Chapter 5

As he opened his eyes he wasn't that surprised to see a stranger gone to his memory

Instead he was calm and he felt like he can trust us

As his hand touches my cheeks he showed tears an overwhelming one, my tears started pouring as I see him so miserable

After all I grew up with the coolest big brother of all and seeing him like this is too much

"Who are you?"

As he mumbled those words I can't think but tears just falls onto it's own

"Do I know you?"

Hearing those words coming from him just hurt me so much

But still I manage to smile even though I'm not that happy cause' I'm that emotional

'Knock' 'Knock'

The door is opened so you can see who knock

It was Manjiro he entered the room and handed me a towel

I gladly accept it

"Aniki, I'll just put it here" Manjiro put the tea on the table and take his leave

"A nice guy" big bro mumbled

"Hm, I'm sure if you meet him sooner you'll find him interesting, but y'know he lost everything just like I do" I started

"What do you mean by that?" He asked

I get him the tea and told him about my story, everything!

"I'm grateful for Muichiro because if it weren't for him I never survive that day and die along with them, his the reason why I find the twins which I dearly respect, and sooner our hardship will end, sooner I'll put an end to this" I said looking so desperate

"Are you my sister?"

I widened my eyes in surprised, "Well, you keep calling me big brother"

"Isana Sanjiro is my eldest brother" I muttered

"Then I am really your brother, Setsuei told me my name is Isana Sanjiro, I never thought I would have a beautiful young sister" he said and patted my head and somehow it reminds me of how we used to be back when we were still a kid

I hugged him, "I miss you so much, onii" I cried because I dearly missed him

He patted my head, "I hope I met you a bit sooner"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him in curiosity

"Nothing!" He pursue a smile

And I was wondering is it really nothing? I think his lying, I think he doesn't want me to know something

"Tell me when you need something" I said

"Hm" he sigh

I left the room and went to the kitchen to get a drink

"How's your brother Yousei Mana" Doma arrived he has cigarette on his right hand, his probably smoking

"His fine" I said

"And just call me Shinya!" I added

I get moving and went to Yuusuke's room, Sasuke's beside him asleep, Yuusuke is not yet awake, his seriously injured, I left the room and sat down on the bench outside Doma's place, I can see here the view of the mountains


I look up and saw Manjiro staring at my eyes, he sat down on across my sit

"We haven't broke up, haven't we?" I look at him in my side view and flashes a geniun smile

"We didn't" he glimmered

"I'm sorry Manjiro, I cause you so much pain" I mumbled and the look away because I was about to cry

"Hahaha, isn't that view so great!" I laugh to avoid the pouring of my tears but that didn't happened so I just keep my gazed away from Manjiro so he won't notice

But still that didn't happened, Manjiro touches my shoulder and let me faced his way, he widened his eyes when he saw my reaction

"Why are you crying?" He asked waiting for my sincere reply

"Oh- nothing!" I muttered

He got up and approaches me, then slowly leaned on me, I was about to say something

But then I got shut down by one kiss

My body felt warm and weak the moment his lips touches mine

And remembering our times together between our kisses, I suddenly burst into tears. Manjiro's left hand hold my cheeks and kiss me more intensely, his right hand hold my left hand and for 5 seconds he let go of me. I was out of breath because of that kissed.

I was breathing deeply. Manjiro's eyes is lock on me, and with those stares my heart beat keeps increasing.

Was I this in love to Manjiro?

I was wondering maybe my face has turned into a tomato

Manjiro hold both of my cheeks and wipe my tears away, he then leaned his forehead through mine and had kissed me on the lips once again but not that long, it was just sudden

He then said, "If it gets hard, don't hesitate to seek help from us, Shinya"

After he said that sentence he left me alone and he went inside

I touches my lips and smiled

Still the same Sano Manjiro I met

"What are you doing here all alone?" Doma came

He sat to the sit where Manjiro sat earlier

"Just having thoughts" I muttered, smiling a bit

"Are you in a good mood?" He asked me curiously

"I supposed I am!" I honestly replied to him

"That's odd, just seeing Manjiro smiling when I passed through him is weird and now you, did something good happen?"

"Yeah! My brother finally knew I was his sister" I said with a little lie

"That's good then" he said, glistering

"Even so, I think his avoiding to tell me something" I mentioned

"That's right I got news, the killings in Japan increases and it was lead by Hajime Setsuei's people, they are in a rampage looking for you guyz, and if they saw you they will kill you and bring Sanjiro back" said Doma

"Sorry Doma, we got you in our situation, if it weren't because of us this place could be safe, but not anymore now that it serves as our hide out" I apologized

"It's nothing compared to all of your help" he said

"I'll go take a walk outside" I said standing up and ready to go

Doma stop me, "Are eyou sure? Isn't it dangerous to go outside especially this time?"

"I'm okay, I can beat them all with my fist!" I said giving him a hint of confidence

He had his forehead, "Go back early and be careful!"

I got his approval and went on my way to walk on this very mountain— too stiff

I was getting further away from Doma's place and when I got into a wide field, I was in a bit of amusement

I Huff and huff and got myself to the center, I sat down and closed my eyes as I do meditation
