"Samuel Patterson was the first person to investigate Richard but he was accused and killed, so I decided to take on the case."

  The hacker that was brought from the Brainiac department was busy tapping really fast on her keyboard. Simon walked over to her. "Is there a problem?" 

       "yes, they are trying to stop the broadcast and I am stopping them." The lady said without taking her eyes off the screen.

   Ella laughed. "they're trying to stop my lifestream."

'Who are they?'

The comment kept streaming down.

 "Before I show you the next video, I want to ask you all a question. If a company is planning an event, the owner of that Corp, is to agree and sign on it right?"

             A thousand comments on people saying yes and how the CEO must know about it. Then now I am going to play my next video."

     The video was the one she and Kyle recorded. They watched how Richard chatted with Garrison about the haunt, how they shared the number of their haunt, and how the haunt itself took place, they also saw how Richard was in his vampire state and drank blood from a young lady until he drained her dry.

          The people were beyond shock, some were too shocked to say anything while some said that it was a lie.

             "Are you feigning ignorance or are you born naturally stupid? How can a shifter make his decisions for him every end of the year without him knowing? And how can a shifter carry one hundred and fifty workers from his company without him knowing? And why didn't he investigate the complaint laid by their family, instead a woman whose husband was replaced with a shifter and he later died in an accident? This woman was investigating the matter and later went missing."

                The people on the internet were in chaos. A lot of people believed Ella while some still refused to believe.

       She played the videos of the workers. That brought down the wall of his believers.

    "she's right, Richard is a bad guy, I study about non-humans in the university and I know for a fact that shifters can only copy your physical appearance and voice. This means that the man that turned into a vampire and drained that poor girl is Richard."

    "I am beyond shocked, the idiom. DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT COVER is real proof"

The internet was in an uproar.

 "and last but not the list evidence.

The video from the warehouse was playing on everyone's screen.

Trent smiled as he watched the video.

   "Before I sign off, I have something to say. All the people that attacked my grandfather you better pray that I don't find you because I am coming for you, and if I step in a street and any idiot dares to attack me.  I will slit that person's throat and feed his blood to his family. So, you better not try me."

         All the people who knew Ella were stupefied, this Ella was different. This Ella has been badly influenced by Trent.

      "that's my girl," Trent smirked.

"that's my future daughter-in-law." The King smiled while Acher sat aside with his mouth agape.

"Trent has ruined my cute and innocent sister-in-law." 

Mila smirked too. "I should give Ella a visit." He looked at the large painting of Ella that he hung on his wall.

     The entire country has been put on curfew. People's identities were stolen. Some went back to find out that they resigned on were fired. They denied it but their workplace refused to hire them back. Some found out that their bank account has been emptied and the loan was collected.

                  It was three thirty pm and on the twenty-second of December, the entire town was covered with snow. Trent got ready for his broadcast. 

   He wore an expensive black tail-tailored suit with silver embroidery on it.  Kevin turned on the camera, and he also hacked into the Gossip site, everyone who was watching videos their screen glitched, and Trent's face appeared.

 "good day all citizens of Etheran, I do not need to introduce myself, last night my amazing girlfriend exposed Richard's true color to all of you. Well, I have more for you."  He turned to look at Kyle. "Play the video, I have nothing more to tell these dummies."  Kyle gasped.  "They can see and hear you." He whispered.  "I know." 

                    "Oh my God did he just call us dummies?"

                        "He might be a narcissist but I am still mad over him."

                            'Didn't you hear what he said earlier, Ariella Patterson is his girlfriend."


 The video began to play, in a private bar room, they could see Richard's face but not the face of the person he was talking to."

             Richard through the glass of wine on the ground. "Fuck!" they heard him say.

 "Calm down Richard, Lady Amorah will take care of everything

     The comments flooded in, some people were surprised by this side of Richard. 

             A young girl not less than sixteen was pushed into the room looking scared and confused.

 "Here I brought a girl for you, she's sixteen and a virgin, your favorite kind of meal."

             'Oh my gosh, did everybody hear that or is it just me.'  A lady dropped a comment.

          'Yesterday, I still had a little faith in him but today it has been shattered.'

Richard caught the crying girl's arm and pulled her, she fell on his lap. She tried to stand up but he wrapped his arms around her waist. The girl cried and begged him to let her go.

          "Do you know what I like better than arousal during the drinking of blood?" He looked at the unknown man behind the camera.

       "What is it?" the man asked.

"Fear."  Richard threw his head back as he laughed the girl in his arms tried to wiggle herself away from his grasp but he was far stronger.

       He sang his fang on the girl's neck.

 The comment on the curses laid on him kept coming in. he retracted his fang and licks his lips. Next, he pulled down her handless top and bit into the soft plump on her chest. The girl cried out in pain. After taking his fill, he pulled her top up. He abruptly grabbed her chin and forcefully made her look into his eyes.

             "Forget that I forcefully take blood from you and tell people how I saved you from being a waitress who is disrespected by her customer. And promise to give you a job if you apply."  The girl who seemed to be in a daze nodded her head, and her iris expanded and covered her pupils.

              "Now, you will gently stand up and leave." The girl nodded and left the room.

 Next Kyle uploaded the photo of the girl and that of her post on social media.

A lot of people remember the post and the girl.

'Oh fuck! I was among the people that praised him that day."  The person put a gif of him throwing up.

    The next video played was in the same private bar room but with him in a different outfit.

 "You were right Garrison, Lady Amorah did come up with a great plan. Getting a shifter to act as Samuel while he sells humans to rogue." He and the other person laughed. 

"I even hired and paid some people to insult and instigate people against him."

             There were no comments this time people were too stupefied to comment.

  "I want to punish that bastard for almost exposing me." Richard clicked his tongue.

       "Lady Amorah is planning to use this to get rid of Samuel. She's going to send some rogues among the humans that are going to attack Samuel."

 Ella who was watching gripped the laptop tighter.

"What surprised me the most is the fact that her son is helping Samuel to take her down."  Richard sipped his drink.

           'I can't believe that Samuel was innocent all along."

          'the person we called the hero is the bad guy and the one we thought was the bad guy was actually the hero."

          'We're all guilty of what happened to Simon."

       'Could it be possible that what is happening around town is the work of rogues."

         'Trent, thank you for everything but if you're not here in thirty minutes then forget that you have a girlfriend.'

       'I wonder who Lady Amorah is? And what her son looks like?" 

          That became another trend on the internet.

       Trent blinked his eyes. "Put me on." He quickly stood in front of the camera.

             "One of the commenters Cleo Is right. The shifters have been causing problems in town, you should all be careful. Goodbye, my girlfriend is looking for me."  Trent dis-apparated.

                      #TRELLA. Was the raining thing on the internet, people bought devil ash online and spread it around their houses.  Samuel has been declared by the king as the hero of Ehteran.

             Trent apparated into Ella's room. The room was dark and she hugged him from behind.  Her tears wet his shirt. "I am so grateful." She sobs.