A/N: Sorry, I couldn't post a chapter yesterday because I am unwell and under medication. Thank you for reading.

     Trent walked down the corridor. He was wearing a black suede suit with silver embroidery on the neck and edges of the sleeves. The only sound he could hear was the clicking of his shoes, every step he took.

      He stood in front of the beautiful expensive wooden door with a huge tree design on it, he raised his hand and knocked on the hard wooden door.

  He stepped back and waited. He heard the clicking sound before the door opened. Faterial flashed a bright smile, her eyes sparkled as she looked at him.

   "Are you here to pick her up?" Her tiny voice was a little octave, this ticked him off.

"No, I am here to shut your throat off." He lowered his voice as he spoke. The smile on her face disappeared and she quickly stepped away leaving the door ajar.

    "Who is it, is Trent here?" He heard Ella's voice and he beamed. This surprised Fate, she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing.

     Ella walked toward the entrance, she spotted Trent at the door and smiled.


   Trent looked at her from head to toe.

She was wearing a semi-sweetheart neckline and a black and white straight gown. With a silver heel, To him, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on.

    "You look beautiful," Trent said

And Ella smiled shyly.

"Let's go, everyone is waiting for us."

He held her hand and they both walked out, leaving the flabbergasted Fate behind.

     While walking down the corridor, the air was stiff, and the leaves had started to fall from the trees. The entire place was quiet and only the sound of their shoes that kept going in unison was heard.

    Ella breathes in the cold dry air, before exhaling. 

Trent, who felt her nervousness, gave her hand a light squeeze. 

"Don't worry, I will be by your side the whole time." He smiled, showing her his perfect symmetrical teeth.

Hearing his words she felt a bit better, they took another U-turn and walked down another corridor, this time hallway wasn't quiet, she could hear the birds chirping and the sounds of dogs barking. 

She couldn't see the dogs but she saw many colorful birds flying around the trees that had already begun to lose their leaves and flowers.

     The palace is painted white, with many of its pillars and rails decorated with beautiful and colorful flowers. 

She and Trent finally reached the dining hall. They both stood behind the golden-colored door, which is covered with golden metallic, branches, and flower designs.

    There was a pale, sickly-looking man standing by the door. He bowed in greetings as soon as he sighted Trent.

   "Announce us," Trent commanded and the man bowed his head before raising it.

     "Prince Aron Augustus Henrich the fourth and!!!....

He looked in Ella's direction.

"Ariella Patterson," Trent informed.

"And Lady Ariella Patterson is here!!!"

      The door made a loud sound when they opened it.

There were two men in charge of opening the door, They bowed their heads, and Ella and Trent walked into the dining hall.

   The dining hall was large and spacious. She looked at the large table, plenty of chairs, and the beautiful maroon curtains hung and hooked on the curtain hangers, letting sunlight in from the large windows. There are a total of six windows in the dining room.

    Ella and Trent sat on the seat assigned to them, she was seated between Acher and Trent, and the king was seated on the head chair with his wife and second son on his sides. There was an empty seat between Trent and Joel. The Queens, blues eyes narrowed.

     "Good morning Your majesty, your majesty, and your highness, (she went quiet for a while. Your Highness." Ella greeted them.

"Good morning my dear." the king replied with a smile.

"Good morning El." Acher smiled at her

Ella smiled to hide her anger.

"She doesn't like to be called El, Acher." Trent gave him a warning look.

"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't know." Acher gave her an apologetic look.

"You don't have to apologize," Ella said quickly, making him chuckle.

   The queen scoffed.

Trent looked at her and a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

  "I almost forgot to greet everyone. Where are my manners? Good morning Daddy, Good morning Evil stepmother (the queen gritted her teeth.)

Good morning big brothers." He gave them an innocent smile.

   "Morning Aron." The king answered

"Morning Lil bro." Acher winked at him.

"Morning Aron." Joel reluctantly replied.

 Ella kept wondering why they kept calling him Aron. This means that he is using a fake identity to work at the organization.

   Trent carried the fork and started using it to drag on the plate. The screeching sound annoyed Joel and the queen.

She banged her hands on the table, getting everyone's attention. 

   "Where is Faithia?" Her voice was bold and clear. Her blonde hair was roughly braided on each side and pinned in the center, letting down a few strands of her hair.

     Her pink upper full lips turned into a frown.

"I am sure she will be here soon," Joel said in his deep baritone voice. He didn't inherit his father's black hair like Acher who hasn't said anything since they both walked in.

        But he inherited her cold blue eyes.

"Lady Faithia Augustus Henrich has arrived!!!" They heard the loud sound of the door opening followed by the sound of her heels.

       She was a beautiful young lady, her long blonde hair was let down and braided on the right side. She is wearing a blue straight gown with a deep V-neck showing her big breast, her skin was pale white. 

    She stopped in her tracks and glared at Ella. "What is a human girl doing in our dining room, Mother?" Her eyes were filled with arrogance as she kept looking at Ella.

   "You should ask Aron, he brought her along." The queen said before clapping her hands to alert the servants to start serving.

Faithia took her seat, she was now seated between Trent and Joel.

   "Trent, where did you pick the cheap slut from?"  She moved her hand for the servant to serve her.

   Ella was burning with rage on the inside.

"I see you picked your mouth from the trash." Trent gave her a scary and evil look, that quickly shut her up from saying anything.

  "The way you speak isn't the way of the royals, you better watch what you say." The king's stern voice resounded.

Scaring her even more.


          The smell of roasted meat wafted in the air, Ella wondered why anyone would eat meat for breakfast. There were fruits, cupcakes, pancakes, doughnuts, white rice, sauce, and a lot of expensive wine bottles on the table.

     "What do I serve you, Lady Ariella?" The male servant asked. 

"Pancakes will do, thank you." She said with a smile.

The servant who has never been thanked in his life was touched and decided to serve her the best he could.


     Faithia kept throwing her a surreptitious look in the pretense of reaching out for a napkin.

   "I didn't know that you had started doing stuff for yourself." she felt like her heart somersaulted. 

   "I am just practicing, you see my engagement with Robert Potter is coming up soon." She smiled shyly as she sat back in her seat, with the napkin in her hand.

    Trent chuckled. "Who is the idiot that signed his death certificate by agreeing to marry you?" 

   Acher let out a short laugh. His mother glared at him and he quickly looked down at his plate.

    "You should be careful how you speak Trent," Joel said before he looked to the side. Thanks to Trent's large frame, the only thing he could see was Ella's fork and knife as she used them to cut a small piece from the pancake and syrup on her plate. 

    An evil smile appeared on Joel's face.

"You see the woman beside you is so weak and feeble, a little force, and her neck will snap, and just like that she's dead."

   The pancake got stuck in Ella's neck. She started coughing and Trent patted her back and gave her a glass of Orange juice.

Faithia and the queen hid their smile behind their glass of wine.

   Joel was threatening him with Ella's life. The King and Acher looked up as they kept chewing on their half-cooked meat.

     "You are weak and feeble too, and with just a little snap to your neck, you will die. Does that make you a weak woman, I meant man?" 

        Joel gritted his teeth, he could feel the threat and sarcasm in Trent's voice.

      Joel smiled as he still had a trump card he could use to hurt Trent.

"We shouldn't be fighting, younger brother. You see, my wedding with Fiona is in four months and I would like you to be my best man." He smiled evilly.

    The King's fork dropped from his hand, and Acher worriedly looked at Trent. The atmosphere became tense.

Ella wondered who the girl was.

   "Congratulations brother, I am highly honored. Thank you for choosing me to be your best man." The king and Acher sighed in relief. Joel looked shocked and couldn't say a word.

  Has the feeling he had for her gone? Joel thought to himself.