.Why did she leave?

Every ten years, a royal ball is held to welcome the kingdom of Xandria's foreign ambassador. In accordance with their requirements, the kingdom of Anthia also gathers 10 young women under the age of twenty for the envoy from Xandria.

These occasions also resemble festivals, which last for at least a week.

And Minella is a candidate for this year's selection.

She was standing confused and uneasy in front of the new maid for the first time when something clicked in her mind and she became even more confused.

'Is this why because I got selected? They are aware of me because I am chosen. This is really strange, and I don't understand how they select candidates or how their process works. I don't believe I've ever been extraordinary.

Wait! I suppose to some extent  i am.. but they are unaware of my  ability and some unidentified disease.

Because i have been hiding them well. 

If don't , then i have been dead long ago.