Harry Potter: Books 2 to 3 *SPEED OF NECO ARC*

"Burenyuu~" A Small humanoid cat creature stood in front of a small white beast-like being, ethereal blue arms sprouted from its back as swords appeared in its hands. All around it, swords became real and positioned themselves, ready to fire, at the create that pulled a pipe out of its pocket.

The swords blast forth, going through the body only to be replaced by another sword when the first disappeared behind the creature, as the final blades added away into blue motes the beast stood for a bit watching the cooling corpse in fear.

"Goddamn, that's finally the last one!" The creature exclaimed and lay down on the ground, rolling onto its back it stared at the night sky.

"So, you're probably wondering what's going on, Eh?" It asked to no one in particular...

"Author-Kun! Stop beating around the bush and let's get on with the 'SPEED OF NECO ARC' Speed run!" Fine, you impatient little- "AH-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP! Swear jar if you continue that sentence!" ...

Alright Fou, Keep your secrets. "Did you just make a Lord of the Rings reference?" I can and will put you on blast, I have your Spotify open. "OKAY-OKAY-OKAY! Just, calm down okay Author-Kun!?" You're on thin Ice buddy.

"Anyways, to our dear lovely-" More like criminally insane "-Fate weavers... Really Author-Kun?" Hey, do you want to finish this chapter or not? Get on with it, ya little beast. "Fine, Fine, Welcome to our 1 Million Webnovel Views Special!" Yeah, as of my checking after posting 'Departure' we reached a million views on WN.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" That would be... *Paper Flip* Let's see here... *Paper Flip* "Stop stalling to get more words down! Explain the events that would've happened in years 2 to 3!" Alright, I'm on it, I just have to grab my notes. "You and I both know that's a blatant lie."

"Come along now boys~. Try to keep the 4th wall from cracking TOO much~." Yes, lady Lilith. "Yes Mother"

"NO-" Neo kicks the 4th wall in "-Fuck this wall!" DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO FIX THAT KINDA DAMAGE!? "two fiddy~"

"Get the word count up! Use a lot of fancy words like 'Misconstrued' and give the hungry hungry readers the information they want. Then hold the words ransom and use stones as payment. Evil, right?" Neo planned, rubbing her hands together.

Okay, let's just get this show on the road! Fou, you're on first.

"Hello dear fate weavers, this special episode is dedicated to going over the events that Author Kun wanted to happen" Start talking like your Barney Stinson summarizing 'How I met your Mother' in 60 seconds

"Alright after the explosion I leave and the servants stay to defend the school, The chamber of secrets is opened by Harriet who befriends the snake, cool, she turns the place into a livable habitat for it, awesome, the chamber is just that, a chamber with a place for a giant ass snake.-

"-Draco joins his house team as Speaker and donates Nimbus 2001s to his whole team and in response to make things fair Harriet donates a bunch of 2001s to the school, Colin hung around Harriet like an excitable little puppy.-

"-Harriet Attends the Slytherin Quidditch Practice in the bleachers while reading a book, Ron stirs up trouble and Draco comes to her defence and ends up damaging Ron's wand in an impromptu duel.-

"-Ron was forced to run away with his tail behind his legs, Harriet snapped her book shut and thanked Draco before leaving and the rest of his team called him Whipped when he grabbed his chest.-

"-Went to Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington's death day party, threatened the 'Headless Hunt' got thanked by Nick, Comforted Moaning Myrte and gave her closure before going to bed.-

"-Went to the Quidditch game where the bludger went off field and chased her around the stands until she jumped off the stands and summoned her Yamaha V-Max and flew around on it like a pro until the bludger was promptly dealt with by a parry and slash from her!"

Alright, Alright, *CLING* Alright, Take a break Fou. "Did you just make a Drifter Reference?" ... No? Anyway NEO! Your turn Sister! "You most definitely are referencing the drifter!"

"Bet. So to start my totally tubular summary off, we begin with a duel! A magical duel where Harriet watches Lockfart duel with 'Coulda been yo daddy' Snape and gets beaten like an unwanted redheaded stepchild by the dark arts professor. So Lockshart summons Magikar-uh, Ron and Snape gets Harriet up. And speaking of unwanted redheads... Ron gets waffle-stomped by Harriet, who uses a sword in her right hand and a wand in her left.

Ron, as the comic relief everyone hates, done goofed and summoned a snake, which Harriet managed to catch after it was flung at her. She manages to whisper sweet nothings in its ears and calms it down. All good, right? NOPE! Ron shits the bed and starts calling her a Dark Witch and saying she's using 'The DARK SIDE' for her Doctor Dolittle trick.

Fed up with this beta male simp, Draco the Gigachad decides to open a can of whoop-ass and casts a spell on Ron that makes him throw up sl- Wait what? For real? Hohoh.. I'm stealing THAT idea! -Ahem.. That makes him throw up slugs! Then the Slytherin homies back up Harriet because she speaks in their spirit animal's language.

Then! Like the petty little twat he is, Ron gets a bunch of girls jealous of Harriet and her lineage, drip, looks and weapons. She stays in the Room of Requirements and Snape worries she'll become a shut-in Call of Duty gamer so he asks Archer where to find her.

So Severus 'The Barbell Snape' comes into her special room and convinces Harriet she needs to touch grass and live in Slytherin. She agrees, but only if she can bring her new pet Scungo the Slippery Snake with her. She settles in, surrounded by tiny baby sneks but Fumbledoor whines about it, only to get shut down by 'Swords fo dayssss' Archer, 'Minuuus FIFTY points from Griffindor' Snape and McGonagussy.

Ya boi Neville Longbottom gets a resorting, courtesy of Harriet's own while Harriet gets comfy in Slytherin. Neville gets more confident and stays in Gryffindor while Draco tries his best to up his Rizz game with Harriet. Trying hard in his training with Snape and in potions class to show off. Aww, that's cute~"

Thank you kindly, Sister- "You really like the drifter don't you?" I ain't a dredgen for nothing Brother! "Alright that's it, I'm taking over!" Hey, where do you get off- "For those of you asking about Dobby? He's fine, He may not be free but he's not being abused because Lucius and Narcissa are focused more on their lives than beating up a house elf"

Remember, this isn't the same HP as canon, I may have wanted to stick to events and stuff for canon but I'm branching out. "On a side note, Harriet's feeding Medusa nicely" That is one happy Basilisk.

You know it would be a shame if something happened to this Krusty Krab Small Pizza in my hands... Oops.

As the pizza fell down normal speeds it soon fell into slow motion, before coming to an abrupt stop in the middle of its descent.

Steps closed in a direction where there were various leafless trees, the sound of crushed snow could be heard echoing, a pair of black sneaker-like shoes showed themselves appearing out of the shadows that were created by the dozens of trees.

Fully stepping out, a tall girl wearing a comfy looking large black cloak detailed in yellow looked around, wondering what she was feeling in this place. Messy long brown hair that goes all the way to her thighs with one fringes of white hair and another one colored in black by each of her face's sides.

Glowing slitted yellow eyes watching the scenery and the snowflakes that were visibly stuck in place.

Her attention was finally caught when she gave a brief sniff, seeing why she had come in the mountain, starting to walk towards it with both hands resting inside her clock's pockets.

" Seriously… Why do people like wasting damn food so much?"- Picking a falling Pizza that was still in its box under one hand, while using her free one to take a slice out and immediately eat it in one bite.

" Hmmmm~ Naiushu!"

Finishing her piece she was about to go for another until something caught her eye, at first she thought it was just a fox or cat.

But now looking closer there was a strange hybrid-looking animal with a strange prideful face. Taking another piece and putting it inside her mouth she moved to poke the strange animal's cheeks just to halt her hand and let out a loud sigh.

" Wut a wyeird looking cyat.gulp, It gives off a strangey feeling of power, and seems to be pretty strong compared to everyone around this weak world…. Meh, Better not touch or he'll end up like that door from the city…."

Remembering the door that simply exploded to bits as soon as she touched it, she chooses to take a few steps back while continuously eating. Tilting her head she walked around the animals while jumping small Rabbit hops, finishing the whole pizza once she was in front of him once more, running her hand through her mouth to clean some crumbs that were left, soon after quickly proceeding to crouch down so she could be face to face with it.

Taking a deep breath she slowly lowered her thought speed to a 'normal' level so she could interact with him, slowly noticing his eyes widen at her presence.

Cheekily grinning, she still held the pizza box in one hand spinning it like a basketball, and soon having rested it in the same paws that had dropped it before.

" Boo. "

'Hello, Muun, I was the one that dropped that Krusty Crab Pizza' Looming over her was a non-descript person, there were no details to give, he was as if you gave a white void a black outline and a mouth.

Seeing the thing there she was even more confused, moving her head towards the fluff animal she had thought to drop the pizza and then the floating strange mouth.

Pointing a finger as her other free cleaned some remaining crumbs on her mouth.

" Who are ya? Can't feel any threat coming from you."

'Just a Simple man, Telling Simple Stories, Now would you like to know why I've summoned you and gain more Pizza for it? Hmm~?' He questions as he appeared to lean his head so far to the right he was upside down.

Sharpening her eyes, the slits in her sun-like yellow irises which got even sharper, knuckles cracking as they formed into fists and a small yellow flaming aura appeared around her body.

" So you're the one who opened that rift in my Verse? If you're with those Assholes Ones.... I'mma put a fucking fist in that mouth of yours until I reach the other end... Buuuut ....."

In an instant, all that killing intent fled as she beamed the floating mouth a grin.- " You don't radiate any feeling like being related to them, and I trust me Instincts! Now, tell me more about those Pizzas!"

'Well, In return for doing a simple quick little Re-cap of whats happened so far in a Little story thats been told... I am prepared to give you 3 full Krusty Crab Extra Large Pizzas with 2 of any topping of your choice. Semm Fair~?' He turned his head left until it was back into the normal position, unsettling the small white furry creature that had to watch him do a 360 with his neck.

"Hmmm..." - The Owl girl hummed and choose to play in, she also tuted her head a whole 360, twisting it beyond reason.

" Make it five, I ain't one to say no to free stuff. And if it's to help with this freaky cat, can do." - Beaming the beast a malicious smirk

"Did... She just call me... A freaky cat? Like that 'ma there's a weird cat'"- 'I do believe she did, my Fluffy Fellow. Yes, five seems like an adequate compensation, thank you.' -"I'm going to stab her!" Quickly putting a hand on the swords and firmly pushing them down, the figure looks at the white creature with disappointment 'No, you will not'

Seeing the interaction, Mumei stretches both arms up and yawns resting them behind her neck.

"So wut I'mma supposed to do? I still have my place to take care of ya know... And oh, silhouette'd white dude. At least fucking tell my boss before opening a rip in space close by. We already had a shit ton of problems in the past with them."

Sighing, she was somewhat disappointed it wasn't an enemy so she could kick their ass to a higher dimension

Seeing the interaction, Mumei stretches both arms up and yawns resting them behind her neck.

"So wut I'mma supposed to do? I still have my place to take care of ya know... And oh, silhouette'd white dude. At least fucking tell my boss before opening a rip in space close by. We already had a shit ton of problems in the past with them."

Sighing, she was somewhat disappointed it wasn't a enemy so she could kick their ass to a higher dimension

Giving him an okay sign she eyes the paper.

" Sheesh... A shit ton of stuff..... At least I'm getting something guud in return, so meh why not."

"Ahem..... Kay... Uhhhh....

So this chick called Harriet.... Sounds familiar.... Anyway. She sneaked this Sorting hat out and got the.... Sword of Gryfandor.... Grinfindur.... How the fuck I pronounce this..."

Squeezing her eyes, she taps her finger above the word.


" Yeah.... Thanks there.... At times like this..... I wonder why my genius side doesn't show up...

Back to this stuff now.... The Harriet girl gets the stuff back to some goblins and they were 'thankful' for the rented item being returned.... Really don't get the emphasis there, but it's what's written in here so ...shrugs, It's what it's.

She stayed with some guy called Snape for a bit during the summer but otherwise she would stay safely within her 'Wolf's Den'.... experimenting with potions to try and create a cure for Lycanthropy.... This shit is a Harry Potter Verse ain't it? Was finding the esthetic strange...."

The ends of her mouth curving up, she understood why the people here seemed so weak compared to hers.

" Y'all don't learn how to control Ki, your problem I guess.

Back to this thing again, occasionally Snape was around the help, the Den was becoming more popular for their fashion and drinks compared to the wizarding society, yep, Harry Potter stuff."

Neo was looking for the mythical 5th wall to break

She stops her reading and looks away from the paper, towards the small beast who was just watching her speak and gives him a weirded out look.

" Never knew they had unique cats here, must be stuff from the books or something. Never got go deep in the lore, Dragon Ball had my interest for most part from what I can remember..."

"I want to stab, I would stab you, but he won't let me" the creature fumed 'indeed I will not, carry on, please... And Neo dear, please don't break the 5th wall.' he gave a jovial wave to the Neopolitan-coloured fox girl before resting his hand's fingertip to fingertip in front of him

"I wanna see what's on the other side... Muun! Let's do the fusion dance and break it together after you're done!" Neo asked, raising her fist.

Looking towards the fox girl who was floating looking at seemly nowhere, the Owl cheeky wide grin.

" So you're around here too, that makes it even better! And Hell yeah! Wait for me after I get my prize, and hey White dude. Raise the amount of Pizza If ya will."

Punching her knuckles together, Mumei ignored the loud noises coming from the raging cat.

Soon after her eyes moved eyed away from the fox girl who was also super hyped.

Getting back to reading the paper she kept the open grin as she continued.

" While the Harriet one was working on her 'cure', a copy of the Daily prophet announces Sirus Black's escape, the events regarding Siruis remain the same as before the school year....

I don't understand two shits.... Just gonna keep rolling! Just like Rick!

When the the train gets stopped, Harriet is walking through the crows of her 'children' unbothered as she gets them to go away without the Patronus, Lupin makes note of this, but doesn't comment....

Yawn... The Pizza's Mumei... It's boring... But ya got to get'em.....

Arriving at the school Harriet settles, for another year, Lupin talks to Snape after sorting and dinner about the wolfsbane potion, Snape begins to give him a modicum yof respect....


Hey Neo.... Ya know what 'Modicum' is? I think Kro used that word once... Can't remember what the fuck it meant..."

Stopping reading, Mumei's feathers twitch around into '?', her eyes hovering above, towards the multi-colored Fox girl.

"Uh-huh. Means a small amount basically. Tough it out for the pizzas and the elusive fifth wall!" Neo cheered her on.

Shooting a brief thumbs up, the Owl got back to her reading soon after, knowing she wouldn't remember it. And accepting it.

Eyes now craving every line remaining in the paper she took in a long breathe, and started to speak just a 'little' fast as her voice got an higher pitch.

" Ye, now.... Speedrun time!

During Care of Magical creatures, Harriet pushed Ron out of the way of Buckbeak, he landed on it funny resulting in him breaking a bone or two, but it was fine otherwise as Harriet calmed the Hippogriff down.

Harriet's bogart was of her old child self, Bloodied and Bruised, she gave it a hug and some comfort with sweetness before the boggart rethread into the wardrobe.

During Hogsmeade, Harriet is with Snape delivering the potion for Lupin and status out while Snape himself handed it over, she talked to Snape while both of them wake down the corridor....

Ahhh...exhales..... God, this feels like that time Kro forced me to read a book saying it was manga..... She's the devil...."

Massaging her temples she stretched both arms towards the sky, eyes peeking to the angry fluffy creature and the one holding it in place

" Anyways... Done. Now wut? Hurry up, both my wifes can destroy a frickin' Universe or more so ya know... Don't wanna make them worry or get angry... I told them I was gonna go for a bike ride before coming here...."

"That sounds like a challenge.. Let's go destroy a dark multiverse in DC" Neo, for some reason felt that was some kind of challenge.

'I will raise the Pizza's to 7 for such a job well done.'

Raising an eyebrow, Mumei looked towards Neo while smirking. - " Sure, just got to let the madam's know it... Last time I disappeared without them knowing, I nearly collapsed reality itself... But meh, everyday stuff ya know. "

Shrugging with both arms she threw the paper away now that everything was done, at least what was written.

Eyes now on the one who got her here.

"Hey, white dude... Wait.. that sounds racist as fuck doesn't it?.... Hey, uhh... Blank Dude! Now what?"

'Thank you for a job well done Mumei, You will have your Pizza's dilivered hot and fresh to your home, I hope you throughly enjoy them!' He spoke jovaily as he waved and another crack appeared infront of him. 'Through here and you will get your Pizza's, hopefuly your wife's don't devour them before you. Now Neo, Please stop trying to break the 5th wall? There is nothing there.'

"The readers are..." She looked eerily at.. something.

'Remembered what lady Lilith said? Fate-weavers Neo, Fate Weavers~!' He said streatching the final words as if to make them that much more important

" Ye, there's some stuff there. But the ones I felt while in-between reality couldn't do much to you if you go beyond what they expected." - Once again stretching both arms before resting them behind her neck. Mumei walked towards the crack in space.

Stopping when she got right in front of it, side eying towards the floating Neo.

" Hit me up later for the other stuff,, but tell Omega beforehand entering our verse otherwise the other Pillars might qualify ya as a enemy foxy. Baibai suckers!"

Her tail waving back to them she enters the crack that soon closes behind as she goes through.

'Well, that was lunacy, Mind you it was a good kind of Lunacy!' He spoke as he turned away from the closed crack.

A soft pop echoed out as a smoll, adorable, a FLUFFY kitsune with a great many number of tails appeared on Neo's shoulders. As she looked around in wonder she exclaimed, "Woooow! We're so high up! High everyone! I was wondering where you all disappeared to!"

With a giggle, she continued, "When Big Sister Lilith said you were all talking to some Fate-Weavers, I just HAD to see it for myself!" She stares at everyone who can normally not be seen With a wide smile she excitedly said, "Wow! There are so many! To think they have so much power, but are so weak they could die to choking on a damn co-"

However, before she could finish a sudden cold feeling flowed through everyone, giving them a chill entirely different from the cold air of the mountain. With a look of a child who just got scolded the small fox looked down before saying, "I am sorry, Big Sister Lilith..."

However, it didn't take her long to spring back up in excitement! She quickly stood on top of Neo's head between her ears and proudly proclaimed, "Hello everyone! My name is Tearwyn!"

'Welcome, Lady Tearwyn, What great knowledge will you share with us today I wonder?' the author asked with his hands clasped together in front of him.

With he hands on her hips, chest puffed out she yelled, "I am glad you asked! I am here to say my Sister Artoria will not be able to make it because her and her new lover are busy making babies!!"

'PFT-' "PFT-" AS both the Author and Fou were on the ground coughing their lungs out in pain at the bluntness, Tearwyn stood tall on Neo's head with utmost Pride.

She beamed at everyone beyond sight and yelled out, "YES! Neo here said that there would most likely be some wonderful R34 art abound about their encounter!" She quickly leaned down to one of Neo's ears and whispered to her "What is R34 art?"

'AHHHH-' "AHHHH-" They both continued to writhe on the snow-covered ground in further pain 'NEO WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING HER!?' The author yelled, "YOU SHOULD NOT BE TEACHING TEARWYN THIS STUF!" Fou yelled while flummoxed.

Tearwyn's eyes beam with mischief at Fou's yell "Oh my! You really are FLUFFY arn't you!" With a smoll pop, she appeared next to Fou, and started to snuggle him while petting his soft fur "Yes, you are FLUFFY! Want me to bless you with MORE FLUFF?!"

Fou's eyes started glowing as he Vibrated "YES" as if he was a motivated Vergil.

Tearwyn giggled loudly while her eyes glowed a bright pink. Seconds later, Fou also started to glow pink and the effects of the blessing started to take hold.

Fou's Fur started to fluff out slowly expanding into a giant fluffy ball of magnificently cared-for Fluff like he was a Ducking perfect Pomeranian, he slowly started to float in the air as Kanye West's Wolves intro started playing

Tearwyn cheered loudly "By the power of FLUFF! BE MORE FLUFF!"

Fou continues to ascend into the air higher, Glowing a bright white "Can we get much Higher?" A sing-song voice appeared out of thin Air and a giant metallic hand came over the edge lifting the giant hulking metal chassis of a Vanguard-class Titan from Titanfall 2 over said edge, Fou falls out of the air and onto the ground gracefully as the cock pit opens to a white-haired youth 'Whitley, thank you for making it on such short notice!' the author greeted him

A smoll pop, and Tearwyn appears on top of the Fate-Weavers head "Hey, Fate-Weaver! I know most of us won't remember this, and everything will be stripped when we leave... BUT I DEMAND YOU LET ME BLESS FOU AGAIN EVENTUALLY! He is so FLUFFY PEOPLE WILL DIE!" She waves to everyone "Good-bye!" A final soft pop, and all that was left of the hyperactive kitsune were some Sakura petals floating softly

"Who the hell was -Schnee-? Eh, Eh?" He finger-gunned both Fou and the Author who Face palmed, he was corrupted by Yang. 'Now is not the time for yang kind puns...' He slowly wiped his hand down his face as Neo winked out of existence to follow Tearwyn. "Anyways, Recap right?" He asked while nodding his head, a hand reached into the cockpit before safely putting him on the snow-covered ground 'Yes, whenever you're ready Whitley?'

"Alright so before I forget, I should mention that Harriet at this point has been taking care of Sirius Black in the Shreaking shack after locking him in his Animgus form and has been treating him like a dog… Oof, Man's literally in the dog house ain't he?"

'Ahem, Mr. Schnee?' "Right, Right, Alright sooo… *Flips Page* So Christmas happens but Harriet isn't sent a gift by Black because he's stuck as a dog, Gryffindor wins against Ravenclaw, and the events of 'Chapter 14: Snape's Grudge' isn't a thing.-"

Whitley scratched his head and flipped the page again.

"-Draco, as a result of Training with Archer over the year, is a better seeker than ever and catches the snitch Early on in the Quiditch Finale, Harriet once again passes her year top of the class with O's across the board.-"

"-Harriet Breaks into Ron's dorm Stealing Pettigrew and taking him to the Shrieking Shack, a note left by her tips Lupin to visit that night and he's greeted by the sight of Pettigrew standing over the unconscious bodies of Harriet and Sirius Black.-"

Whitley took a sip of water from a canteen sitting next to him in his Titan.

"-She had specifically positioned things to look like Black had died giving his life to protect her from Pettigrew which causes Lupin to be enraged seeing the blood leaking from the wounds on both Harriet and Sirius that she herself had inflicted.-"

"-immediately Pettigrew's snivelling ass was shaking with fear when he woke up from Harriet's imperious and saw Lupin staring him down with both of Pettigrew's wands, Lupin proceeded to lay into Pettigrew with spell after spell leaving him alive but so restricted he couldn't do anything.-"

"-Lupin immediately calls for back-up with the first on Scene being Snape, who proceeds to kick Pettigrew in the balls as he rushes to fix up Harriet who gave him a wink and a finger on her lips when he covered her from Lupin's sight.-"

"-While Remus is distracted she waves her hand slightly letting Pettigrew grow and taking him back under her control as he steals a wand and escapes, he was spotted doing so just before he finished by Snape from a pointed look behind him by Harriet.-"

"-Pettigrew escapes as Remus and Severus take both Sirius and Harriet back to be cared for, The dementors want to take Sirius's soul as he's being taken but a single look from Harriet who's smiling at them gets them to back off.-"

"-Back at the school Sirius makes an escape, leaving Harriet alone in the Hospital Wing she is shortly joined by a sneaking Malfoy who stutters at watching her look up at to moon and has another SIMP moment.-"

'While yes, he is one, he's at least a good one willing to do what it takes to get with her… Even if it means he has to face Archers Training regiment that he's already barely keeping up with.'

"Still a Simp though, Anyway, before the year's end Harriet takes the Time-Turner from Hermione who is alright with it being taken away from her for her own mental health. She hands it back to McGonagall, which she had expertly swapped out with a fake so she kept the real one.-"

"-Black who's back in human form escaped back to the Shrieking Shack where Buckbeak is waiting for him with a letter, seeing the letter addressed to him, Harriet sends him to her 'Wolf's Den' to wait for her.-"

"-Although on better terms Snape still holds his grudge against Lupin and while he didn't intentionally do it, while on a rant he let Lupin's Lycanthropy slip, and caused Lupin to resign. Harriet wasn't very happy but let it be.-"

"-On the train ride Home Harriet is visited by a Snowy White Owl, taking the letter from it she feeds the Owl some treats while reading. Looking up at the unnamed Owl her other god-father was gifting her she named it Lycoris, after the Lycoris Radiata, the Red Spider Lily.-"

'Bravo! Bravo, Mister Schnee, a wonderfully done part! A shame Artoria Couldn't make this but it has been fun.' The silhouette motioned in a similar way to tip your hat before Whitley left, having run away because of a call the suspiciously made him go red and stammer out that he would be arriving ASAP.

"Well Author-Kun, you got what you wanted. Stop sending me NECO-ARCS YOU DAMN BASTARD!" The Silhouette just chuckled and shook it's head in hummor, 'Very well Fou, I'll stop sending you Neco-Arcs, besides! I fell as though a Fun Year is ahead of you.' He hummed as he walked away, blending into the snow and leaving Fou by Himself.

"Well this has been an experience, Thank you all for tuning in, Primate Murder Through a Multiverse will return. This has been your Gracious Host Fou! Now-"


A green portal opened in front of Fou and out stepped an old man in a white lab coat, he held a portal gun in his hand and burped.

"You know the Drill right?" Fou asked because this wasn't his first redo with another god's champion.

"Yeeup *Burrp*" the old man burped again and pulled out an actually working lightsaber.

"Well FUCK YOU!" Fou shouted as he rushed towards his next Enemy.

And so on he fought, and fought and fought.

Let's close this portal to the fictional world for now, Eh? Fate-weaves? *Wink*

[NEXT TIME ON: BEYBLADE BUR- *AHEM* Uh... Primate Murder Through a Multiverse!]


Alright, let's get this going!

Answer After I finish.

So, you make a deal with a ROB, and this is how things go in return for being their entertainment.

1. You get to enter a world, and you get to take 1 SINGULAR thing to take back with you, What is it?

2. Once you have this item I.E 'A Data Base of all knowledge regarding Cybernetics and the like', you get a year to prepare before you are forced into a second world that's more dangerous or a similar level of danger, in the year you have everything you would ever need to prepare, but you can't make yourself Overpowered or god-like, it wants to see you struggle. What are you preparing with what you have?

3. Once you are done with your prep you are taken to this second world, you may join Either the Heros or Villains who are you joining? You have to make it to the end of the story.

4. After all is said and done, if you don't die by the end, you get to keep everything you got from your First world and prep time (However it's not infinite anymore and you will keep a maximum amount of money just enough that if set up with compound interest you could live off it.) and your spoils of conquest from your second world.

What you doing?

{Word Count 5047}

Major Thank you to My friends Saekokaburagi, Lilith Zenon, and ReyKale for helping me in this story and their writing.

This is my longest chapter which only is mostly thanks to said Friends, This is the 1 Million (Webnovel) View Special Chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it!