Ella stopped when she noticed that Trent was following her. She made an abrupt U-turn that brought Trent to a halt.

"Why are you following me?" she folded her arms on her chest. "I am not following, it's just unfortunate that our offices are the same way." He smiled at her.

   Cyrus marched toward them. "Samuel Bassett, you must think you're better than me!" he said in a low angry voice. "I never….  "I fought a very powerful demon 👹. What I didn't know is that I was being deceived by the two-faced Gerard and now they want to replace me with a mere human," he growled at her El was scared but refused to show it. 

   Hahaha! Trent laughed and slapped his thighs. "You really are funny Cyrus." Trent continued to laugh while Cyrus's teeth were about to turn to dust by the amount of force he was exerting on them due to anger. "Trent, you dare to make fun of me. I defeated Lilith without getting a scratch on me." His eyes were filled with pride and confidence.

    "Let me break your bubble boy. The Lilith you fought was already weak. I believe that your helpers performed a weakening spell on it. If you think I am lying, go and check the left foot of the doll.

      Cyrus' confidence and pride fell back to zero. He realized one thing, He was stupid. He let anger and jealousy on him. He just turned around and walked away. "I feel bad for him" Ella looked at the receding back of Cyrus. "He let his stupidity lead him on," Trent said without a care. "Let's go do our job!" he grabbed her by her shoulder pulling her closer. "Let go of me, people are watching." She struggled to free herself from him but Trent was much stronger, she had no choice but to go with the flow.  Trent noticed that Ella was giving him cold shoulders.

   "Congratulations on buying a car, Sam!" Chen was the one that helped her announce it. The rest of the team was busy including Trent who entered to get a report from Mike.

A/N: He could have called Mike into his office but he decided to use the opportunity so that he could see. You know who? 😜.

   "You bought a car?" Mr.Ford asked with a smile. "Yes I did," El laughed awkwardly. "Congratulations," Trent said to her, and she nodded her head. "Congratulations dear, it was about time." Mr.Ford said. "Thank you, I am very grateful," she answered with a smile. Trent frowned when he congratulated her, she just nodded her head and with Mr.Ford, she answered and smiled. Maybe she was being polite since she thought he was older.

   "Congrats, Sam." Micheal congratulated her too. "Thank you, Mike" she smiled at Mike too. Trent was angry and walked out of the office without collecting all the reports. "What's with him?" Micheal asked and the rest just shrugged their shoulders before going back to ask about the model of her car.

   Trent walked into his office, he closed his door with a bang. All the people around the area looked toward his door. He was boiling with anger. He sat down on his swivel chair, leaned back, and put his leg on the table looking at his beautifully decorated ceiling. He heaved out a breath. "Is it because she saw me with another lady during the karaoke?" He sighed again. 

    It was 10:30 am. El knocked on Trent's door. He opened it and walked out. He was just wearing plain blank pants and a white long-sleeve shirt with a few of the top buttons opened, and his hair was pulled back. He looked marvelous and El's poor heart skipped a bit. "Let's go," she said and quickly walked away before he could speak. And he slowly followed her out.

    "You can go in your car, I will go in mine" Trent didn't like El's suggestion. She opened her car and entered and sat on her driver's seat, Trent quickly entered the car and sat on the passenger seat. She looked at Trent with a frown. "You won't want us to be late. Remember we are not going there as agents but reporters." he reminded. El just sighed and ignited the car before setting off. 

    The drive to the station was quiet. Trent knew that El was angry with him and made up his mind to explain everything. "El, that night, I wasn't myself. I am sorry for being inconsiderate. And the lady you saw me with. There is nothing between us, I was tasty and took blood from her." The car was silent again, Trent wondered what El was thinking.

    "Oh My God! He is explaining himself to me. But why?. Stop freaking out El, he just explained himself to you". Trent was still waiting for a reply. After a few minutes of silence. Ella finally spoke. "Why do you have to explain yourself to me? It's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything." Deep down El was celebrating. Trent looked through the window with his chin resting on his knuckle. He couldn't help but smile.

     "You are too cute El. I promise to make you mine." Trent said in his mind with a wide smile plastered on his face.


           At 10 am. Ella and Trent arrived at the station to talk to Miss Sanchez. They pass through a lot of security checks and are also searched before they are allowed into the visiting room. The young lady was escorted into the visiting room by two female police officers on each side, her hands were cuffed and placed in her front. The four-cornered room was empty except for the table Two seats for the visitors and a seat facing them for the prisoner and the table in between the visitors and the prisoners. 

   The prisoner entered the room, and the door was closed while the police officers waited outside the door. The woman was a beauty, she was light-skinned and had very wide hips and a C-cup breast. She had brown wavy hair and large black eyes with big full lips. She sat on the prisoner's seat. 

      "Hi, I am Timothy and this is Jack, we are reporters." Ella smiled at the lady. She smiled back at them but she looked stubborn. She carelessly sat on the chair with her back leaning on the chair and her legs spread wide open and her left arm resting on the armrest of the chair while the other arm was on her thigh. To Ella who went to etiquette classes, it irritated her.

     I am Natalia." she replied with a thick Latino accent. "We want to help by telling your story to the world, like your lawyer, friends, and family. We believe that you didn't kill Rosa." Ella looked sympathetic. Trent seems not to care; he just sat there with his leg crossed and he was also leaning on the chair which irritated Ella too.

      "How can you and your hot partner be of help to me?" Natalia asked. Trent flashed Natalia his killer smile and she gave him a flirtatious smile back. Ella had turned red, she was extremely jealous. How dare he sit next to her and flirt with another woman.

    "That's enough!" Ella shouted and banged the table. Shocking Trent and the lady. Trent was enjoying this, he was glad to see that Ella was jealous. "We are here to talk about saving you. So stop flirting!" Ella blurted out. "Mistescere (calm down in Latin), I won't steal your man, I have my own man." The lady winked at El. "He is not my man" El sat back down and her face turned red. 

  "I am still trying to win his heart, my dear. Nat." He winked at her and she laughed. "Let's get back to business." El cleared her throat. Her face was so red, she looked like a tomato. 

    "How can the two of you help me?" Natalia asked. "We suspected that Rosa's death wasn't normal." Trent had no idea why El told her that but he patiently waits to see what will happen next. "How so?" Nat was now interested in the conversation. "Her autopsy showed that she ingested a dangerous poison. Nat, I am not going to lie to you. But I strongly believe that the police know that you're innocent." El whispered to her. 

  "If that's the case, why am I still locked up?" Nat also whispered. "That's what I don't know, that is why we need you to tell us what happened that night and if Rosa was acting suspiciously?" Ella whispered to her. While Trent quietly listened. The door opened and a female police officer walked in. "You both have twenty minutes left." "Make it fifty" Trent's eyes glowed red. The officer looked like she was under a spell. "You have fifty minutes left. " The officer walked out before closing the door behind her. 

    "You're a vampire? " Nat was surprised. "Yes, and we haven't got all day. So start talking."