Where am I?


This is crazy.

I open my eyes and adjust my vision to the hospital light hanging above my head. Once I start seeing completely well, I notice that it's not just a hospital light, but a fucking chandelier !

Who hung a chandelier this big in an hospital ceiling?

Then, my eyes search through the room and it's not a hospital at all. It's a vast room with antique furniture that costs millions. The room is lavishly furnished with many golden paintings, flower vases and antiquities.

Wow! Where am I?

It looks like a star hotel. I hope I'm still in Euphoria!

I try to sit upright, but it's being highly impossible due to the chest pain. I'm in a white hospital gown and there are multiple stitches across my chest and legs. This is expected provided how I fell unconscious last time. Everything seems like a blur. But, I try hard and recollect the events.

I was almost about to die when that brown wolf tore my heart to pieces yesterday. But, something hit the wolf, and later, I don't know what exactly happened. At one point, I was so out of it that I thought the moon is coming down to save me.

I vaguely remember being carried by someone, but can't really point whom. I was too weak to notice it. Did the person who saved me yesterday, carry me here? Is this possibly their place?

I try to reach my mobile phone, which is on the top of the bedside table nearby, but I fail and mistakenly push the tea coaster off the table. It falls with a big thud.

Urgh! Crap!

"I see you're finally awake!", a deep voice rumbles across the room, bringing all my nerves to attention.

Is there someone else here?

"Hello….... May I know..... um..... who is this, please?", I ask timidly. If this person had saved me yesterday, they would definitely not be bad. So, I should stop being jumpy all the time.

I hear footsteps behind my bed and scrunch my eyes to look up at the person when he finally comes to stand in front of me.

I can't believe my eyes! Am I hallucinating? Maybe the drugs have still not worn off!

Because, it's Ryan Wulfric… the Dean!

What is he doing here?

He's casually dressed in a black cowl neck t-shirt and jean and breathtakingly handsome. His fair chiseled face is very well contrasted by the neatly combed black hair and a single strand falls playfully into his eyes.

My weak heart is threatening to jump out of my chest, just looking at him. He radiates such power that makes me want to worship him!

Everything aside… his eyes! The most powerful eyes which hides many secrets. His magnetic gaze is completely locked on me and he's gauging every single one of my reactions with utmost diligence like a hawk.

I squirm under his scrutiny.

He folds his hands across his vast chest and resembles a Picasso painting of a young King.

Oh my!

Get a grip, Eva! He's also just a person like you. Well, not just a person! The most perfect godlike person who is extremely handsome and perfect. He can make anyone fall right away for him.

I shake my head and chide myself for drooling all over him, just with one look.

"Hello…. Sir… Is this…um…your place? Did you help me yesterday?", I ask shyly.

Every time he's near, words don't come out so easily. I really need to stop fantasizing about him in a wrong way.

He purses his thin lips and nods to my question gracefully.

"Thanks", I say and look down on my hands.

How did he know I was in the woods?

Suddenly, when I least expected it, he leans down on the bed and brings his face closer to mine. I look up at him surprised. If I lift up my head a little more, our lips would touch!

I stop breathing altogether! My nerves are going haywire.

He didn't break the eye contact and says, "I hope you like it here, Eva. You'll be spending a long time!", he stretches the word long so much and smiles cunningly.


I don't understand why he needs me in his place for that long.

He stands back up and looks down on me, "Your cousin is on the way.", he says nonchalantly and leaves the room before my eyes can register it.

Wow! He's so fast…

Every time I'm alone in a room with him, it becomes so intense and my heart almost stops! I still have no idea why he has this effect on me.

He mentioned that my cousin is coming. Is Margaret here? Was she the one who brought the dean to save me yesterday from that brown wolf?

I'm really grateful if she had done that, because I'm so glad that I escaped from that stupid dark magic shit Simon tried to pull on me. I was definitely not ready to die yet.

Uff! I can't believe I fell for it. Hereafter, I'll make sure not to open the window for anyone.

God! I guess Margaret will be so tensed, but thrilled to hear what happened yesterday.

I hear footsteps near the door and first Margaret comes in, dressed in full leather gear with weapons strapped in the harness, and next another person follows behind her dressed the same.

Margaret's hair is let loose along the sides and her dimples are nowhere to be seen because of the serious demeanor she's carrying. I hoped she'd be much more happier to see me alive.

The lady with her is also fully dressed in leather black widow suit, and her hair is completely cut short in a boy cut. She looks at me disgustingly. I can instantly tell that she doesn't like me.

So, I concentrate only on Margaret and both of them enter inside the room and lock it.

Margaret looks at me quizzingly.