
I try seeing what hit the brown wolf, but everything that my eyes can register is darkness. Just a moment ago, I was about to be killed. But now, there's no evidence for that.

I'm lying here alone in the shadows, with nobody to help. Even Margaret doesn't know where I've gone. She might probably assume that I would've gone for a night stroll. Because why else would I be roaming around at midnight?

I'm not ready to die yet. If someone would've asked me about my view on life just a few months ago, I would've said I gave up completely and only awaiting death. But, if that were the case, I wouldn't have come to Euphoria at all. I came here seeking a new life and I ought to get one.

The pain is now reaching my head, I can't take it anymore. I want to give up so badly and surrender to this endless pain in my heart. But I don't want to. What if my family is searching for me? In the small period of my stay in this town, I really liked staying with this beautiful family. They shower love and affection like nobody else. And Margaret! She has really been a nice roommate to me, especially today when we had heart full of fun during shopping.

Of course, God has different ideas about me. I close my eyes in exhaustion. It's getting difficult and difficult to hold up anymore. I think I'm losing consciousness.

Suddenly, I'm standing in a pitch black place. I touch myself, but I seem to be in perfect condition. Neither wounds on my chest, nor blood. I look around this place and this doesn't seem like a room because I don't see a door. There's only darkness surrounded here. I'm stepping on water and my shoes are wet and soggy.

I walk towards a glow and it's taking me somewhere. Suddenly my mom's face comes in my purview. "Mom!", I shout and run near her.

She also has green eyes like mine and freckles spread on her cheeks like breadcrumbs. But, now her features are strained with tiredness and exhaustion, instead of the usual exuberant smile she always portrays. She is completely facing down, breathing through her mouth. Her brown hair is flowing like a cascade in the stream of air blowing on her face. Her eyes are so worn out and she looks sick.

"Mom!", I call her again, but I'm not able to reach. But I can see her very clearly like she's just standing opposite to me.

I adjust my eyes to the darkness and try to go much nearer. I now see dad too. He's standing near mom, but he's also sick. His blond hair and fair skin is dirty like he'd been rolling in the mud. And they both have weak labored breathing, which pains me. Why are they in this condition? They're clearly suffering.

"Dad! Mom!", I yell and cry but they don't react to me. I run to reach them, but no matter how much I run, they go away from me.

"Mom…..", now my desperate cries turn into soft sober. I'm helpless and not sure of what is to be done.

But I'm the only one here. They need help!

I get myself up and run again. I don't care. Even if my knees give out, I will run towards them and reach them. Exhaustion kills me and finally I fall down, not able to achieve what I need.

Ugh!!! I cry in frustration.

"Anybody… please help! They're my parents", I shout at the vast emptiness surrounding us and my voice echoes. What the hell is this place.

Suddenly, a bright light is shown on my parents, putting them into display and I gasp in horror.

They are both been chained and are hanging from a steel bar. That's why they look sick. Now, I run desperately than before. I need to save them. Their hands and legs are fully scratched and stretched because of the chains surrounding their bodies.

"Nooo!!!", I yell at nobody in particular. All I want to do is free them from this menace and protect them. Even though I'm free, why can't I do that.

Tears well in my eyes, forming a pool and I melt on the ground and cry my heart out, but with no use, because I'm still not able to protect them. All of a sudden, a burning sensation spreads through my chest. It initially starts as a small burn, but then develops into something which is raging hot.


I'm shouting but my parents don't react, although they are conscious. Can't they hear me?

Now, I feel the same kind of pain spreading through my head. My brain feels like bursting into pieces. The pain is too sharp and narrow in my head than my chest.

My eyes flutter open on it's own and I see that I'm in a hospital bed with a hippie doing something to me. I don't understand the reason why my parents aren't here. Just a moment ago, I was with them and wanted to save them. They were right in front of me.

I'm not able to move my body anymore. The wounds are back and it pains a lot.

"My lord, she's conscious now", the hippie person says.

She smears honey on my lips, and I automatically lick it with my tongue. It's soothing, making me heady. The more and more honey she applies, the more I swallow it off my lips, because it's so delicious and sweet.

My surroundings or activities don't make sense to me. But I'm in no position to react about it. Once I drink all the honey, my eyes close again although I want to drink more of it.

Only blankness prevails!