.Why are you crying

I had  a dream a.. a dream long and vivid ...A dream in which someone crying .. and his grief was deep enough the ocean depth...The dream in which I was held gently .... And I was lying... the embrace was gentle and caring ....The dream was deep enough to be true..Like it's my own..Like seeing my own self...And the touch was quite real. The grief was so overwhelming and sorrow was so grave..

Why are you sad..

The greif was enchroching through my bone bit by bit... Like it was mine own ... 

I kept asking in my dream.. but look like i was not loud enough to be heard...

In that  moment all my inner side was just asking for some way to make it stop... Stop the cry.. stop the pain... But i was helpless... Even though its all emotion running through me wild...i was help less to control it ... And helpless to stop it... 

Why is it that?..

Why it making me uncomfertable?

Why the cry breaking my heart bit by bit..?