Extraction 40

An uneasy feeling took over me while picking up my mother's phone to call Sukie.

"Hello! Sukie is unavailable at the moment. She probably won't be available again." An unfamiliar voice answered.

"Who the fuck is this?" I did not recognize the voice on the other end. Where was Su and why was this guy answering her phone?

"Oh, I am your worst nightmare. I am guessing this is her boy toy. I must say, Sukie has been quite a pleasure. You will be missing out. Thank you for lending her to us. Adios!"

"What? Wait!" (Click) The phone fell out of my hand as I picked up the nearest thing my hands touched, which was my mother's nightstand and slammed it into the wall destroying it completely as it shattered into pieces on the floor.

Sukie was in trouble and there was nothing I could do about it. I had no idea where she was or who she was with.

Suddenly, the room become very dark. There were hooded figures that I couldn't make out.