St.Peter's - Part I

I get down to the living room. I'm very surprised to find everyone at the dining table having breakfast together. We never used to do this. My dad and I usually leave in hurry and most of the time we skip breakfast. Mom doesn't mind about it, either.

I try climbing down as slow as possible, but the stairs still creek a lot, attracting everyone's attention. They all turn to look at me and some of them smile & greet, but the girl with two ponytails doesn't.

I know something is off with her. Maybe I should just ignore her from now on.

Aunt Edith comes out with a plate full of toasted bread and she flashes a big smile at my direction.

I feel at ease instantly.

"Good Morning, darling! come on! join us for breakfast", she says dragging a chair out for me to sit.

I sit there near Margaret again. I notice that for some reason, she looks guilty. Is it because of the discussion we had earlier? I moved on from it long ago, why is she still hung up on that?

But that's not important now, my new school is! I remind myself.

I've heard a lot about these town side universities. People are mean, discrimination is high and most of them are dull and stupid. My friends used to share a lot of such stories from their cousins. I can't say I'm not worried.

I try to eat very fast and leave with Margaret and her brother Marcus because as I said earlier, I really don't want to be alone, especially today.

We walk to school since it's only 600 yards from our house. I'm still not introduced to other members of the family, but we'll get to that eventually.

They walk quickly making me literally jog for every step they take. I'm shorter than the average person, which means, this is not new to me.

Margaret is very quiet, so I don't disturb her. I'm usually not a conversation starter.

My eyes wander to the types of houses and small shops in here. They are all much similar to ours with some minor changes in the type of farm they have, or the color of the house. Apart from that, I don't think it'll be any different inside too. The way they grow their own food, including poultry in some houses, makes me wonder.

Actually, if I think about it, this is the best thing that could happen to me. I mean, I've never seen this type of greenery or fresh air or goodness anywhere near my home. It used to be cramped, polluted and depressing. Depressing because of some other reason, but still I stand by the other reasons! My claustrophobic self is so happy that I came here.

I think I'm smiling without realizing it, because Marcus asks me, "Excited about your first day?"

I scoff but quickly pull myself together. "I'm okay..", I say timidly.

I think he's trying to make small talk to evade this unusual silence. I go along with it.

"So, do you have places for shopping here?", I ask him because I don't see any clothing store along the way.

"Yeah, we do.. I'll take you there sometime", he smiles at me sheepishly.

"Sure!", I say. He's sweet since I arrived here, which is a positive sign.

We reach school in another few minutes and Margaret didn't say a word along the entire way. I'm now worried if I've ticked her wrongly in some way. I need to stay in her room and roommates can't fight. It'll be the worst thing ever!

As if reading my thoughts, she turns and smiles at me widely. "So, this is your first day.. Don't be nervous and have fun!", she turns to leave but turns back again, like she forgot to tell me something.

"By the way, please go and meet the dean before you start with classes. Here, take this. I got this token for you yesterday, show it to the person at the reception desk. All the best, Eva!", she says and hands me a small token.

The card looks special somehow. It is black and has the number 2 written on it in gold.

I nod and say my goodbyes to them.

This school is extremely big and not at all how I imagined it. I come across many people along the way and they are way cooler than the people I studied with. It's actually a good thing, but I'm crazy intimidated right now. How can people from a small town be so cool?

But again, my mom always told me not to prejudice blindly. I shouldn't have!

I ask directions and finally reach the Dean's office.


This is the best building in this entire city. It has a majestic golden arch supported by two black pillars on either side. The entrance is so grand. I go inside and there's a man sitting at the reception. He definitely does not look like a secretary. He looks more like a bouncer at a pub.

He is so muscular and handsome with beautiful black eyes and nicely pulled back hair. What is this place, seriously?

I'm so nervous to even approach the guy, so I fidget near the big door and look at him with confused eyes. He is arranging a pile of papers on his desk with utmost concentration. For every move, his biceps bulges over his black shirt. I just stand there and stare at him.

A minute pass and then two.

Finally he sees me. "Good Morning! Come in...", he greets me warmly with a smile and gets up from his chair quickly.

I go and stand opposite to his table awkwardly and hand him the token. He takes a look at it and back at me, and now I see something in his eyes. Probably shock or surprise but whatever was the feeling, he quickly brings back his poker face.

"Just a minute.", he says and takes some time on his computer.