Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 7 ("The Lion")

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#I recommend listening to this song through the chapter I was listening to it while writing and it helped set the mood I was trying to go for#


P.O.V [Fou]

It had finally been 10 years now, Merlin had finished the Libary halfway through Artoria's teaching, He would after this start to prepare to teach Harriet everything that he could, Meanwhile Harriet was learning everything from Saber she could.

This had included all of Her {Class skills} and {Personal skills} the skill she had learned about were,

Magic Resistance [A+]

Riding [B]

Instinct [A++]

Mana Burst [A]

Journey of the Flowers [EX]

Path Where Flowers Fall [A]

Protection of the Ends of the World [A/EX]

Torrent of Light [A+]

Breath of the Red Dragon [EX]

Divinity [???]

Sword of Selection → Holy Sword Creation [EX]

Protection of the Lake → Avalon le Fae [A]

Territory Creation [EX]

One's Own Magic [B]

Fairy Eyes [A]

Dazzling Journey [EX]

Giant Beast Hunt [A]

Sign of the Red Dragon [A]

Supporting Bombardment [EX]

Supporting Bombardment XEX [EX]

Star of Saber [C++]

Galactic Meteor Sword [C]

Galactic Meteor Sword XEX [A]

Altereactor [A]

Mad Enhancement [C]

∞ Black Bean Paste → ∞ Chestnut Paste [EX]

King's Invisible Hand [C]

Instant Shadowless Sword [C+]

Existence Outside the Domain [D]

Cosmo Reactor [B]

Suit Up [EX]

Justice of the Ends of the World [A]

Artoria was very insistent on her learning about all of her {Noble Phantasm's}, That included the weird one's as well,

Avalon [EX]

Excalibur [A++]

Excalibur Morgan [A++]

Excalibur Proto [EX]

Secret-Calibur [A+ - EX]

Rhongomyniad [A++ - EX]

Caliburn [B-B+{A+}]

Invisible air [C]

Around Caliburn → Round of Avalon [A - A++]

#She received all of them in the last year and learned about them then, Also no she doesn't actually have all of this it's just for the meme ill show the STAUS of her next chapter#

&Flash back to the start when Harriet was still first learning&

[Artoria] Harriet, As a new Knight. No, a new King. I know how you feel. You must be frustrated with how defenceless you are, but right now let's keep looking forward.

[Harriet] Thanks... but how am I supposed to get as good as you?

[Artoria] *sighs* I have been through many battles all for my people, and land, I was always fighting for something. Maybe you just need to fight for something as well. Now Practice your sword techniques more, Archer gave you a good base so use it. Also another 5 laps.

[Harriet] *sighs* Yes Saber.

After she was gone I had jumped up onto Saber's shoulder, after which I projected a Pen and paper and started to write

[Saber] Good evening master how are you? (I'm good but... How is she? is she doing good?) She is doing Excellent, For a novice that is at least archer gave her a good base she may not be perfect with her moves, or be able to use Archer's tracing to its full potential with her current body, She is doing good (Thank you for doing this, I know she will need this later on in life, Even if just to protect her, The stupid wizards need her.) I understand, But this "Dumbledore" he may say his actions are for the greater good, But I question if that greater good is for these wizards or for himself. (He was the one to leave her with the Dursleys, I wouldn't be surprised if he came up with a random reason about why. Like for example "It was because he needed to be with someone of Lily's blood to keep her spell of love protection alive.") If we do get to meet this Old wizard and he continues to make trouble for her, I expect you to summon us "Master".

&Flashback End&

After that conversation, I had decided to check my status after all with it being 20 years I should've saved a lot of Gacha rolls up from grinding in ID's

[Fou] System [Status]




{Strength} [B++]

{Endurance} [A++]

{Agility} [A++]

{Mana} [EX]

{Luck} [D++]

{N.P} [E-EX]



Mind's eye (True) [EX]

Projection Magecraft [EX]

Hawkeye [EX]

Circuit Connection [EX]

Magecraft [A++]

Clairvoyance [A++]

ID Create & Exit [?]

Fou's Body & Mind [?]

{Class Skills}

Independent Action [EX]

Magic Resistance [C+++]

Authority of the Beast [?]

Independent Manifestation [?]

{Noble Phantasm}

Unlimited Blade Works (Avalon Version) [EX]


[Fou] System [Gacha]


{Rolls - 25}

{10x Roll}

{5x Roll}

{1x Roll}

{BANNER - Servants [FATE]}

{BANNER - Servants [HP]}

{Please note you could get anything from [Spicy Mapo Tofu] and [Black keys] To [Gate Of Babylon] and [Enuma Elish] have fun!}


[Fou] System use 2 10x Roll


[Spicy Mapo Tofu] 4x Bowl 1-Star

[Black keys] 4x Set of 25 3-Star

{Rhongomyniad (+)} Item [EX]

{Invisibile Air} Skill book [C]

{Clarent} Item [C]

{Clarent Blood Arthur} Item [A+]

{Prydwen} Item [A]

{Secace} Item [A]

{Yamaha V-Max} Item [A]

{Thanks for Rolling enjoy what you have gotten}


#+ means that it includes all versions I'm lazy, But It can change between all the forms#

Needless to say, I didn't need roll any more D+++ luck compared to Archers E is Broken already

Then there was that time she wanted to know what life like a servant was, Saber's Answer was really funny

&Flash back to when she asked&

[Saber] You wanna know what life is like as a Servant? Well, Servants exist to serve their Masters, but I hope we can work together in good faith.

[Harriet] Well... what do you like? if you don't mind me asking that is

[Saber] Something I like... Sorry, I can't think of anything.

[Harriet] Well is there something you Hate? If you cant think of anything you like then surely you must hate something?

[Saber] I can't think of anything I hate... How embarrassing...

[Harriet] I really don't understand you, But that's just part of your charm I guess

&Flash back end&

Halfway through the years while Harriet was outside training Saber came to ask me some questions

&Flash back Part 3:Stardust Crusaders AKA 5 years in Halfway done the 10 years&

[Saber] Master, I was wondering what Caliburn was doing in the stone, and why I can't seem to wield it anymore. (That's because even if it's Caliburn it's not the same, it's a different one meant for Harriet, I was thinking of talking to you about it anyway) Well she has completed both the Education routes I had set for her I have nothing more I can teach her. (Then I think its time for her to pull the sword out I wish for you to present her with that as a test, ger merlin there to try to persuade her not to) But master! Wouldnt that just defeat the purpose of getting the sword? ( Saber I have a copy of all you Noble Phantasms even your "Steel Lion" as well as a book on how to use "Invisible Air", If she doesn't pull out the sword after Merlin Persuaded her not to, is he truly worthy of being you're descendant?) ...I suppose that is correct, But what should I teach her after that if she succeeds? ( She may have been in spars with both you and Archer, But she has no real battle Experience so after she pulls out the sword you and Archer will fight with her, I want you to aim to Maim, but no kill I want you to teach her to be ready at a moment's notice after all, Even in safe territory she needs the training to be able to be ready ASAP)

[Saber] Understood master, I suppose that she will need that if she is to go to war during her school

&Flash back end&

After that conversation, Artoria had gotten Merlin to hide near the sword, while she gave Harriet the location of the sword

&Flash back Part 4:Diamond is Unbreakable&



I was sitting by merlin watching Harriet approach the sword, he had moved behind her leaving me by the tree to watch and listen as they spoke,

[Merlin] It's Better if you think it through before pulling that sword

His playfully yet gentle voice entered her ears

[Harriet] You surprised me, This s the first time we have met no?

She was visibly relieved at the sight of Merlin, she never saw him around the tower or with the other servants

[Merlin] Not to say anything bad about it but it is better if you stop

She was surprised that merlin was trying to get her to stop

[Merlin] After pulling that sword, you will stop being human

He said it as if it was a Stone cold, hard fact

[Merlin] Not only that, you will be hated by all of humanity and you will reach a horrendous death

His tone was that of concern and forewarning.

Harriet stood stunned at what merlin had said, Open and closing her mouth in awe at what he said before

[Harriet] ha... ha..ha Hahahahahahahahaha~!!!

[Merlin] EH!?

Was the started cry of Merlin not in the least expecting her to start laughing, then proceeding to roll in the grass, He continued to hear her laughter that is filled with mockery for a few moments before she calmed down.

She looked back up at Merlin, wiping the tears from her eyes

[Harriet] You... are you an idiot?

Merlin just stood there for a couple of minutes processing what she had said

[Merlin] Now wait... I don't understand why but I have to know why, Are you calling me an Idiot

Hearing that Harriet just looked at him for a couple of seconds before snapping back

[Harriet] I call you an idiot because you're an idiot, Idiot!, Lisen here Merlin, You can't just tell someone that they will stop being 'human' if they pulled a damn sword from the sone got it?

[Merlin] Bu-

[Harriet] Atatatatatatat~? let me finish. You might be implying that because they would become immortal, they would cease to be human when they pulled out the sword? but that's where you are fundamentally wrong merlin.

[Merlin] Bu-

[Harriet] NOPE! I'm not done yet we need to talk about Artoria so Listen to me you, idiot, first, you tell that to a girl who's age is still sensitive to her surroundings naturally she will misunderstand your statement.

Archer and Artoria had joined me by the near the start to listen to Harriet, while she was talking i looked to Artoria smiling at her, She had learn from Artoria tale and what was wrong with what merlin did, While archer just had this proud, smug look on his face with a smirk that she wouldn't become a slave to ideals like he had and wouldn't cast away part of her self like Artoia had.

[Harriet] look what happened, She closed her damn heart and thought of herself as some sort of Martyr.

[Merlin] Bu-

[Harriet] JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME, Second, you already replace her heart with that of a dragon and still look, She grew up as any normal girl would, as it should be. She might not have acted like a girl because of her upbringing but still, she stayed 'human' on the inside. But because of what you had said to her at that moment, she had convinced herself of what an 'ideal king' is in her perspective.

She had stopped for a moment to take a breather after that rant and Merlin rightfully so didn't talk because he feared the consequences of doing so.

[Harriet] Look,m you might have a lot of concern for her, but that's not how you try to 'discourage' or 'encourage' someone

Once she had finished that sentence there was a long pause not comfortable but not uncomfortable but after what felt like hours but was only minutes he responed

[Merlin] So... Your saying it was my fault?

He was actually mad at her for implying that but I don't think she was even with the venom in her tone she wasn't afraid of what he could do to her

[Harriet] yes and no, it's complicated. How did you help her and save her whenever she was in a perilous situation when she was alive?

[Merlin] By either my advice or powers

[Harriet] Then, Praytell, where did such advice and power come from?

immediately after that statement, he realized what she was getting at.

[Merlin] So... I shouldn't have trusted my Visions?

[Harriet] Nope, you just interpreted them wrong

Looking at merlins baffled face I couldn't help but snicker at what she was getting at, he could never understand her properly even if he tried

[Harriet] What I'm getting at, is that you shouldn't have thought of 'literally' trusting your visions and such, I know that your power is to see the 'future' and that is a guaranteed success, but you should first understand it by something that we humans always use.

[Merlin] That that something is...?

[Harriet] Guts.

[Merlin] ...guts?

He had retired because of how baffled he was

[Harriet] Yeah, Guts or how I would put it, basically your gut feeling it is...

She had proceeded to lecture Merlin on what the deeper meaning of guts is and its connection to how a 'human is' for nearly a whole bloody hour!

[Merlin] So what you are basically saying is... I lack the understanding of what a human heart is? You do know I'm half incubus and you now, 1/3rd a succubus?

[Harriet] *sighs* Merlin, I love ya buddy but damn are you stubborn, You still have human blood in your veins. Don't go all edgy on me and be like "I'm a half incubus and just because I have an inhuman part of my body I'm not human" I can write a very long list of people from legends who have a 'Human Heart' even if there biologically not human and is something else.

Looking at merlin who had been sitting on the ground in a seiza without Harriet noticing, She sighed one final time before turning around clasping both her hands on the handle but when she tried to pull it out,

[Merlin] ha... ha..ha Hahahahahahahahaha~!!!

He had suddenly laughed like there was no tomorrow, She stared at his face noticing something odd

[Harriet] So, It seems you really can smile, I know a fake one when I see one I am a master at making fake smiles after all.

[Merlin] I can only remember a few people who reprimanded me in my whole life and somehow, I can't give a valid argument at what you have said.

[Harriet] You may have lived for a long time, But your too afraid to jump into the unknown right?

[Merlin] yes, Maybe I lived and acted like a 'slightly' reasonable incubus that has a friendly look at humanity, But to think I was too afraid to put myself into 'character' as a human, And I call myself a first-rate magus...

[Harriet] Well good for you, And welcome to reality!

[Merlin] Well... somehow instead of getting angry at you I somehow felt refreshed, Is this what they called shedding your skin perhaps? So go ahead pull out that sword I'm sure you would make quite the great king.

Turning around Harriet pulled out the sword "Caliburn" and this is where the real training begins.

&Flash back end&

#Turn the music back to the one at the top "Fate/stay night - Kishi Ou no Hokori [フェイト/ステイナイト - OST]"#

After that Artoria and Archer nearly killed Harriet almost every day this only helped improve her skills further but also taught her how to survive a life and death fight and how to be ready at a moment's notice. She decided to gift her some Wisdom like archer did before she left for merlin

#This video below is the knowledge that she passes on I spent a while trying to think of something when this popped up in my suggestions, so yeah this is the speech he gives Harriet#



#Play the above soundtrack while reading this next Part#

[Artoria] That was a conversation I once had with Iskander, He while in the right is not entirely correct, A king must be both The most selfless for their kingdom while being the Greedyist for their people

[Harriet] Thank you... Saber you have given me a lot to think about

[Artoria] With that wisdom passed onto you, I hope you can use it to better yourself

[Harriet] Thank you I hope we get to spar again another time I'm gonna go to Merlin tomorrow to learn from him as well

Now for a Recap of what She learned, and then her new Status

Year 1-5: How to be a knight/king

Year's 5-10: All of Artoria's skills (Plus all of her other versions skills as well) with battle training on top.

[NEXT TIME ON HALO INF- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]