Ella and Trent walked down the street, they entered their small market. A lot of the sellers were trying to persuade them to buy their product. "How much is this?" Trent asked a young woman who was selling tulips,

 her eyes lit up when Trent came to her table. "Is just for two silver coins" she smiled, I plucked them out this morning, Ahh then you must have planted them around September then!" Trent exclaimed with a smile.

 "Yes, is true" she smiled at him. "What time did you plant them?, Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious" he smiled at her, this time the smile was wider. "Yes, I planted them in the morning,

 It was not easy growing them" she said, arranging her beautiful purple, and white tulips.

"Isn't it a bit expensive though?" Trent frowned. "Then I will sell three to you for two silver coins," the woman quickly added. The dress she wore was really old and the pink color had faded. Ella felt sad for the lady. 

Trent stood there thinking 

about something he put his hands into his pocket, the lady smiled waiting for Trent to bring out the money. "I change my mind" The lady's smile fell when she heard Trent "What!?" She said in disbelief as he dragged Ella away. 

 After they got out of the crowd, she yanked her hand from Trent. "What was that for? Given the lady's hope just to take it away?" She gritted her teeth. 

"You have been doing that ever since we walked into this market. It's like you enjoy tormenting people!" She yelled at Trent who seemed unfazed. He started walking closer to her like a predator who was about to launch at its prey. 

"That is why they don't let women work in the organization!". With that, he turned and continued walking leaving the angry and confused Ella behind. 

    "Hi!" Trent stopped Infront of a Mechanic shop. A man walked out of the building, he was really tall and had a bushy beard that covered his mouth. "How can I help you?" he said with a groggy voice. 

"I'm looking for the magistrate's office," Trent replied with a smile. The man walked out of 

his shop, there were

 many motor parts on the floor, 

Trent turned to look at a young boy who was working in the pit and another who looked around ten years old was helping an older man repair a bike. "Just go straight and turn left". He directed Trent with his hand Trent thanked him, 

he turned around and saw Ella standing not far from him when their eyes met she quickly looked away. "Let's go," he said, not bothering to wait for her.

     "What am I paying you for?" A bulging man in a judge outfit said as he threw some files at the guards who were standing in front of him.

 "I told you to guard the town at night and the two of you failed me! Now I have people complaining about their goods being stolen from their farm" He shouted, breathing heavily as he glared at them. 

"Heyyo" Trent waved his hand he barged into the office took a seat and sipped the tea that was brought in for the magistrate.

 "Who are you?" The magistrate looked at the young man who sat down and was sipping his tea. The man was not angry. Instead, he was scared of the young man and he didn't know why, 

he slowly went towards Trent, his black long cloth swept the floor, and he found himself adjusting his tie as he reached Trent. "You two can leave. I almost forgot, drop by the market the criminals are at tables six, eleven, twenty, two, and eight. You sit"  he pointed at the magistrate with a commanding voice.

Which irked the magistrate."Who are you to walk into my office, drink my tea, and send my men away? He glared at Trent whose face still held a smile. "Excuse me"

 He turned towards the voice, he saw a pretty, smallish looking boy standing by the threshold, he wore a black suit, he's light-skinned and he has big beautiful brown eyes that twinkled.

 The magistrate looked straight into his brown eyes, he couldn't help but admire the young boy. 

"How may I help you?" His voice was gentle when he asked the young boy, "we are from the house of justice" her voice was barely audible. "You and who?" He asked "me and him" and he turned to the direction she was pointing.

 He felt his sweat dripping down his face, and he gulped down the invisible spit in his throat, his face has turned white. "Hello!" Trent said with a smile that never left his face. 

The magistrate sat down, he knew that this day would come,

 he had been waiting for them to arrive, he didn't just expect them to come around this time. 

"How may I be of help, how about a cup of tea before we start." He quickly offered. "I will take a glass of blood, I already had tea" the smile on the magistrate's face disappeared.

 Ella stared at Trent, wondering if Trent lost his mind. "Wwwwe don't offer blood here, Mr…. "Vanderwood!" Trent cuts in, by completing it, after all the magistrate doesn't know their names.

"Too bad, I am kind of thirsty," Said Trent. Ella looked at him again, didn't she give him his blood capsules yesterday from what she had heard one blood capsule is equivalent to one cup of blood. The place turned quiet, and Trent heaved out a sigh.

 "Ella you can begin questioning him, you're in charge after all" she stared at his smiling face, she turned to look at the magistrate who was staring at her and she became nervous. 

She cleared her throat before looking up at the magistrate. "What can you tell me about the Boyle family, have they ever committed a crime or done anything suspicious?" she blurted out. 

The magistrate was quiet for a time before answering. "They're very kind people, they haven't done anything suspicious or committed any crime,  Mr. Boyle is an accountant and his wife Agatha works in an event planning company, 

their oldest daughter is a teacher, and their second daughter was still a student and sometimes worked part-time in a coffee shop down the street. She was a true beauty. She got suitors coming like a flock of seagulls, trying to win her heart. 

``The magistrate looked dreamy when saying this." you must be among the men then?" Trent's voice pulled him out of his dream world, the magistrate sat upright. "Nonsense! I don't have feelings for her because I am a married man for god sake" he said clearing his throat. 

"Then, you must have thought of fucking her" deadpanned. The magistrate and Ella turned red from pure embarrassment. 

"That's preposterous!" He yelled. "Am bored of the story let's go check the scene of the crime" Trent stood up and was ready to leave, he adjusted his grey suit coat. "I thought I was in charge," said Ella.

  ``yes you're" he replied. "Which means you have to listen to me" she stood up straight, trying to look the part of a superior. They stood there looking at each other. "What are we waiting for?" Ella broke the silence and awkwardness. 

"We're waiting for your orders." "That's true" she cleared her throat. "Let's go to the scene of the crime" She commanded. "After you boss," Trent said with a smile. And they all left the office. 


   They reached the House of the Boyle family Since the bodies have been taken by the forensics. They had to use a holographic version of what happened. 

When they stepped into the house and entered the living room through a narrow pathway, they found Cyrus Potter standing in the middle of the living room with a mocking look in his eyes. "Look who has finally arrived, our dear Mr. Vanderwood.