Reveal - Part I

I can say that Margaret wants to hug me, but she is refraining herself and standing all too professional. Probably because of the stiff boy cut woman beside her, I'm not too sure why she has come with Margaret anyways. She gives me stink eyes for no reason.

"How are you?", Margaret clears her throat like a signal. I don't know what's the signal is for anyways.

I reply, "I'm fine....", without emotions. What else should I say which can make this situation better? Why is she not excited or happy like she usually is? Is me being back to life not worth smiling? And what is up with the other woman!

I ignore them and try very hard to sit straight, but both of them don't help me and stand like a tree, so I struggle and finally manage to do it on my own. It pains everywhere.


I breathe loudly and look at Margaret who has a constipated look on her face. Something is wrong and she's not her usual self

"Marge, Are you fine? What's going on?", I ask concerned looking between their faces.

"Um.... Eva... actually, I need to tell you a lot of things... but, I don't know how you'll take it", Margaret trails doubtfully.

"Come to the point, weakling", the other woman commands and pushes her forward.

What the fuck!

Weakling? What is that? I feel like I've heard that term somewhere before.

I don't ask anything because I can clearly see Margaret struggling. So, I don't want to be overbearing in front of the mean woman.

"Eva... I don't know how to do this, so let me start from the beginning... you.... um.... you're.... actually not a human.... you are..... ", due to some inhibition Margaret is hesitating and kneeding her hands together. I look at her keenly.

The woman behind her suddenly shoves Margaret aside and walks over near my bed. She hovers over my face like I'm a small insect that she's about to smash. I'm startled and completely taken aback.

She holds me in a death stare, "You...are just a low life..... A blood sucking vampire! If not for my King, you'd be dead by now. Tell me what you saw yesterday and I'll let you live", she spits the words at me with so much hatred. She brings her fingers close to my neck like she wants to crush my throat, until I take my last breath.

"Uh...", I trail with confusion and that's my sole reaction for a long time.

Because....Oh my god!!

Did she just say that I'm a Vampire?? Are vampires even real?

I didn't utter a single word. My mouth is hanging open with my eyes so wide in shock and confusion.

Who is a king? What am I supposed to tell her?

I sit dumb struck for more than a minute, getting a dangerous growl from the mean woman.

"Don't assume you mean anything here, filthy bloodsucker", she roars at me. My brain can't hear a word she utters, because I'm still stuck in the daze of the word vampire.

Margaret rushes in to my aid and she puts herself between me and the other woman, "My lady! As I requested, she's my cousin. Please let me handle this. I will explain her everything. Please spare ten minutes", she sounds almost to the verge of begging.

My lady? What the hell is happening here? This feels like some kind of historical drama!

Only thing is very clear to me, she hates me so much and wants to kill me. But, I swear I've never seen this person in my life. Why is she harboring so much hatred in our first meet?

The girl gives me another death glare and leaves the room with a warning, "You get ten minutes and then I'm coming in"

"Thanks... thanks... my lady", Margaret bows before she leaves the room. She beams with happiness like we've just got our punishments revoked. Who is this lady anyways?

Now, it's only us in this vast room and as I expected, Margaret pounces on me and takes me in a big bear hug.

"Oh my god! you idiot... I was worried sick about you!", she tells with voice full of concern.

I finally feel at ease, because her cute jolly personality is back.

"I'm sorry... that Simon guy took me into the woods...he did some stuff to me and I just acted the way he wanted, I guess... it was so weird... Margaret, really thanks for saving me", I say with gratitude.

"Um... about that... actually... I didn't save you... it was our king... I mean, the Dean, according to you", she blabbers.

Again King? I blink at her in confusion. What are they talking about?

"I'm sorry Eva... I know it's all too sudden for you. But we don't have much time.", before she can continue I chimed in, "Marge, tell me what's going on. Why are you dressed like that? I didn't understand whatever that mean lady told just now. Vampire? Is she kidding me?", I ask.

"Uh.... I can understand that it's all too confusing for you. But, honestly, didn't your parents tell you anything?", she asks surprisingly.

"No... Are they supposed to tell me anything? Marge... What are you saying?", I'm completely at a loss here.

She sighs loud and takes a deep breath.

"Eva... You're not a human... You are a vampire! When you first came here, I knew you weren't human, but didn't know what you were otherwise, plus, I read your mind and knew you had no idea about it either. I don't know how you weren't aware of it all these days. It was a miracle that you were alive for so long just with a human appetite", she says and takes a seat on the bed.

"Human appetite? You read my mind? What the hell, Marge?", I ask violated, "I'm a vampire? Margaret, please tell me how just kidding me.", the reaction on my face is definitely bad because Margaret is just mirroring mine.

"Yes... look at yourself. Yesterday, did you feel like you were dying? Or dead?", she asks.

"Yes... The pain was excruciating and I felt like dying"

"Hm... Actually, the truth is, yesterday you died... and came back to life. That was possible only because you were a vampire.", she explains me, but I'm still at a loss.

"Marge... You got to be kidding me. If I'm a vampire, don't you think I'll know? I mean, as per novels and stories, don't vampires drink blood?", I ask her confused.

"Well, yes. I don't know how you were able to survive only on a human diet for so long. It's surprising for me too. But, yesterday you were revived with blood, otherwise you'd have actually died.", she purses her lips awkwardly.

What !?

"Blood? You mean to say that I drank blood? Well, I didn't. If I had, I would remember it, right? Eww", I'm flustered completely and I can feel my face turning hot with all the blood rush.

Margaret lets out a deep sigh before continuing, "Eva... We don't have much time right now. I'll explain everything to you in detail. Trust me! I'm going on a manhunt with my pack and won't be back for awhile. We need your help. When I'm back, I'll definitely help you. But for now, you must trust me", she says.

I nod quietly, because what else can I do? Maybe she has a point.

"Tell me, what do you want my help with?", I ask patiently.

"Tell me everything that happened yesterday, right when you were in your room till now. Do not leave even a small detail.", she asks me very seriously and sits upright in a listening gesture.