HP: Book 1 Part 3 (Preparations)

We had been wandering through Surrey for the past 2 days, taking what we needed from people if we had to. Numerous times, my ability to astralize like a servant came in handy as I stole ingredients from stores. My inventory was now overflowing with food items as I took from the stock of stores that were franchised like Walmart is.

Harriet, bless her poor soul, continued to push forward to leave the area. We had reached a forest at the end of a second day, where I had started to set up bounded fields around our area to protect us and give us time to prepare for this world.

One to conceal the area from people's eyes, one to make them avoid the area, and one made with the Emiya Family's research on time related magecraft. The time dilation be set to the maximum I could make it, I linked it to my circuits to cover the costs as it seemed to be a never ending well.

We were deep in the forest now, it had taken me a couple of hours to set up the bound field around our new home. Right now, it was just a simple hammock hanging from the tress with flowers under it and a fire-pit that held a pot above.

"It's not much, Fou, but this is something I can call home." She still spoke in the same monotone voice, but that spark of fire in her eyes grew day-by-day that this isn't just a dream she will wake up from. This was her new life, one away from the Dursley's and all they've done to make her life a living hell.

"We've thirty years to prepare for the world out there." I said matter-of-factly as I tended to the pit to get a fire roaring, the simplest application of Time Alter - Double Accel getting the friction needed to spark the fire.

"What do you mean thirty years?" She crouched down next to me as I tended to the fire, growing it bigger and bigger, before she picked up the pot and left to gather some water from the nearby river.

"I've set up a bounded field around our home to keep people out, it also makes so that for every day that passes outside this field… 1 year will pass inside. However, make no mistake, our bodies will age as if we aren't under the effects of the bounded field." I said, putting the pot on some sturdy sticks to set up a spit. Harriet had moved to her hammock to watch the stars hang themselves in the sky, I silently watched her as I tended to the water.

Her hand raised out in front of her to touch the night sky, It stayed there, in the air, for a few moments before she dropped her hand to her chest. She stayed silent as the wind gently swayed her back and forth in the breeze. 

Leaving the water to boil unwatched, I approached a tree and traced a blade to cut it down. The reinforced edge cutting through the thick outer and inner bark in a single swipe. It took no more than a second for it to cut through the Cambium, Sapwood and Heartwood. My eyes roamed back to Harriet as the tree creaked.

The sound of it hitting the ground didn't seem to spur her from her thoughts, nor did the small that started wafting off the ingredients I put into the boiled water and turned into soup. She continued to stay quiet as she rocked back and forth, not bothering to come for dinner.

I dutifully watched over, she looked so peaceful under the moon's light. But it was time to explore the rest of my system, to see what it had to offer to me.


"Skills" The window blinked open for me, with three different categories to explore.


-[Personal Skills]-

-[Class Skills]-

-[Noble Phantasm]-


With each open I knew more and more of what was available to me, I opened a fourth category that was hidden in the Personal Skills.


-[Personal Skills]-

Kaleidoscope: EX

Mind's eye (True): B

Clairvoyance: C+

-[Magecraft: EX]-

Magecraft (Emiya Family Crest): A

Projection Magecraft (Tracing): —

Reinforcement: —

Structural Grasp: —

-[Class Skills]-

Independent Manifestation:A

Magic Resistance: A+

Authority of the Beast: ★

-[Noble Phantasm: E~A+++]-

Unlimited Avalon Works:

Guardian and Guide to the Garden


My eyes roamed up and down as I mentally catalogued them all, I took each one in and thought of the uses I had of them. Kaleidoscope is a True Magic which doesn't explain the - Ah, the Jewelled Sword Zelretch is in my Avalon works, that staff is creating openings into Parallel Worlds! That explains why I have unlimited Magical Energy to use.

Mind's Eye (True) was the same rank as normal Archer's, while Clairvoyance appeared to be the same as No Name's from the Extra/Estella timelines.

Magecraft falls under the Personal Skills section, and I can only assume that it's indented in here for better organization, and its rank is reflective of Kaleidoscope. It would also appear that, unlike the rest of my Magecraft skills, the Emiya Family Crest is rated at A.

And then there were my Class Skills, Independent Manifestation and Authority of the Beast are the standard Beast Class Servant's Class Skills. Though for some reason, I felt as though my Magic Resistance was the exact same as Archetype: Earth.

Authority of the Beast, though? This is where things get interesting, it had a ★ instead of a normal ranking, meaning unlike EX, it couldn't be numerically represented. And thus exceeded the ranking system itself, and if I remembered my Fate lore correctly? I have Comparison, letting me feed off the competition and growth of Humans and their negative feelings toward it, and consequently growing stronger than my Opponents.

And my Noble Phantasm, 'Unlimited Avalon Works: Guardian and Guide to the Garden' I don't know its aria, but it feels… Wrong… Like it's not my Noble Phantasm, yet it still is. It was confusing to me, as my body and mind said it was right, but my soul said it was wrong.

It was while I was contemplating this dilemma that a book dropped in front of me, instantly I pushed away and landed onto a platform of solid Magical energy, creating a dome of swords to protect Harriet and me.

When nothing happened for three minutes, I cautiously let down the barrier and approached the book. After reaching it, I slowly nudged the book open with a sword, the cover opened with no resistance, so I looked inside and read the title that was boldly printed in Comic Sans MS.

'Servant Summoning for Shirou's - By Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg' It even had a small graphic of the old man smiling with his tongue out the side of his mouth and a thumbs up. And I dreaded the fact that the title was printed in a headache inducing front.

Well, I definitely know who's pendant that is now, he would surely be unhappy to see this book.

[NEXT TIME ON THE AVATA- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

Author Note: Time!

Yoooo! So this is the rewritten version, AND I NEED BETA READERS! If anyone wants to help out they can join my discord, https://discord.gg/9274TfZtf9 or https://discord.gg/TxRZ4GAH6r Either or link works.