The Black House

The Empress took the next 5 days with her attendants and trusted advisors picking out the 6 future noble ladies of the kingdom. The girls were all tasked with different tests of varying difficulties, each one harder than the last. The very first Noble lady they would be picking for would be for the Black House. Prior to the selection process, the court has already determined the singular outstanding trait they would be looking for in the future owner of the houses. For the Black House, it would be intelligence.

The very first test was a written test on the meaning of a piece of art by the famous painter Joo. Painter Joo was incredibly famous for his pieces of art. Having been born into a rich noble family he had the luxury of dabbling in art since young. He shot to fame when the very first few pieces of his artwork were bought and featured in an auction for the most popular tea house in the kingdom. Following Painter Joo's rise to fame, came with even more riches and favor as his most expensive piece was bought at an overwhelming 7000 Gold pieces. He has also since then commissioned pieces for many ministers, nobles, and even the royal court for the Emperor and the Empress.

However, this piece that was going to be used for the exam was specially crafted by Joo for the Empress. Joo had caught wind of the exam that is happening and had written a letter to the Empress, asking if it would be alright for him to gift her a painting that no one has ever seen before that could be used for the exam. The Empress had agreed and Joo had arrived with the piece of art the day before the exam, only showing the Empress the piece of art before anyone else.

The painting was breathtaking, depicted on the scroll was the silhouette of a couple, the lady holding onto the umbrella as the couple stood on the pier amidst a drizzling rain that has been skillfully painted on by delicate hands. There was a luxurious ship that was docked on the pier, servants lined the streets before the pier, to send off their master as they stood beside the chariot, waiting patiently. The pier overlooked the huge mountains in the background and the seemingly neverending sea, artfully designed to show how vast and big the world seemed.

The girls were given an hour to come up with an answer, many girls wrote on the sadness of the parting and that the answer of this piece was goodbye, a few wrote on the journey that was to take place, giving the answer as love. Which was why only one answer amidst the others caught the eyes of the Empress. Written in refined strokes on the parchment, it reads, "The lady holds the umbrella in the rain as she waits, for the return of her lover even in the uncertainty that is known as the future. Therefore the answer to this piece is 'Patience.' "

The Empress upon reading the answer can only smile as she recalls what Joo had said to her when he had shown her the drawing.

"My most beautiful Empress, This piece that I have painted for the exam is a story about this couple. As you can see, the husband seems to either be arriving or leaving for a journey, and his wife is either sending him off or picking him up. There is no indication if the trip has only just begun or has already ended. Only one thing is certain, the journey would be long and there is no promise of a return in the rough seas. The meaning behind this painting is patience. Many people would probably say the piece is about love, for the lady is there herself under the rain when she could have sent the servants to send her lover off, these are the people who know not of love themselves." Joo had taken a pause, looking up at the Empress before continuing.

"I deeply hope that this piece of art would be able to help My Empress during the selection process, that it would be able to show you the hearts of the girls around you. Their true and honest answer upon viewing this piece of art instead of an answer that has been swayed by the opinions of others. Good luck with the selection process my beautiful Empress, I can only pray that I will perhaps have the honor to paint for you again someday." With that Painter Joo took his leave.

Which was why the first noble lady that she picked out was the girl with the answer. Zheng Mei Yun.

Zheng Mei Yun had came to the selection with her younger sister Zheng Mei Xi. Both girls came from the east coast. Their father Zhou, is the third son of the Zheng family. The Zheng Family were known for their merchant skills, having their presence been specially requested by the royal court during official sessions and offering advice to the Emperor regarding trades had given them fame, riches, and power.

Mei Yun was conceived within a year by her father's second wife. She had her mother's delicate beauty and her father's intelligent marketing skills. Word has it that she was a hard bargainer since young and had made great potential to run a business. She had dark straight hair that cascades down her back, a pair of gleaming hazel eyes, and above all, she was intelligent, her answer to the exam had been the only accurate answer. The Empress was impressed and found herself seemingly trusting the beauty.

The Empress nodded to Ra-On who understood and lifted a gold paddle from the top of the stairs. Upon seeing the paddle, Xi GongGong bowed and turned to the girls standing before him.

"Let us welcome the very first noble lady, who shall from today onwards, occupy the black House. From the Zheng Zhou family, Zheng Mei Yun. Come forth and accept this decree. You have been selected and blessed by the heavens. From today onwards, you will be known as Noble lady Mei Yun. Now bow three times, once to the Emperor, once to the Empress, and once to swear your allegiance to the royal court."

Everyone watched on with silent jealousy as Zheng Mei Yun stepped forward from the crowd and bowed three times before the Empress, collected her scroll from Xi GongGong before being whisked away by 2 attendants. Zheng Mei Yun emerged 10 minutes later on the second landing of the stairs, her hair was held in place with silver adornments and she had a black and red gown on. Everyone could only look up to her as she took her place on her seat after bowing to the Empress. Already Mei Yun looked like she belonged amongst the royal ladies, as she sat on her seat. The girls below could only look on in jealousy.

The Empress once again lifted her hands to Ra-On, who gave the signal to Xi GongGong below the steps of the hall.

Chatters and excited whispers were heard and Zheng Mei Yun could only thank the heavens that she had been picked to be one of the 6 noble ladies. She lifted her head and searched for Mei Xi, her younger sister. She prayed with all of her heart that her younger sister would not be picked. There was only so much room in the palace. She had spent her entire life being compared and losing to her younger sister. This was the beginning of her new life and she did not want Mei Xi to be apart of it.