Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 23 ("Yule Ball / Horcuxes / Muraders")

- Lucius POV Malfoy Manner, December 25th, 1991 9:02 PM -

So far the Yearly ball has gone off without a hitch, Mister fudge hasn't managed to fumble a social Faux pass in the past 2 hours. Draco has successfully climbed the hierarchy of the first-year Slytherin Students.

A quick glance at the grandfather clock on the other side of the Ballroom shows it's 9:03 PM, over 2 hours after the Yule Ball started. This is worrying, I was hoping to get a chance to converse with Heiress Emiya.

Dobby: "E-Excuse me, M-Master M-Malfoy?" I feel a slight tug at my robes as I turn toward the infernal creature, his cowering form shakes as he does his best to hide from the guests.

Lucius: "What is it Dobbby?" My harsh words lick at his fragile heart, he continues to quake in fear at my words.

Dobby: "H-H-Heiress Emyea H-H-Has arrived Sir!" Now that brings a smile to my face for but a second, scowling at dobby once more.

Lucius: "You'll be representing House Malfoy while she is here, you will Introduce her to everyone as she enters the ballroom" The disdain for him in my voice isn't missed at all.

Dobby: "Yes sir!" and with a snap, he's gone.

Turning back to the room I watch as Draco is surrounded by his peers, interacting with them as a pure-blood ought to do.

- 3rd POV -

Everyone had been mingling with each other and enjoying refreshments when the door at the end of the ballroom opened, walking in first was a House Elf who unrolled a scroll and stood to the side.

A quick snap from the elf causes everything to quiet down, attention was drawn and put unto the House Elf as he froze for but a second. Pulling the scroll up he read from it out loud, loud enough for the whole ball to hear.

Dobby: "M-May I have t-the esteemed g-guests' a-a-attention, please? In-introducing to the b-ball, Heiress E-Emeyea-P-Potter-Emrees-Pendr-dragon!"

Murmures broke out through the hall as a young girl walked through the big double doors, A tasteful white dress with long bits of cloth that droops off the arms, A hood pulled down behind her head and a black bodysuit laid beneath with golden lines on its legs, A large purple bit holds both sides of the torso together in front of her chest, the white dress also had a golden trim.

Draco who as part of the host family would welcome the new person did a spit take, as he fell to his knees and held the left part of his chest with a red face. The children nearby all worrying about the Heir of the Malfoy family as he waved them off.

*Click Clack* *Click Clack*

Walking up with his wife Lucius arrives to greet the heiress, His wife gracefully following as her arm links with his. A quick pop sounds out as the doors close and the house elf disappeared, a light clunk sounds through the quiet room as they arrive in front of Heiress Emiya.

Lucius: "Welcome to the annual Yule Ball, Heiress Emiya, He said with a small bow, a pleasant smile on his face.

Harriet: "Thank you for having me, Lord Malfoy" She gave a small bow, as the music kicked back in she continued to converse with the Lord of the House Malfoy. They walked over to the refreshment table as Draco got back up calling over Dobby to clean his mess.

Once her shot greeting to the Lord and Lady of the Malfoy house was over she made her way to intermingle with the fellow kids, Seeing her approach Draco quickly turned to one Blaise Zambini and asked a quick question.

Draco: "Zambini, I need you to be honest with me. Do I look good?"

Blaise looked between her and Draco, looking Draco up and down he clearly saw how he was dressed up in a nice wite-top with a big white Bow-tie, black slacks and dress shoes. His hair was immaculately prepared for the night

Earning an approving nod from Blaise he quickly checks his teeth on the reflective surface of his empty glass, the approaching Click-Clack of her sandals drew ever closer to the small gathering of Pure-blood students.

Harriet: "Sorry I'm late Heir Malfoy, there was a problem at home."

Quickly turning around Draco gave his best "Award-wining" smile but it quickly crumbled into one of puppy love, eliciting a small giggle that just drew him in further.

Blaise: "Sorry if this may be intruding Heiress Emiya, but what could trouble you at home? You are at the top of all of our classes." An intrigued looked -and also a little bit of worry- appeared on his face as he gestured toward Harriet.

Harriet: "Please, call me Harriet I Consider all in Slytherin to be my friends." She giggled yet again as she cover her mouth with her sleeve, her eyes narrowed as she stared down both.

Blaise was put off by how menacing she looked at that moment as a cold sweat slowly went down his back, Only Draco appeared to not notice it in his infatuation. Shortly after though Draco who had got his shit together noticed a small crucial detail, one so minor yet so huge.

Draco: "Harriet, I always see you travel with your Pet... Where is it?" He questioned pointing to her should where the creature could normally be found.

Harriet: "Oh, Fou? You don't have to worry about him he's very lazy when he's not interested in something." She turned her head away to look at the house elf bringing a tray of drink by them, she quietly thanked the elf as it left, causing it to pause for but a moment and nod its head towards her. That went unnoticed via Illusions.

Harriet: "Besides, he's off on an adventure right now."


Fou: "Sneaking. Sneaking. Sneaking. Sneaking."

Wandering through the Malfoy estate, Fou is looking for one specific item as he wandered the halls, passing through the magical protections without setting them off as he was astralized.

Walking through a wall he comes to a Study, on which contains a book with a nasty black soul taint under the floor. Walking above it he phases through the floor and down as he comes face-to-face with a simple black book that has golden corner species.

Encasing it in a bubble of mana he scans it and creates a replica, tapping the bubble the original disappears leaving the Copy in its place. Exiting from the cubby space he leaves just in time as Lucius burst into the room wand first and scans around.

Lucius Walks over to the floor and taps a couple of times with his wand as the floor opens, seeing the book there he casts several diagnostic spells which all came back true. He sighs in relief as he closes the floor back up and walks to a side cabinet opening it up and bringing out a nice bottle of Firewiskey.

Meanwhile Fou leaves as the Malfoy lord indulges in a little drinking, meeting back up with Harriet he jumps into her lowered hood as he stretches and falls asleep until it's time to leave.


The cold wind howled in the middle of the night, the snow covered the ground as the crunch of footsteps could be heard walking down the dirt path. Those in their homes overlooked by the large Riddel family manor fast asleep in Little Hangleton.

The forest devoid of any leaves as they creaked and swayed to the tune of the wind, the eerie sounds caused many to stay away. The large riddle manor had been long since abandoned by all but its gardener as it changed between many hands over the years.

Walking along the outskirts of Little Hangleton was a small creature, its white fur blended into the surroundings as the small holes of its paws were quickly filled by the snow falling. The whistle of the wind mixed with the creaking of the trees would put most people off this path.

However, it leads to a place, one just inside the woods on the very outskirts of the village. The path that normally leads to said place leaves many who walk down it ignoring the warning signs usually lose their minds muttering about deformed people and snakes.

However, this creature just walks down the path, ignored by the wards placed here by the mad Gaunt family. Arriving at the end of the dirt path is a worn-out shack that looks abandoned, it was surrounded by trees that partly hid it as nature crawled up the walls.

The shack was small, dilapidated, and thick with filth, poverty-stricken and shabby. A dead snake to the front door of the shack, long since dried out into nothing but a husk and barely hanging on as the test of time took its toll.

The creature just walked through the door like it wasn't even there, the insides were littered with a mass of filth, rusty pots and mouldy food. Walking to the centre the creature started to phase through the floor into a small compartment that looked brand-new.

A ring that was gold and set with a large, black stone, engraved with the sign of the deathly hollows sat on a velvet pillow. The pillow and ring looked brand-new even though they had sat here for many years and best the test of time.

A bubble surrounds it as a copy appears beside it, the white fluffy creature bats at the bubble as it disappeared into the air. Leaving behind the copy of the item the creature phases up through the floor and leaves the shack the way they came with no sign of them being there.


Walking along a sidewalk we join the Fluffy white creature again as he walks down the long street in the middle of the night, sometimes a car goes by but he is otherwise along his path until he stops just outside a building.

Turning towards the door he walks through the door, inside is a pub with a few people drowning their miseries in the alcohol. Walking past everyone the beast maneuvers to the chilly courtyard in the back and meets a dead-end stone wall and just walks through it.

As he arrives on the other side of the wall he comes out into an alley, with shops on both sides closed for the night as he walks down uninterrupted by anything he arrives at an imposing snow-white multistoried marble building located partway down the alley, near an intersection with signs, one saying Diagon Alley and the other Knockturn Alley, that towered over the neighbouring shops.

Trotting up the steps it walks straight past the guards and through the door the creature arrives at what appears to be a bank with long counters stretching along its length each counter occupied with the night shift.

Along the walls were doors leading further into and down inside the bank called Gringrotts, picking a door he walks through and down the hallway that was a big maze. It was like the one that contained the minotaur as he wandered aimlessly through the halls.

Eventually, hours later he finds what appears to be a rail as a cart comes to a stop and a Goblin jumps down from the driver seat, and walks down the halls to its office. Putting a paw onto the cart neon-blue lines go across it as a copy is made behind it, jumping into the driving seat the creature drives it down into the winding depths of the bank.

Minutes, Hours, Days? Who knows how long the creature spent looking for the vault, eventually it arrived at Bellatrix Lestrange's vault it's door was bypassed like all others as the creature entered the room it look upon the shelves holding fake treasures until it landed its eyes upon a small golden cup with two finely wrought handles.

It stared for but a couple of seconds before resuming its walk as light-blue stairs materialized in front of it, walking up said stairs until it was on a light-blue platform standing in front of the cup. Another bubble and copy replacement happened before it just jump upper going through the roof as it ran up and up and up until it reached the surface and ran across the sky with small platforms in place just before it would jump to the next platform.

It ran away from Gringotts across the night sky, leaving behind a fake in that treasury of fakes.


The train ride back to Hogwarts was one met by students with happy smiles and joyous feelings, bright-eyed first-years ready to learn as much as they can while older years dread the tests coming up.

Overall the ride was quiet for Harriet and fou who sat under the cloak of death, in Harriet's hands was a textbook and on her shoulders sleeping soundly like the lazy slothful person he was Fou. The passing students provided a nice background noise that helped to break up the monotonous sound of the train on rails.

And then the year marched on, Ronald Weasley's smear campaign gaining traction in his house from those of his year except for Neville. This led to Harriet never being found in her house as she was only found in the library and in classes and in the great hall at meal times.

However, help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. Something that was true for Harriet as she spent her time in the Room of Requirement, a new house for her as she stayed away from the students that rejected her.

However, she could also be found around the potions classroom when no one else but Snape was there, she sat over a cauldron next to the only person who would tell her more about her mother.

Before she was sitting in the potion's classroom she had gone around to those like Hagrid and McGonagall who talked about her father fondly. And while some also talked about her Mother the most she would hear about her Father disgusted her with how he picked on people like Snape.

But that also led her to learn of the connection between her Mother and Snape, and this led to something that was very unexpected for anyone as she soon spent most of her time listening to snape tell stories of her Mother.

And thus the year continues on with Harriet learning all of the secret pathways able to appear and disappear all across the school unable to be captured as she hid from the Murader's map with her cloak and spells.

That was something that infuriated the Weasly Twins very much indeed, until one day they cornered her alone in a hallway. Something that only happened because she allowed it to happen, and with a smile, she turned around and greeted them.

Harriet: "Gred! Forge! How may I help the newest generation of Pranksters?"

Forge: "How do you do it?" The twin on the left, Fred, asked the "young" first year.

Gred: "How do you get around the castle avoiding everyone?" Gred the twin on the right, Gorge, asked.

Both had tonnes of amusement and wonder as they stared down the first year who looked both ways, she looked them up and down before nodding to herself with a small smile. Looking directly at the one on the left she speaks up.

Harriet: "Alright Fred, You both want answers?" She raised an eyebrow as Fou perked up for but a moment before moving down into her ever-present satchel. The twin on the right perked up at that.

George: "I'm Fred, Eazy mistake! But yes we want to know." He smiled mischievously as his brother nodded his head.

Harriet: "Of course George, however, you can't fool me... But that's beside the point, you want my secret?" She gained her own mischievous smile as she put her hands on both of theirs.

Harriet: "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it! Now follow me, my minions!" And with that, she landed backward pulling the boys along with her as she fell through the bricks as they came out into a tunnel she let go and ran.

Both boys dumbfounded quickly chased her, amused at her calling them her minions. Down the tunnel, they sprinted as they took sharp turns left and right jumped over a few holes in the ground and slid down a slide made of stone.

Harriet: "The Murders Room is hidden within the castle of Hogwarts!" She yelled as she ran down the hall, telling the twins of where their destination was.

Eventually, after a couple of minutes of chasing the fickle first year they arrived at the end of the tunnel and broke into a large room, one decorated with many things that would have the worship this place for years.

Standing in the centre of the room, there on the wall behind the girl was a wall was a giant sign.

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs,

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief Makers,

Are proud to present,


The boys stood there in awe as their eyes sweep over the giant sign hanging off the far wall behind Harriet.

Harriet smiled sadly as she looked around the room, it was messy and filthy when she first entered this room on one of her strolls. Something that she rectified immediately, she had since fixed it up.

The room was sectioned off into four spaces, one for each Murader.

Padfoot's had been filled with posters of muggle women scantly dressed and laid out over cars and such, he had muggle motorcycle parts and books about enchanting all over the place now neatly arranged and looking like a Bike-shop with a bookshelf and posters.

Prongs had been filled with stored plans for pranks and pranking items, it had an area designated for hanging out that had a couple of couches chairs and a large table. An area was even sectioned out for making potions.

Moony had a full-on library filled with books and stored ingredients for making potions, there were many old and rare books gifted to Moony that had been kept in this room as was a large study area.

Wormtail's had almost nothing, it was barren at the moment but it was filled with junk and trash most likely stuff that he had kept because he wanted something.

Harriet: "Tell me, Weasly Twins. Do you know who the Muraders really were? The people under the code names?" She stared them down as they gulped feeling the weight behind the sad smile.

The twin's looked at each other for but a second before wiping their heads to Harriet shaking side-to-side as they gave a resounding "No, we don't"

Harriet: "Then let me tell you their names and why they chose their code names. Their nicknames all have something to do with their transformed states. Three of them were Animagus you see? Remus Lupin turns into a werewolf at the full moon thus his name Moony, Peter Pettigrew transforms into a rat, which has a tail that resembles a worm thus his name Wormtail, Sirius Black transforms into a dog, which have padded feet thus his name Padfoot, and James Potter turns into a stag, whose antlers are prongs thus his name Prongs."

Both Weaselys stared at Harriet in awe and worship, as they got on their knees and started bowing up and down with arms out in front of them.

Gorge & Fred: "We're not worthy! We're not worthy!" They chanted on and on only stopped by the burst of laughter coming from Harriet.

Harriet: "Now my minions, do you wanna know why I have called you both here?" She asked with a regal aura.

Gred: "Yes, Lady Murader!" They had gotten up and done one last exaggerated bow as Gred called her a new title.

Forge: "What can we lowly Messers do for the heir of the Muraders?" Gorge now standing on the left said as they raised from their bow.

Harriet: "Well my minions, How would you like to be the next generation of Muraders?" She held her hands out crossing over each other one for each twin.

Gorge & Fred: "Well our lady, we would be overjoyed!" And thus the new generation of Muraders was born, with the first one to transform being Harriet herself a pearl white snake was in front of the twins after the handshake.

Transforming back to Human form she stretches in front of the twins who were in Awe, she turns her back t them and walks further into the room beckoning them to follow behind her.

Harriet: "My code name shall be... Pearl, and from such moment forth when we talk about Muraders you will call me as such."

Gred: "Yes, lady Pearl!" Fred said taking up her left.

Forge: "But what shall we be called?" Gorge quickly follows up on the right.

Harriet: "First, you become Animgus!" she yelled as she jumped into the air and the twins quickly put her on their shoulders as they walked into Moony's library in search of a certain book.

Fou sitting on the ground watches them walk off as he leaves for Prong's couch area.



Word count {3490} exactly,

Major inspiration hit me with a fucking bat and spent most of today writing this.

Have a good day! #