
Graduation was boring of course, with the exception of Abel's Valedictorian speech. He was so good. He made everyone laugh, cry, hope and dream.

Vikki watched in pure admiration of her man that didn't know he was her man. Sukie thought was so cute.

After receiving diplomas, everyone threw their caps in the air, and it was finally over. They were done.

Brent and Abel met up with Vikki and Sukie as soon as the graduation was over. It was amazing how they always found the pair so quickly.

“Perfect! Everyone is here!” Mrs. Breaker said.

“Come on guys, get together for some pictures. You won’t get to relive this moment again.” She said smiling, as tears began to form.

“Aww mom, it’s only graduation. We will all see each other again” Sukie said.

“Sweetie, life has a way of getting very busy, very fast. You have to take advantage of every opportunity to capture your best memories. Now go between Brent and Abel. Vikki, you go next to Able on the other side.” She directed as though she was a true professional.

All Sukie could do is smile and follow her instructions. She was

so cute to her.

Brent put his arm around Sukie’s waist and held her so tightly while posing for the pictures that her breath hitched and her body tingled.

Good lord what is this guy doing to me. Was that intentional? It couldn’t be. Sukie thought.

Her mind was such a treacherous place sometimes. Sukie gathered herself and posed for more pictures. She couldn’t let Brent see her flustered. She needed to stay focused.

After blinding everyone with camera flashes, Mrs. Breaker thanked them all for allowing her to take the photos and started talking to Vikki's parents with Sukie’s dad.

They all looked so happy standing around each other, beaming with pride. Their babies were all grown up and made it through high school.

“So, Sukie…” Brent said, capturing Sukie’s attention.

His voice made her heart flutter as she turned around and stared at him. He stood there, looking at her with the most awkward expression.

His eyes shifted down to look at her feet with the most nervous energy she had ever felt from him. He began to make her feel nervous too. As if just being so close to him didn’t already make her feel nervous.

“What are you doing for your birthday?” Brent asked her as he nervously

combed his fingers through the back of his hair.

Wait, he remembered my birthday? Wow. Sukie thought. She was so surprised, she almost forgot to respond to him.

“Uhm, I really hadn't planned anything. Maybe I will binge watch Twilight or something.” She said.

“Ahh man, that’s such a chick flick. At least try watching Underworld or something.” He laughed.

The laugh seemed to bring him back to his confident self, deflecting from his previous awkward behavior.

“I will have you know, Mr. Brent, that I plan to watch that movie as well. I don’t only watch chick flicks.” Sukie said confidently, as she tilted her head up slightly and narrowed her eyes to glare at him.

“Ok, ok. I was just teasing you, Su. You get a pass since it’s your birthday.” He said as he reached for her hand, mingling his fingers with hers.

Sukie’s body instantly felt warm and craved for more than his hand in hers.

“Well, I got you something. Here.” Brent said, handing Sukie a small box with a beautiful blue bow on it. Blue was her favorite color. Someone was paying attention. She thought.

This was a side of Brent Sukie had never experienced, and she was totally loving it.

“Thank you, Brent. This is very thoughtful of you.” Sukie said, as she felt herself blushing.

“You can't open it until 12:00 a.m.” He said running his fingers through his hair again as his nervousness took over.

“Aww, Brent, you didn't have to get me anything. This is really sweet.” Sukie said as she blushed looking at the gift in her hand.

“I know, I really wanted to. I am going to miss you, Su.” He said, pulling her close in a gentle embrace.

His arms felt so firm and warm. Butterflies tickled her stomach. Sukie had been wanting to feel him this close to her for years.

Why now? Why when we are all about to go our separate ways to find new adventures? This was not fair! She thought.

“I’m going to miss you too Brent,” Sukie whispered in his arms, hoping he wouldn’t let go.

“I hope I see you at the party later. See you soon.” He said as he ran off before she could respond.

He instantly put one of his teammates in a headlock after leaving her.

“Ahhh back to the mindless animalistic behavior of the Jocks.” She whispered.

She still couldn't stop smiling though. She was in a daze in her own little world.

“Oh my gosh, what was that about?” Vikki questioned with a grin on her face, making kissy noises.

“That looked pretty intense. Your face is totally flushed, Su.” She teased.

“Uh, nothing. Brent just gave me a gift.” Sukie said.

“What!” Her eyes widened. “Let me see! Open it!” Vikki said.

“I can't. He said to open it at 12:00.” Sukie replied.

“Ah Maaan. Ok, let’s go get ready. We have to go get your man tonight!” She teased.

“He was just being nice Vikki. We are all going our separate ways now. It’s nothing.” Sukie said plainly. She didn't want to get her hopes up to end up heartbroken.

Brent was just a really nice guy with a huge heart, that got crushed less than a year ago as far as Sukie was concerned.

“Well, we are going to find out tonight.” Vikki winked. “Come on, let’s get out of here. We have a party to get ready for and you have a man to go meet.” She said, grabbing Sukie’s arm and hurrying out of the graduation.