.why i am feeling sad?

Love , Hate , lust these are all human desires, sometimes its pretty easy to accept but sometimes pretty hard to witness  pain ,those who bear it's pain and accept it as a fate is the one achieve some meaning in the life but those don't ,looses all the meaning in living the life why does this happens , why ? why these things so complicated? Why i am feeling so much sad all of a sudden like heart broken and betrayed , whats going on ? Why i am feeling this way ? Why it is feeling like shaking like earthquake ?It is so dark in here , where am I ? I can't see anything , it hurts... My heart ... Why sudden pain .. 

"Haiz... we're finally out of the jungle... "You must be having a pleasant ride," he exclaimed in relief as he emerged from the it and looked at her.

" Hello there!" Hey !Hey.."

" Hey.... Are you listening?" he was being ignored by her, despite his sharp audible voice.

Trumpet....Horn...Far .... Outside the forest.