega just laughed it off saying nothing much happened, Shan is a type of person who would rather keep secrets than burden others with his problems.

So he changed the topic, hey Lin guess what I contacted our old crew and the producer was more than excited to have us again, he said we should drop by the company any day we are ready to get started!!! So what do you think, as for me don't ask am excited and a little terrified as well

Lin couldn't say anything at the moment, after a minute of silence he finally said, what are we waiting for, it's been a while since I touched a piano though, why don't we drop by at the entertainment company later to show them we are ready to get started

Today they had combined class so they sat down in the same seat during lectures, while the lecture was going on, they remained quiet, except for occasional chats that happens in between the lectures, Lin was sketching on his pad, the painting looks so captivating, something about it shows there is deep meaning to it,

Shan was brought out of his daydream when the lecturer said everyone should join a club in the school, Shan already knows which club he will joining, but as for Lin he doesn't know if the other omega will also be interested in theater arts like him, so he decided to ask Lin during lunch

After their lectures, they went to have lunch, at a small hot pot place, Lin suggested it and they all agreed, haven't not thought of what to eat they easily agreed,

After they were seated, Lin offered to order the food for them, so he excused himself, leaving Shan and Liam seated. Hmmm I don't know what to say but don't you think Lin is accepting everything too soon,??? Shan asked looking all worried, I mean, I will really like him to open up to me you know, and tell me how he feels, just like how it used to be, I can tell he is trying so hard to make things seems like they are normal, but they aren't!!!

After a while Liam finally said something, am sorry you feel that way, I know you want to be there for him at this moment, but I think you should try and understand that, what he is going through right now is not an easy situation and that's why, now more than ever you should be there for him till he is ready to open up.

Lin came back to the table and shortly after he was seated, two waiters brought all the ingredients for their hot pot as ordered, The trio enjoyed their meal while chatting casually from time to time, by two o'clock at noon Liam drove them to bright star entertainment, they had to keep up that dream they started three years ago, and today they are taking a step to something they longed for a long time