B50 OR B51.

Ella stared at him, the rim of her eyes had turned red. "Your sister is a very beautiful lady, when I saw her that day, I wanted to do a lot of naughty things to her, but that bastard that I successfully brutally killed interrupted my fun. "Samuel, Ella whispered but it did not escape his hearing.

"Ella, can I kill this one?" Velder enquired. "No." they communicated telepathically. Genesis was oblivious to all this. "I must say that I was surprised to hear the news spreading around, that the crowd killed your family and some of the men there ra**ed your sister." Genesis chuckled. "are you going to keep listening to this shit!" Velder yelled. "Velder I told you to stay out of this!" Ella shouted back.

Past events lingered as Ella shot a stern look at him while Genesis sported a smug expression. Trent, accompanied by the remaining elders, high officials, and agents on their side, successfully reached Willshade for the evacuation. Approaching Trent during his conversation with Courtois, Romulus inquired, "Have you completed the task I assigned?"

Trent replied, "Yes, I've lulled the souls within their bodies to rest and awakened their own, but I can't guarantee that the dormant souls won't awaken."

"Good enough," Romulus acknowledged. Guards sent by the king and Ehteran's general arrived, joined by members from various clans and beyond, preparing for battle.

"Everyone!" Romulus exclaimed. "It's time for action. Let's march to the old mansion and eliminate those rogues threatening Ehteran's peace!" Romulus shouted on the top of his voice.

"Why march when we have cars, large vehicles, helicopters, and heavy machinery?". Trent Commented.

Dismissing the critique with a tsk. Trent hopped into Courtois's navy blue car. "Your speech lacked motivation," Romeos quipped, joining Trent in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Romulus's nails dug into his palms, drawing blood as he tried to contain his emotions.

As everyone prepared to depart, some boarded cars while others soared through the sky toward the old mansion.

Old man Patterson retrieved the weapon Trent had given him and instructed a male servant to load boxes of bullets into his car. Upon exiting the house, he encountered Ellis, Elijah, and Angel standing by the car.

"What do you think you're doing?" Old man Patterson demanded sternly, but his grandkids stood firm.

"We're coming to save our younger sister," Ellis replied, determined. "We're already late."

Elijah took the driver's seat, urging, "Come on, Granddad, we can't afford to be the last ones there." Ellis gently guided their grandfather into the car. Meanwhile, Angel, seated beside Elijah, began murmuring incantations, causing old man Patterson to straighten his back.

"What is she doing?" the grandfather inquired, but before Elijah could respond, events unfolded further.

As the car shook violently, a strange sensation tingled on their skin, prompting them to close their eyes.

"Is this an earthquake or your doing?" Ellis inquired, puzzled.

Meanwhile, Rose dashed out of the house to bid them farewell and offer Ella's favorite strawberry cake. However, as she approached, the car vanished into thin air, leaving Rose bewildered.

"What sorcery is this!" Rose exclaimed.

"You killed my parents, tried to harm my sister, and took Samuel's life," Ella seethed through gritted teeth. "Since you couldn't harm my sister, how about me?" Genesis felt intense vibrations in his head, collapsing to his knees, clutching his chest in agony.

Ella advanced toward him with predatory determination. "How are you doing this?" Genesis's voice emerged strained, feeling as though his heart would burst. "You're treating my family's lives as if they mean nothing."

Tears streamed down Ella's cheeks, causing Genesis to struggle to breathe.

Summoning her sword, "Blue Justice," Ella caused the ground to soften, attempting to ensnare Genesis, but Ella swiftly moved away, evading the sinking ground.

Feeling immense energy emanating from her sword, Ella noticed a red button on its side. "Velder, don't let him escape," she commanded, as he emerged from her shadow, gripping Genesis by his shirt collar.

Despite her racing heart, Ella pressed the button, triggering a holographic projection of Brian. "Hello, Ella. I hope you're safe. Trent directed me to be direct. We've successfully summoned your weapon and upgraded it to its maximum potential. He'll arrive soon and misses you. He also suggested you go all out. Take care. Goodbye," the holographic message concluded.

Ella gazed at Genesis, stating, "I don't want to kill you—at least not until you apologize to my family."

"And how do you plan on keeping me alive that long?" Genesis smirked confidently, devoid of fear, much to Ella's disdain. "You couldn't have killed Samuel alone. Be a darling and tell me who assisted you?"

"With pleasure, my dear Ella," Genesis chuckled. "It was Evan and Michael who aided me, and I'm certain one of them is en route here." His laughter echoed, but it ceased as he observed Ella's self-assured smile.

Meanwhile, Amorah and Milli were setting a trap, Ephyrus sat regally with Michael and Evan by his side. "Genesis isn't back yet. What's taking him so long in Ella's room?" Milli expressed her desire to call out Genesis, but Amorah, indifferent, directed Evan to summon him, disregarding Milli's emotions.

Despite the hurtful words, Milli suppressed her feelings, reminiscent of when Lady Amorah had rebuked her for her past affections for Trent.

Ella diverted her attention from Genesis, turning to Velder with a query, "Do witches need to vocalize their spells, or can they merely whisper or think them?"

"They must speak the incantation," Velder replied, uncertain of the reason behind the inquiry.

"In that case, I guess Genesis won't be needing his tongue, legs, or arms," Ella proclaimed with steely resolve.

Genesis and Velder's eyes widened in shock as a sudden realization struck them both.

Outside the mansion, Cyrus and Acher stood together. Acher's phone beeped, and upon reading the text, he announced, "Ariadna is going to join us."

"What?" Cyrus's loud response drew attention. "He's apologizing," Acher clarified to the onlookers. "I understand she's your fiancée, but she can make her own choice."

"Would you have allowed Lydia to come to this war?" Cyrus challenged.

"Lydia is free to make her decisions," Acher replied, receiving another text that visibly angered him. "What was she thinking when she made this decision?" Cyrus ignored the stares directed at them.

"Perhaps because she has the freedom to choose," Cyrus mocked, prompting Acher's disapproving harrumph. "I wonder why the war hasn't commenced," Acher changed the subject. "Maybe that's why Lydia wants to join us."

"Since they haven't emerged, why don't we attack?" Romeos suggested. "We don't know if there's a trap. Let the strategists do their work," Acher advised.

Brian's chameleons were deployed to scout the mansion's interior. "We haven't spotted any traps so far," one of the strategists reported while reviewing video footage on his laptop.

Meanwhile, Evan headed toward Ella's room, where he heard a man's scream emanating. Rushing inside, Evan stepped into a pool of blood.

Shock enveloped Evan as he found Genesis lying unconscious on the floor, his limbs severed, blood gushing from his mouth. Ella sat on her bed, facing a peculiar-looking man with a revealing V-neck shirt displaying chiseled abs, wielding a bloodied sword.

"Let me ask you something, fake Evan," "How did the rogues infiltrate and implant your soul into Evan's body when the forensic team was only fifteen minutes away?"

Evan, feeling a mixture of fear and curiosity about the situation, understood that providing an explanation might be the best course of action. "We never left that mansion," Evan confessed, addressing Ella and Velder, who exchanged glances before focusing back on him.