
My eyes squinted as they burned and teared at the brightness of the fluorescent lights in the ceiling. Panic suddenly rushed through my body.

I wasn't cold anymore. I didn't feel pain any longer. Was I dead?

There were flowers on a table near my bed. I never wanted to see flowers again. Flashes of my receiving flowers from Izan flashed through my mind followed by images of being tortured by him. I swallowed back bile that forced its way up my throat.

I looked down at my hands and wrists which were wrapped with bandages. An intravenous tube was hooked up to my arm, giving me whatever life it seems I managed to hold onto.


The sound of my mom's voice brought tears to my eyes as she grabbed me, hugging me careful not to hurt me.

"Mom", the words croaked out of my throat.

I didn't want to let her go. I held her tightly until a doctor walked in and interrupted us.