Reveal - Part II

"Okay... Um... Simon took me into the woods... he said he's happy to please his lord or something, so I imagined it was some cult... I didn't know things like that really existed, but the way I was bound to him made me believe it. And then a wolf came... it spoke to Simon... Once I was out of his bound, I started to run and skipped over something and fell.... that's when I got hurt in the knee", I show her the wound and she nods knowingly.

"Then I couldn't run anymore and the wolf found me. It was a brown wolf with one eye... A really scary one. Then, it pounced on me and literally broke my heart with its claw.. see?", I showed her the white taped broken chest of mine.

"I thought I was about to die or dead, but something hit the wolf and then everything became dark...", I finished my monologue when she processed through what I just said.

"Yes and by the way...I saw my parents in a dream before dying.. when I regained consciousness again, someone fed me honey...", I add to my story because the dream definitely looked real and wasn't like the one I usually get when I'm asleep.

"What? Tell me again! About your parents", she asks curiously.

"Um...I saw my parents...In some gutter... fully chained up and sad...They looked really tired and sick. So, I tried to help them but couldn't. I kept running, but I wasn't able to reach them", I answer sadly.

But, for some reason Margaret looks very happy and excited.

"You have no idea what this means! Wow, awesome news, Eva. I'm so happy, at least one of the things is clear now", she tells everything so fast.

I still don't get it. What is so great?

"Eva.... can't you understand this? your parents are still alive and they're trying to communicate with you. With efforts, we can save them", she jumps up in joy.

I again go, "Uh.....", because seriously what is she even talking about?

My parents are alive?

Woah! That's big!

But, there must be some mistake, right?

"Margaret, my parents died in a plane crash. I think you are mistaken here.", I protest against her.

"No, Eva... You had no idea about your identity till now. The vampire in you was completely sleeping, until yesterday. You faced a near death situation and the dormant vampire inside you awoke in order to keep you alive. It happens only for magical creatures and that's why we live longer than mortals. Anyways.... one of the biggest abilities of a vampire is a blood bond. Usually, when you share a blood bond with someone, you will be able to communicate with them. It can be through scenes, pictures or words. Anything!", she paces the room and is way too excited.

"And yesterday... One of your parents communicated with you. They had showed you where they were locked up. They were asking you to save them", she says happily and I can feel it too.

I can understand a little now. But I can't digest that she said I died and came back to life or that I'm a vampire. But, if not, then how can I explain all these weird happenings? If I'm a vampire like she says, then maybe all this is possible. Maybe my parents are alive and they're calling out to me. Oh my god! After a year, I'm getting some hopes. Although, the circumstances are completely unbelievable, do I have any other option?

"Everything is fine. I believe you, Marge. But there's just one problem. I don't know where my parents are. I only saw them hanging somewhere in a really pathetic state. And it looked like a dump", I say sadly.

"Oh....", she sighs disappointed. She is deeply contemplating about something.

"Okay.... Let's not give up, yet. Now that we know you're a vampire, you can get well soon and you won't be weak anymore. So, you'll be able to communicate with them as soon as you become really strong. The blood bond works only when the feeder is strong, Eva. And, I know in this case, you were the feeder as they are captured", she smiles placating herself more than me.

"What's a feeder?", I ask for which she only chuckles in reply. "I'll explain you everything. Have some patience", she says.

I sigh!

She sits on the bed beside me and takes my hand in hers. "Eva.... You must be very careful from now on. Somehow, you ended up dealing with very dangerous people. Always, keep your guard up in here.", she softly touches my hand.

"When can we go home?", I ask.

"Um.... About that.... Everything should be decided by our King. I mean, actually our dean is the king of magical realm. I will tell you all about it. But, only after he decides, we can leave", she bites her lower lip uncertainly.

I nod and slump down on the bed. My eyes feel heavy with sleep. I have so many questions, so many doubts. This is not the time to sleep, but tiredness weighs on my bones heavily and without my knowledge I'm slowly moving towards oblivion.

"Take rest. I'll be back for you!", she smiles and leaves my side. Before she locks the door, she turns with a grin, "We will find your parents, Eva. And another thing, what the healer gave you yesterday wasn't honey, it was blood", she chuckles and locks the door behind.

I chuckle too because this is all too crazy for me to handle right now. One thing is clear from this conversation. My parents are alive and I need to save them. They are trying to communicate with me. As Margaret said, if I become strong, then maybe it'll be easier for me to reach them. I'll do everything at my expense to make that happen.

Mom, Dad, I'm coming for you! That's my last thought before I fall into another deep slumber.