Night 《Ryan's POV》


"There's something wrong. The boy is now taking her into the forest, my lord....and..... and I'm not able to see them anymore. They just entered a magical circle", Russell rants in a hurry.

I can hear his voice in my mind, very clearly, as both of us are in our wolf forms. Only our wolf can communicate through the minds.

Eva Brown!

The day I laid eyes on her, I knew she was trouble. I was very sure, she was not human. When I first met her, I could sense a completely different energy around her. It's definitely not human but I still can't figure out what she is.

That's why I asked Paul to keep an eye on her. The first time Karla told me about this girl, I honestly didn't think she'd be a threat to Euphoria or the pack. But when we met, my opinion changed.

She had the audacity to look me in the eye. None of the creatures in the magical realm will dare to do that. Even humans who are unaware of who I am, will not. I should say, this girl has courage.

But, contrary to what I thought, she was more nervous than a normal person and had a weak aura surroundeding her, which I still cannot figure out. Because if she's so courageous enough to withstand my gaze, she should be strong. Something does not add up.

Though, needless to say, magical creatures like her are my biggest concern.

They don't listen to anyone and because they're weak, they always need more power. Once they attain it, their thirst never ends. We call them as outliers.

They do not fit in a certain group, because initially they're not sure who they are. And once they fit in, they do everything in their power to become the strongest (the outlier) in that group. Initially, I had the assumption that she knew she was different. But, eventually when I went to the cafeteria, I reconfirmed that she had no idea about herself.

But, my goodness, Russell was sent on tailing the new girl and not Karla. She would've killed the weakling by now. Not that I care in the slightest.

Because, as I rightly predicted, she's trouble.

I race to the woods from school. This familiar trail had been traversed a million times. I don't need to stop for validating my path.

I continue passing through all the houses where our clan lives and enter into the forest. I might be too late to save the new girl, but that's not my concern right now.

I know the only werewolf capable of conjuring a magical circle. It's Samuel!

He's back!

This time, I'm not letting him free. He had managed to outsmart us every time we were onto him. I severed my mental bond with him years ago, the first time he decided to betray us.

Today, I take this path with no emotions whatsoever and promise to Goddess Luna that I'll bring him back to prison, where he rightly belongs.

I pick up my pace and reach Russell's voice. I hear it.

Brutal sounds of bones cracking, twigs snapping due to the pressure, the last breath taken by the weakling.

Samuel is hunting over the weakling in the midst of darkwoods. Without another thought, I pounce on him. This is the final war between us and only one of can emerge out as survivor. I push him too hard and it has created a sudden impact for him to counter. We end up rolling far away from Eva.

I quickly scramble up to position myself and he does the same. He snarls at me maliciously and I bare my teeth, showing him the gruesome death he will die, if he doesn't surrender.

"You are in the middle of my hunt....", he spits.

"You are in the middle of my forest", I growl.

"None of this is yours!"

"Who are you to say that, traitor", I retort and pounce on him again.

I scratch him on the scar in his eye. It was me who had given him that sweet scar first time.

That day when we first fought each other, I had him pinned to the ground. He almost gave up, but when I was about to finally take him to justice, he escaped right under my nose with a distraction. He had always been good at distracting others with magic to get his way.

We circle each other and wait for the right moment to attack. Seconds stretch into minutes.

"Come, fight me like a man, you coward", I yell in frustration. He is stalling for time and I don't understand his reason.

He chuckles sarcastically and says, "You think I'm here for you, My lord?", he mocks me, "I came here for the girl. Finally, my destiny is about to be fulfilled and you're standing in my way"

What destiny? I had never seen him this confident about anything other than our pack.

"Destiny?", I ask suspicious.

"Like I would tell you!"

He jumps on me out of nowhere and lands a punch to my gut. I fly away from him and sprawl on all four paws.

He's watching my every movement when I cough to gather myself up.

"Tell her, bastard! If she needs her parents back alive, she must surrender herself"

With that, he's gone. Just like that!

He was stalling to create a portal. A new trick he had picked up for this time's escape plan.

How did I not see it coming!

I punch the ground in frustration. Samuel will be my lifelong failure. He is my mistake and I need to correct it before my last breath.

Thinking about last breath, I remember Eva and rush to her side. She's not breathing anymore, but she's alive. Her heart is damaged beyond recognition. Maybe Evelyn will have something to help.

I quickly pace back into human, and take her in my arms. So much blood has been lost and she's unconscious, but if we try, she can still be saved.

If Samuel had come for this girl after so many years, then something must be special about her. I need to keep a close eye on her.