St. Peter's - Part II

I'm nervous as hell.

Up until now, I was confused by the muscular guy at the counter, but the bigger problem is meeting the Dean.

What if he rejects me because I'm from city? I'm not cool like the other students I saw earlier. I'm not even very good at studies. I suck at Math. What if he asks me to solve a problem, or worst, a theorem?

Why did I not ask Margaret about this.


This is exactly why I shouldn't be in my head all the time. Always occupied like some moron and forgetting important stuffs.

"You may go in!", the guy says and comes around the table to guide me through the way.

Oh god! Is he gonna accompany me?

We turn left from there and reach a big door that can fit in a wild elephant. There's a small sign which indicates 'IN' near the doorframe. The door is fully black with a giant golden knob in the middle.

He opens it, to reveal a grand, vast hall and gestures me to step inside.

My stomach churns and growls while my insides are burning hot.

I walk more carefully than ever, because I don't want to fall or get hurt like I always do.

Everything will be fine! I keep repeating to myself, although I'm often forgetting to breathe.

The door closes behind me with a small, almost inaudible thud.

I gulp in panic!

I see a man in black suit, speaking on his phone in the corner and only his back is visible from here.

He has a leab frame and good built unlike the muscular guy from outside. I wait there without making a sound, hoping this would get over as fast as possible. Even if the result is negative and the dean plans on expelling me, I want it to happen soon.

I jam my hands casually inside the jean pockets, to stop them from visibly shivering. I take a quick glance at the ceiling, the golden chandelier, the big wooden table sitting magnificently opposite to me, the all comfy couch behind me and back to the Dean.

He's still on call. Ugh! When will he be back!!

I'm feeling impatient and slightly nauseous due to the anxiety buildup. I close my eyes and start counting to 100.

I let out deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

This is an effective technique taught by my mom whenever I had panic attacks as a kid.

And, as expected, I feel so much lighter than before. I open my eyes with a small smile and a peaceful face.

But, everything I did just now vanished into thin air and I'm suddenly taken aback like I've been stripped and electrocuted.

I stare at a pair of golden eyes glaring at me.

Tall from head to toe, his strong body towers over me, making me feel like a petty insect. He steps closer to me, bringing chills down my spine. A sense of raw masculine aura and sheer animal power surrounds him, wild and intimidating. A strand of black hair falls into his eyes.

I gulp visibly and automatically lower my head in fear.

He's standing very close to me, that I can smell the woody musky odor which is making me giddy. When did he move so close? Last I checked he was in the corner of this room.

All the calmness and composure which I attained a minute ago, is gone completely, and the only feeling that has succeeded to prevail over, is fear and waves and waves of nervousness.

All this while, his gaze is fixed on me and his attention doesn't leave me. His look is so smoldering and intense, it feels like he's reaching out to my soul. I wonder if people can really do that! Because, my soul is answering to him.

The worst thing, inspite of the fact that he's deadly and dangerous, is, I'm so drawn to him. How can someone be so scary and serene at the same time?

His face is chiseled and perfect. I've never ever, ever in my life seen a person like this.

I don't think he's human, because a human can't be this perfect. He must be God's incarnate and that's the only explanation for it.

He is wearing a royal black suit which exactly matches his hair and he's looking down on me like a spirit from heaven. I strongly feel an urge to surrender myself and kneel in front of his strong aura, but I'm frozen and can't move even if I want to.

I close my eyes and try to pull myself back to reality. Am I dreaming with eyes open? I act like I'm in front of a God, what's wrong with me?

I open my eyes and he's still there. I look up at him with difficulty. Now, one of his eyebrows is raised in question.

I breath through my mouth, as my nostrils have stopped working a while ago. And my heartbeat is the only thing, which we both hear in the room.

Finally, I try to get back to reality by putting things into perspective. Didn't I just come here to meet the Dean?

Then.....Oh, my God!!!! Was I just describing the dean as god ?

"What is your name?", he asks me in the most deepest voice ever. The voice rumbles in my chest and reaches deep in my soul.

Did he just speak with me?

An actual word escaped from his thin lips to reach my ears. I must be so blessed.

I forget for a minute how words are formed into a sentence because I'm still just staring at him like a statue.

Wait a minute! What is happening to me!

I've never been like this my entire life.

He let's out a sigh and walks around the wooden desk to sit on a black revolving chair. Now I notice that everything is black, golden, beautiful and scary around here.

Just like him!!

He raises an eyebrow at me, pointing me to the seat in front of him. I act like I'm under a spell.

My body moves automatically to do his bidding and I go take that seat.

He rests his elbows on the table, so elegantly, and leans in towards me. I make myself small in the chair by reflex, and if possible I wish I can bury myself somewhere deep, far away from his sharp gaze.

My heart is pounding like a drum.

"What is your name?", he asks me again.

And I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.