She applied powder to her face, then eyeliner and pink lipstick on her, and she couldn't stop herself from smiling. She was nervous and happy at the same time. 

   She was wearing a long, one-shoulder, dark green sequin dress, with a slit that reached her knee.

Her hair was styled in a bun with her front hair curled and let down, the length was just below her collar bone.

    Ella heard a knock on the door, she quickly opened it, and her eyes landed on little Mila who was dressed in a black tuxedo.

"I am here to pick you up."

Ella began to squeal with both her hands placed on her cheeks.

"Is something wrong?" Mila asked.

"You're the cutest child I have ever seen!"

"Thank you, Aunty Ella, let me take you to Uncle Trent."

He gave her his hand and she held it as they both walked down the corridor. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of her heels. 

     Mila abruptly stopped and Ella almost lost her balance.

"Come out," Mila said in a low, scary voice.

Ella slowly stepped back, his eyes were now red with a hint of silver in them.

"Mila, what are you doing?" She was so scared that she found herself stammering.

"I am going to ask you to step out of her shadow one last time." He had a grim expression on his face.

    Black smoke came out of her shadow taking a form of a male human, he was wearing a big overcoat with black fur around the collar, black skinny jeans, and black sneakers, he had a ring Pierced to his mouth and a skull ☠️ earring on his left ear.

   "Mila, what is going on?" Ella was scared and confused.

"A demon has been asked to protect you."

Mila said to her with an expressionless face.

Ella turned around her whole being trembled due to fear, and her heart was beating so fast, she felt like she might die of a heart attack. But she saw nothing there.

She looks back at Mila.

"There's nothing behind me." She said,

Mila came closer to her.

"Can you bend down, to my height please?"

Ella reluctantly bent down, and he blew air into her eyes, she closed her eyes and opened them, and everything began blurrily so she closed them and opened them again.

    "Now look behind you." Mila pointed in the direction of the demon and looked in that direction.

Her eyes widened, she wanted to scream and run but she could not do any of it.

   "Hello, my name is Velder. My master gave me the duty of protecting you, my lady." He bowed to her.

   Ella was still flabbergasted, he was very tall and handsome, with long greasy hair and dark black sclera, dark golden iris, and light golden pupil. His thin red lips pulled into a smile.

     Trent was waiting in the decking that was inside a beautiful garden with a roof that was well decorated with beautiful pink orchids. With a table and two seats opposite each other.

   The orchestras were waiting on one side while he impatiently paced around the decking.

"Where are they, he looked at the time again."

   Then the orchestra began to play their instruments

Trent turned around and saw Ella standing at the entrance of the garden, Trent was stupefied by her beauty.

Ella began to walk towards him, every step she took, a child gave her a red rose.

  Her eyes began to tear as she kept collecting the roses until she attained all ninety-nine roses from the ninety-nine children, standing on the sidelines.

When she got to where Trent was he gave her a red rose and she was now holding hundred red roses in her hand.

   "They said that a hundred roses signify one year of togetherness, some say that it symbolizes eternal love."

Ella chuckled, she tried her best to stop the tears threatening to fall.

Trent held her hand.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, I know you wanted a thousand and one roses, but the orphanage did not have that number of children." 

Ella began to laugh, ``I am happy with the hundred roses, I am happy with everything." 

"Including the song, in case you don't like it. It was Acher who picked the song. 

Ella giggled.

"I love the song."

"Is that so?" Trent murmured to himself.

   "Come, let's go eat." He led her to the table and pulled out the seat for her, she smiled and sat down.

"Thank you." She breathed out.

 Then he went round and sat on his seat.

Trent clapped his hand and the servants bowed their heads and left.

   Five of the servants reappeared with five covered silver plates, they set the plates on the table and a bowl of champagne dipped in ice in a bowl with two glasses up.

The man unsealed the bottle of champagne and poured some of the content into their glass.

  They opened the plate and Ella's eyes brightened; she didn't care about the other meals when her eyes fell on her favorite meals. chicken biryani and Fiorentina steak.

Ella began to salivate.

"Shall we?" Trent asked.

"Yes, we shall." She smiled as she used her fork to fetch the rice and put it into her mouth. The rice was well-cooked and delicious, and Ella felt like kissing the chef's hands.

"This is delicious." Her words jumbled because of the food in her mouth. Trent cackled.

   "Who is the Chef?" He is such a good cook, I want to tell him how much I love him." She moaned as she munched on the soft chicken.

"And that is the reason why I can not let you know about him.

   Ella began to laugh and Trent joined her.

They stopped laughing and just stared at each other.

"So what do you want to know about me?" Trent broke the silence.

"For starters, your age."

Trent sipped his wine and looked up at her.

"I am a hundred and seventeen years old, I was born in January 1852."

Ella was flabbergasted.

"You're older than my grandfather." Ella stared at him in disbelief.

"Yes, I am far older than you." He cleared his throat and gulped down the wine in his cup, the servant refilled his cup again.


    "What about you?" He asked her after gulping down another cup.

"I was born in the year 2002, I will be twenty on December 24."

   Trent gave her a surprised look.

"Your birthday is in two months." 

She nodded her head.

"What is your favorite color?" Ella quickly asked him another question, she doesn't want to talk about her birthday since she does not celebrate it anymore.

   "I guess is black." He answered with a thoughtful look.

Ella smiled at that.

"Mine is blue."

Trent's attention came back to her.

"I thought that all girls love pink?"

He gave her a puzzled look.

"Looks like there are some things our dear Trent doesn't know." She gave him a mischievous smile.

  "But I never said I know everything." Ella nodded her head because what he said was the truth he never claimed to know everything.

   "Why do you hate to be called El?" Her fork froze in mid-air, she didn't expect that question.

The entire pavilion went quiet, the only sound was the music the orchestras were playing. They were now playing another instrumental music.

  "Because that was what Elijah used to call me." Her eyes became teary.

Trent regretted asking her that question.

   The servants now placed the desserts, Chocolate mousse, and strawberry crumble.

Ella's face shone with happiness.

   "Strawberry!!" She dipped her spoon into it and retrieved a large amount, and inserted it into her mouth, she closed her eyes to enjoy the deliciousness, Trent couldn't help but smile.

    "I am glad you like it." He empties his cup again.

"You haven't eaten anything."

She gave him a concerned look.

"I have eaten enough, you should enjoy your meal."

Ella nodded her head and continued to munch on the desert placed in front of her.

Trent kept glancing at her as she ate.

   He just realized that Ella had a big appetite.

   "Trent, can I ask you something?"

"Sure why not."

"Why are you using Trent Vanderwood?

When your real name is Aron?" 

Trent's silver eyes looked a bit darker than usual.

    "I was going to tell you all about it, once you're done with your meal. But for now, I have a question I need to ask you?"

   "And what is that?" She asked.

  Trent stood up from his seat and crouched down beside her.

"Ariella Patterson, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

   Ella's eyes went wide.

A/N: Thank you for commenting and voting, you all have truly been my motivation.