It was a cruel illness that took the life of Song Hai Rong, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty. At his deathbed, he announced the passing of the throne to the crown prince, his Empress and concubines cried loudly by his bedside as the court officials solemnly bow one last time to their Emperor. The palace mourned his passing with great pain as the court prepared the throne for the Crown Prince, Song ZhuangHe. The first born son of the late Emperor Song Hai Rong and Empress Wu Ru Yi.
As it was during a period of famine that the decree was rolled out, it led to angry and rising opposition in the Song Dynasty. There were certain fractions that despised the royal family as they were suffering while the royal family seemed to live on with great ease. With the aid of the 2nd prince Song Ming He who was born to Consort Hua, rebels begin rising in numbers as they plot against the Crown Prince as they planned to overthrow Zhuang He and let Ming He take the throne for himself.
Whispers of the rebellion reached the ears of the Empress Wu RuYi. Having been in the palace for most of her life, she knew that there was nothing she could do as most of the officials were afraid of Consort Hua and her family. With the help of her trusted ladies and knowing that there was only a week left before the crown prince's coronation, Empress Ru Yi desperately reached out to enlist the help of the powerful Han Emperor.
The rebels stormed into the palace on the night of the coronation as expected, unknown to them that the Han Emperor had sent forth help. With the help of the Han Emperor, numerous rebels were annihilated in a clashing bloodbath that lasted until dawn. As dawn peaked, the victorious new Emperor stood at the top of the stairs, with his sword, covered in blood as he exhales in frustration at losing so many of his people.
He stormed into Consort Hua's palace bearing the head of his second brother and announcing a decree to have her entire family disposed of as they had committed a huge crime, treason. The guards dragged away the screaming and cussing Consort Hua who was screaming in pain at the loss of her son. they threw her into the cold palace, awaiting execution. Unable to face the reality of it all as she cried over her son's death, Consort Hua hung herself. All this while the remaining few who had managed to escape the rampage of the new Emperor retreated into the darkness, injured, angry, and biding their time.
In return, as a gesture of peace between the two kingdoms who had vowed to help each other in times of need, the new Emperor, Song ZhuangHe took the hand of the third princess of the Han Dynasty, Han SoHye. This arrangement worked out wonderfully as together they rose as Emperor and Empress with the blessings of the people.
Within the first year of the marriage, the palace was blessed with a prince. The country rejoiced and cheered in the promise of this new era. The prince was given the name Song Yu Wang. He was a smart child from birth and quickly gained the favor of most officials in court. When he was 5, he showed extreme eagerness in learning how to spar and was doing extremely well in his studies.
Within the third year of the marriage, the Empress had given birth to a girl, Song Yu Rou. The country yet again rejoiced and celebrated the birth of their new princess. The princess was beautiful. She had jet black hair, her skin was as white as snow and she was as intelligent and quick. She was smart and could often think of things others could not. She was agile and graceful, her dance was mesmerizing and the court ladies could sit for hours to hear her sing while she plays almost with an air of arrogance on the pipa.
The Empress, however, had become weaker after having Yu Rou, who was born in the harsh winter. The year that Yu Rou turned 6, the Empress brought up the idea of selecting concubines. The Empress knew how much they love each other and she detests the thought of him laying with any other women but she also knows that this was for the sake of her kingdom.
Touched by his Empress's thought and care for him and the Kingdom, ZhuangHe commissioned for a grand palace to be built. He named it the lotus palace and gave it to her as a present on her birthday. He told her that she shall reign as the mother of all land and promised that he shall love her until the day he dies.
The palace was built with 7 main sections, each section was color-coded, awaiting the arrival of their new mistresses.
The Empress moved into the lotus palace on the first day of spring. Her attendants and her personal bodyguard moved in with her. The three of them had grown up together and it was needless to say that both of them would die for the Empress without a moment of hesitation. Her first class female attendant, Ra-On, was a skilled physician with knowledge of herbs and plants. She could easily recognize any trace of poison and that made her a valuable asset beside the Empress. The bodyguard, Chae-Rim was taken under the wing by one of the 7 legendary wulin masters, many had claimed that she was the best female fighter of the era.
As the palace sets out to choose the Noble ladies, letters and announcements were plastered everywhere. Anyone who comes from a noble family could apply and there would be an audition in the Imperial Palace in a month. The auditions will last from sunrise to sunset on the eve of mid-spring, they will span over 5 days. As the announcements had state, the only requirement to apply was to be from a Nobel family, it was also an unspoken rule that the candidates should be able to read, write, sing, dance, and be of outstanding beauty.
When news spread that only 6 ladies were to be chosen to enter the palace as the Emperor's Nobel ladies, the country went into a frenzy. The rich mothers were rushing around town trying to find the best dressmakers and jewelers for their daughters, the young ladies of the family were all learning how to dance, sing and present themselves in the best way possible.
Local marriage training centers were all booked for lessons and bribery became a constant as mothers tried to outbid each other in order to secure a spot for their precious daughters. The country was eager to send their daughters off to the palace. This would mean a life of luxury, ease, and power for them and was viewed as the greatest honor a daughter can achieve for their family.
As the eve of the Mid Spring drew closer SoHye started soaking herself in her special Korean bath to brighten her complexion. She had the royal dressmakers make several new robes as she knew that she had to set the standard. She decided that she was going to be harsh. She was going to have to let them know. Life within the palace walls was dangerous, they should and would have to listen to her. She was the only rule that mattered.
On the day of the audition, SoHye woke before dawn, her attendants dressed her and started applying her makeup. Ra-on was the only person allowed that day to help SoHye with her headgear. After picking out the delicately crafted ornaments and slipping them into SoHye's hair, Ra-On carefully and gently placed the golden crown on her head, SoHye looks into the mirror, turning from side to side as she quietly sipped her tea. She curled her delicate hands and motioned for Ro-An to lean in.
"Wake the Crown prince and princess. They should be present for today at least."
"Yes, of course, your majesty," Ra-on replied. She turned around and gave the orders to JiaJia who hastily made her way out after bowing deeply.
"Ra-on. I should strike fear. Should I not? It is only wise that I do." SoHye asks as she places her cup on the table
Ra-on nodded. "Yes, of course, your majesty."
SoHye admires the golden pins in her hair as she touches them. "Do you think I should change these to the other set instead?" She asks, looking up from the mirror at Ra-On who bows and shakes her head. SoHye sighs as she lifted out her hand towards Ra-on, signaling that she would like to get up.
Ra-On offered her hand as she helped the Empress get up and made her way to the doors. As her attendants opened the golden doors and bowed, SoHye notes that dawn was approaching fast. The attendants lined up behind the Empress as they made their way to the grand hall.
"Upon this day, we shall see that the palace will be blessed with the presence of others."
SoHye narrowed her eyes as she looks ahead of her, lifting her head, she spoke, gently and kindly but it was a warning, nonetheless.
SoHye swiftly stopped in her tracks and slightly turned her body around.
Everyone else stopped in their tracks immediately and bowed, none dared to look her in the eye. She smiles as she tilts her head.
"While I am kind and forgiving, it will do you all good to know clearly where your loyalties lie."
The attendants all nodded and gave her the answer she had wanted to hear. "Yes of course, your majesty."
SoHye nodded, seemingly pleased, and proceeded to make her way to the grand hall. She walked gracefully over to the top of the steps where a comfortable seat within a pavilion has already been prepared for her. She turned to her left to look down upon all the ladies that had made it within the gates of the Lotus Palace. Standing meekly in lines as they nervously chattered within themselves, not knowing what to expect.
The sun was now rising and shyly peeking over the horizon.
Dawn was here and so was the Empress.
"RISE, ALL RISE IN GREETINGS OF THE MOTHER OF OUR COUNTRY AND HER MAJESTY THE EMPRESS HERSELF." a eunuch called out from the bottom of the stairs, bowing.
The ladies in the courtyard shifted their gaze and called out their greetings to the Empress. They looked up and just then, as the warm sunlight gently graced the Empress lovely features. She let out a dazzling smile and lifted up her hand to wave in response to the girls.
Everyone around her froze in awe with their mouths open at the radiating beauty of the Empress Han SoHye. The magical moment lasted for a few seconds before the Empress took her seat and the attendants hurried over to pour her tea and set out the side table with sweet snacks.
"Welcome, my people, and for the chosen 6, my future sisters. After today, my dearest 6 new sisters, the lotus palace will be the place that you will comfortably call home for the rest of your lives. It will do everyone well to remember that Within the Lotus Palace Walls, we are one family." The Empress SoHye proclaimed in a clear and beautiful voice.
SoHye motioned towards Ra-On for the first stage of the audition to start. Ra-On bowed and picked up a Golden paddle and showed it to the eunuch below the steps.
The Gongong nodded respectfully towards the Empress and announces loudly "Let the auditions commence!"