. I will see the later, later

Hearing him, she grabbed her head and asked, "what should I do now, I need to return to the palace, but if I don't have the medicine, how am I going to go there, if I go there without the drug, I will change, and they will kill me, I don't care about my death, but they will kill Raina too, I can't jeopardize Raina's life.I can't " tears unintentionally began to roll down her cheeks Her breadth became trapped and began anxiously seeking a solution.

When Mark saw her struggling, he pulled out the map and began speaking hesitantly,"if you allow me to explain, there is a way."

Having heard his remarks brought a spark of optimism to her eyes, and she inquired,"What is it?" In a hurry.

"But it's a little risky, and knowing your state, it's impossible for you," he responded reluctantly.

"Whatever it is, I don't care as long as it gives me a result, I'm willing to do it," she stated sternly and added,"tell me what it is?"