. Do you wanna listen?

The monster in front of her was in confusion to viewing around when she become it's attention.

She was frozen in the moment of awe then all of a sudden she realize.. 

It started moving towards her and it had so many tanticles around it's limb ..

And one of the tanticle reached to her body but out of sudden reflex she dauged it ...

Seeing that the monster become agitated and stated throwing all of its tangible on her..

Once she realize that she started running away from it which was painful for her but she forget it in the moment of heat..

She struggle fully running away from the creature soon she realize it has started following her 

She runs quite a far away from it but it's never stopped her chase ..

Soon after she found something touched her body ..

It was the sting of that creature stuck to her leg..

"Aasaan" she scream out laud..

attempt to escape from that place