Interpretation (1)

The Mind Caster rushed to where the short Swordsman was standing, and disappointedly gazed at Skullius' beheaded body.

The Swordsman didn't turn to him.

"We have no reason for conflict anymore. Or should I remind you that you're only alive because you have a pesky, persistent technique?"

The braided man frowned, but he also noticed that the number of Glass Units above the Swordsman weren't as inflated as they were supposed to be. A few hundred had been deducted from Skullius' own even though he lay still, his leg at another place, his right quarter at another, and his head under the Swordsman's blade.

"Is he still alive?" the braided Mind Caster asked apprehensively. "After all that?"

The short Swordsman had a grave look on his face. He jabbed his sword in Skullius' head viciously, and waited for a moment.

His Units only increased by a hundred.

He grunted unpleasantly, and then spoke.