Brent was the captain of the football team, and he was every girl's dream. They treated him like he was the God of football.
He was tall, muscular, handsome and his dark hair fell over his brow.
You know that motion when you watch the hottest guy on the planet rake his hand through his hair and all the girls look like they simultaneously had wet panties? Yeah, that's the effect he had on me and every other girl in school, I suppose. Sukie thought.
Brent was really sweet too, which was rare considering all the Jocks were cocky bastards.
Sukie always thought Brent would end up with Victoria for some reason. They were Captain of the football team and Head of the Cheer Dance Squad. It was a perfect match. He wasn't her type though.
Vikkie had her eyes on Abel. He was the secret love of her life. Abel was cute, in a dorky way. He was tall, lanky, super smart, and motivated.
Victoria was in love with him her entire high school life, but she never tried to make it into anything other than friendship. She was always afraid that he would run away or just not like her in that way.
You would think that with how outgoing she was, no one could intimidate her as Able did. She was always a little extra too, so it worked for her personality. He brought her balance.
Brent on the other hand had an evil girlfriend since the tenth grade. She ended up cheating on him with her professor early this school year and it broke his heart.
He walked in on them in a classroom. She was bent over in a doggy-style position over the professor’s desk with him behind her.
The strangest thing is that he didn't even get mad. He just walked out and ended it.
He showed no emotion. He didn’t flip out. It was kind of weird. Sukie always felt she would have probably burned the whole place down if that happened to her.
Maybe that's the real reason she didn't really care to take anyone seriously in the dating world. She always kept to herself.
Brent never dated anyone or talked to any girls after the breakup. He kept his smile on. That was his game face, but Sukie could see beyond that. The only girls he ever really spoke to were Sukie and Vikki.
Sukie always assume it was because Vikki was head of the cheer dance team. No matter how many girls asked about him or tried to talk to him, he just smiled and didn't pay them any attention.
There were a couple of school projects Brent and Sukie had worked on together that allowed them to bond a bit, but she could never build up the courage to tell him how she felt about him.
Rejection was not something she was interested in, especially when she was hopelessly in love with him.
Sukie had dreams of taking advantage of Brent's perfect body and making him hers. She knew she had to let those thoughts stay in the dream world unless he miraculously became interested in her.
He was still an amazing friend, regardless of how in love Sukie was with him. So, she was happy with being friends and admiring him without him knowing, until she couldn't anymore.
"Earth to Su! Stop dreaming about Brent. I know you are!" Vikki teased.
Sukie glared at her even more narrow than the last time and threw one of her large makeup brushes at Vikki.
"Hey!" She shouted. "Wait… I'm keeping this brush. It's sooo soft!" She giggled.
"Ok, ok, I will go for 1.5 hours. Not a minute more and I am driving." Sukie said reluctantly
"Ugh! You always have to negotiate, huh?" Vikki said, totally annoyed.
"Yep!" she replied with a smirk.
"Fine 1.5 hours and not a minute more." Vikki agreed in total defeat.
"Deal!" Sukie said.
"Ohhh, I get to dress you up!" She said, with that look like she's a kid in a toy store. "I have the perfect dress. And you have to wear heels!" Vikki smiled with a wicked grin.
“Now, wait just a damn minute! That was not a part of the deal! No! I am not doing it!" Sukie refused.
"Yep! I'm not listening!" Vikki sang with her hands covering her ears.
"Su, Vikki, lunch is ready!" Sukie's mom shouted from downstairs.
"Coming!" They said in unison.
"Hey," Vikki said before we headed downstairs. What's up with the marks on your neck? Did it happen again?" Vikki asked with concern in her voice.
Sukie looked down and couldn't answer. Vikki sighed.
"What are we going to do Su? This isn't right! I asked my grandma about it without telling her it was you and she said some things that might help. Somehow, she knew I was talking to her about you even though I tried to keep that part a secret. The way she spoke creeped me out a little bit. It's like she has some kind of powers or something. We should go see her tomorrow." Vikki encouraged.
"I don't know Vik. I really don't want to bother anyone else with my crazy shit. People look at me differently when they find out what happens to me." Sukie said.
She won't mind Su. Grandma is already a little strange and you're like family to us. She loves you." Vikki said.
Sukie let out a slow, exhausting sigh.
“These negotiations with you are exhausting,” Suki complained, as she spun her chair around again.
"Ok, can we wait until after my birthday? I'm not sure how I will feel about what she says." Sukie negotiated.
"Ok, bet! Vikki agreed. "Did you tell your mom?" "No. I don't talk about it anymore. She thinks I need holy water and a priest. I know she means well. I understand her. I just know I can't depend on her to understand my situation." Sukie said with sadness in her voice.
“We got this!" Vikki said, squeezing Sukie’s hand as they left the bedroom and headed downstairs.
"Oh, you girls look fabulous! Come here, I need pictures!" Sukie’s mom squealed as they made it downstairs to the kitchen.
“Thanks, mom, but do we have to take pictures? Can't we skip the pictures and pretend we took them?" Sukie teased with a grin.
"Thanks, Mrs. Breaker, you know how Su is." Vikki rolled her eyes, as she grabbed Sukie into a headlock to take the first picture.
“This will be our yearbook picture!” She teased.
“Hey, you’re going to mess up my hair,” Sukie complained as Vikki released her.
"Victoria, are you riding with us today, or are your parents back?" Sukie’s mom asked.
"They are on the way back, Mrs. Breaker. I will come with you guys in case they are late." Vikki said.
"No worries, we will leave as soon as you girls are done." Mrs. Breaker said as the girls hurriedly finished their food to head out.