I hate Trucks [Prologue]

You know, It's not every day that you die to a god-damn truck.

But when you do get hit by the "Truck-Kun", you get something really special afterwards. "REINCARNATION" The ultimate dream of "Weebs" everywhere just like me, I always wanted to go out this way and honestly.

The way I went out was hilarious, Like I'm standing on the roof of this skyscraper, and he just falls on top of me out of nowhere. There were no clouds, I was just on a break after a couple of hours of Programming the brand new "FATE/TYPE-MOON" game they wanted it done in Java for some stupid reason.

Hi, I'm Kisuke, I work at a game Dev company, We make games for Anime and TV shows I'm 21 and love the fate series. I have average looks I'm not some sort of head-turner, Just average short brown hair that's a bit messy, Not too buff but not too skinny, and the only thing abnormal is my silver eyes. They kinda look like archers from "F/GO" he's my favourite human Character, Favourite Non-human Character is Fou from "F/GO" now, Onto how I died.

"Augh! My head, why was there a tuck falling from the sky with no shadow?" I asked while sitting up and rubbing my head, it felt like I was on a 3-month Bender of drugs and alcohol.

"Sorry about that, you know kids, With their toys always dropping them…" A booming voice said as I got my barrings, a sigh bringing my attention to the golden ball of glowing light in this completely white room, like I was in a FanFic.

"Oh…" I said and trailed off, I stared in awe at the being in front of me before it all clicked in my head.

"So is this the standard I died because of a mistake from something, You're a god / The god, and you're going to compensate me with 3 wishes stuff?" I asked while sitting up criss-cross apple sauce, I tilted my head to the left by my last question.

"Ahh yes, the classical fan fiction start, no?" He asked, I don't know how, but he gave off the impression that he was rolling his hand in a circle while speaking.

"But I digress, the omni-verse is a large and vast place. I'm just one of many gods, and your world falls under my purview." He said, and his ball bounced up and down as if he was excitedly chatting about the day.

"So… Kids, huh?" I asked awkwardly, it wasn't like I was uncomfortable with the idea of kids, I'm great with them, but that doesn't mean I can stand them for more than a couple of hours.

"It was take your kid to work day, he brought his truck, and you know the rest. Now let's move on and get this over with, or I'm going to be in the dog house for the next millennia." He said, and his glowing ball shivered in fear.


"Now I want you to go over things, so we're both happy about this." He said, as he orbited me, we've been walking and talking and discussing everything that I would get.

"Alright, let's do this one more time!" I said, as I started to stretch in place, he had long since replaced my outfit with a more comfortable one.

"I get a system, that I get to design and have administrative privilege over how it looks, and it allows me to travel the multiverse?" I asked, and he did his classical bobbing up and down that told me he was nodding.

"This system will have the following features; Status Window, Inventory Window, Skill List Window, Shop Window, Quest Window and Gacha Window." I closed my eyes and lifted a finger for each feature.

"The Status Window will show me things like my Name, Job, Title and MU's. I don't believe in a health bar that is plain cheating for me to survive on 1 HP," I nodded my head as I continued to speak, "The Inventory is a classic gamer one, and the Shop Window…"

"I believe that's where I should come in," ROB or, as he told me I should call him, Heimdall, said. "Any item you buy from the shop is the original Item, let's say you purchase Excalibur from the Nasuverse, it will be the same sword that Saber wields." He told me as I nodded along, "This Excalibur is now yours, however you would still have to prove your worth."

"Next, the Quest Window, it hands me quests I can accept and reject at my leisure that hold no penalties directly to me if I reject them?" I asked, and with a raised brow to make sure I wouldn't be stiffed by it.

"Correct, and then there's the Gacha, it's quite simple to understand-." He started to speak, but I held a hand up. "I'm going to find out on my own and gamble it, okay, Hoenheim?" I said with a goofy smile, eliciting a bellyful laugh from his as he smiled. "Weather I get the Gate of Babylon or Dobby's sock, it doesn't matter to me!"

"You've made me laugh the most out of every human I've ever interacted with! Lady Lilith would love to meet you." He said, pausing before Hagrid from Harry Potter appeared, saying his classic line of 'I shouldn't have said that, should not have said that.'

"Let's just… move on…" I said, puzzled from the Hagrid who just blinked out of existence.

"Yes, lets. *Cough* *cough* Now, won't you be lonely with no A.I. companion in your system?" He asked, and his ball tilted to the side, showing his curiosity.

"Maybe, Maybe not. I would rather attach myself to a person for the rest of the time that I'm alive and have them be my partner in crime." I idly noted to myself as we continued walking again, well floating in his case.

"Alright, we've finalised your first wish, now what do you want for your second?" He asked, a hit of excitement in his voice as he waited for me to finish my thinking.

"Hmm, you'know what? I've already got the eyes, why not go for the unrestricted power set?" I asked with my cheeky ass smile, "if I've got Archers eyes… Why not go for his power set but fully unrestricted in it?"

The ball had a small hesitant moment before it continued to float next to me, it seemed somewhat dejected. It was mumbling something to itself before sighing. "Alright, Kid, let me guess your third wish is to have Archer's body?"

I stopped in my tacks, I felt a shadow come over my face as I slowly turned to him, "DAGA KOTOWARU!" I said and pointed at him proudly, "FOR MY THIRD AND FINALE WISH, I WANT TO MY BODY TO BE FOU, FROM FATE GRAND ORDER!" I declared loudly, screaming it into the open air as I pointed at him with my right hand.

"Heh, Heh Heh, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" The giant ball laughed loudly at my declaration, he never expected this and was laughing his ass off like he was Light Yagami.


"It's been real, Heimdall, I hope to see you again someday!" I yelled back up to him as my body slowly disintegrated into blue motes of light that faded out of reality.

"Wait!" I screamed once I realised a crucial fact, "I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M GOING!" My consciousness faded before I could hear his answer.

Thus, this was the start of my journey through the multiverse, causing chaos with my dear companion and her antics.

[NEXT TIME ONE DRAG-Ahem* Uh... Primate Murder Through a Multiverse!]