Ryan Wulfric

He asks my name, and it takes so much effort for me to answer.

"I'm, uh.... ah.... Eva.... Brown", I chew and spit out the words one by one. I feel absolutely tongue tied.

What the hell is happening?

My brain says it's not a big deal and to cool down, but my heart is somewhere else entirely.

His gaze is unwavering and I'm not able to look him in the eye for more than two seconds. If I dare look longer than that, I'm scared I'll become his slave forever.

"Eva Brown", he utters my name again and I gulp nervously.

Hearing him say my name in that feral voice, creates an unspeakable terror inside me.

I stare down at my knotted hands like those are the most interesting thing in this world, because I understand finally that his eyes are the ones which are dangerous than anything. If I avoid looking at them directly, I'm good to go.

"Eva, where are you from?", he asks me with a tone filled with curiosity.

"New York..", I reply, still not daring to look at him.

I see his desk and there's a small triangular board of glass, which says, "Ryan Wulfric" in black bold letters. Is that his name?

Ryan Wulfric! Wow, even this person's name sounds dark and scary to me.

"So, why are you here.... Eva?", he asks me slowly, distracting my thoughts.

What do I reply to that? Does he mean, why am I here in this town or this college?

"I.....", I stammer unknowing of the right answer.

"I'm...I'm here to learn...", I say, but then I add, "Sir", because I'm still confused of how to address him.

I can't see his reaction as I'm still facing down, but, I think he's smiling. Why is he smiling all of a sudden

God! When will this end!

I find movement across my hindsight and I suck in a breath urgently. What is he about to do?

Oh my god! Is he coming near me?

My breathing gets ragged in just an instant.

He leans on the desk, just within reach of where I'm sitting, and grips the edge of the desk. His long fingers are tapping on the edge, and my heart beat is getting louder and louder.

This is wrong!! In so many ways!!

I knot and unknot my fingers more vigorously than before, and my legs fidget to the maximum. My breath has quickened already and there's a tingling feel inside my stomach.

He suddenly brings his face closer to mine and my whole body freezes.

"Won't you look at me?", he asks amused, teasing every single word he utters and adds, "Eva", slowly as ever in a menacing tone.

I close my eyes because that's the only way I can regain whatever composure I have left.

I finally open them and look straight up into his golden eyes.

My breath catches in my throat because his face is so close to mine, and I could smell him again. The musky woody odor makes me heady. I'm so drawn to him. But, I somehow manage to stay strong and hold my gaze.

Every single thing about him is overwhelming and intoxicating.

I don't have time to think about anything else, because his lips pull up on one side into a devilish smirk and he says, "You may leave, Eva! Nice meeting you.", and pulls himself off the desk he was leaning in.l

He folds his hands across his broad chest, and calmly looks down at me.

I take that chance and run the hell out of his office. I don't stop until I'm completely out and inside the main entrance.

I hold a stairway railing to catch my breath and come back to Earth.

What the hell was that?

How can somehow have this kind of hold on me?

I shake my head so furiously, but I can't seem to shake off his gaze, and I still feel those intense golden eyes boring down through me like a drill.

I expected a completely different kind of meeting, and this wasn't it. He is the Dean of this college. How can he be so young and scary? I thought I'll be meeting a middle aged bald guy who would give me lectures about being a good student.

But, this!! Oh my god! This was definitely something else.

I never felt someone is so perfect before. I did date guys during high school but ,nothing was this intense.

Wait a minute! Why am I thinking about dating guys now? Ugh!

A bunch of students cut across me on the staircase, which reminds me that I have classes too. I quickly reset myself and climb up the stairs to reach the first class in today's schedule.

I calm myself and push the door open. Some students are already there and the vibe is just like my high school. I feel glad that at least something is familiar and relatable.

I go and take the last empty seat and try to forget the incidents from morning.

I sit comfortably in my seat and drink water. I let out deep breaths like I've just been out of a warzone, which is stupid, because I only met a person.

Well, not just a person. A dangerous, threatening, charming and handsome person whom I immediately fell for! I admonish myself for being this naive and fragile.

This is crazy!! Maybe it's just infatuation, but I hardly think an infatuation could be this intense.

Whatever it is, I will steer clear of him and never ever go near him again.