"the dragon flame is very dangerous and cannot be extinguished except by the person contracted with the dragon or the dragon itself."

"So, what's the plan?" Acher asked. "Chen is going to go head-on with him, "I will make a ball of fire, you will use your wind to expand it, Simon is going to use his portal ability to make it land on him.

"Let's do this." Chen telepathically communicates with them, since he is in his wolf form.

Varris looked confused by this.

Pak! They heard the sound of a slap, varris cheeks were now red and swollen, and his pupils constricted. Ariadna became visible the others were stupefied.

"Hi, boys." They turned around and saw Lydia standing behind them.

"You should be ashamed of yourself! You don't deserve to watch Naruto!" Ariadna shouted at him. He stared at her in disbelief.

"Why do you think that?" Varris's eyes glistened with so many tears, that it made the others feel bad for him.

"the Uzumaki Naruto, I know preached about peace and he never killed a single soul! While you are disrupting people and killing them!!"

"That's not true! Lady Amorah said we are fighting for peace and killing for peace." He sobbed in between his words.

"She lied to you son! She lied big time!" the others were too shocked to say anything. "Why should I trust what you say?" Varris cried harder as he spoke. "Because I and the others are fighting for peace and equality between all creatures! While your bitch of a master wants to be on top and make everyone her slave!"

Varris gripped his hair. Tears poured out of his eyes. Ariadna placed her hands on his. "Is okay, you don't have to cry, tell me how you feeling?" "Confused." He cried harder.

"What's your name?" Ariadna sweetly asked him.

"My name is Varris." "Mine is Ariadna. Varris." She called but he didn't raise his head. "How about this, after the war, I and you can become friends and watch all the episodes of Naruto together?" the others felt like they were now in a parallel universe.

Varris raised his head, his dull eyes brightened a little. "Really! You want to become my friend and watch Naruto together?" Varris sounded excited. Ariadna smiled and nodded her head. "And if things cool off, we can go to the Human countries, we could go to Japan and visit Naruto theme park."

Varris opened his mouth, his hand fell from his hair, and Ariadna held his hand. Varris felt warm on the inside. He began to cry again.

"Why are you crying?" Ariadna asked. "No one has ever been this nice to me before." Varris cried harder.

After he had calmed down. The rest surrounded him. "Varris, I need to ask you a few questions." Said Acher. "I all ears."

"This worms of yours, was what you used on Trent, am I right?" Acher's expression was very serious.

"It was not me, you are talking about Taylor, the true owner of the ability." The rest were shocked by the answer. "You don't have to lie, you told us that people said that your ability was disgusting." Chen reminded him. "That's because I can control dead bodies." "Then, are you telling us, that all these worms are dead? Cyrus sounded disgusted. Ariadna glared making him lower his head. "No, when I got here. Taylor was the only nice to me before he died. "lady Amorah used her magic to transfer his powers to me."

They all made an OOO sound at the sudden revelation. "How old are you then?" Lydia asked. "I am fifteen." They were once again stunned by the boy.

"Do you know where Trent is?" Ariadna enquired.

"Are you talking about Lady Amorah's son?"

"Yes!!" they all answered. "Come let me take you there."

Evan entered the empty spacious room, he saw a gauntlet appearing in Trent's hand and he was speeding toward Ella. Evan began to run toward Trent, and his body slowly began to be covered in lightning. Trent raised the gauntlet, and Ella's pupils constricted.

Ephyrus and Amorah proudly smile.

"It might be too late though." Varris who was leading them said. "What do you mean?" Ariadna asked. "They plan to kill Ella in front of Trent, this will make him go berserk and, in that time, Trent is not completely in control of his mind."

Ella closed her eyes.

"I don't get it." Varris stopped and faced all of them. Lady Amorah is planning to do a spell that will give her complete control of his mind, she will wipe out his memory and create a new one."

They are all shocked by this. "Trent will never allow anything to happen to Ella," Cyrus said to the rest.

"bang!" Evan stopped. Velder eyes were wide so was the bone guy.

Blood drops fell on the ground, Trent moved his gauntlet from his forehead the huge wound began to heal and blood covered his face.

"that was close" he chuckled and turned to look at the fuming Ephyrus.

On the battlefield, one of the Qin family's daughters touched the ground. "Mother-in-law's tongue rise!" the flower sprouted, grew big, and bloomed the pink gas in it started purifying the air and releasing many of the soldiers from the hypnosis.

On the roof of the mansion, three people wore face masks on the masks sharp blood teeth were designed. "Brother let's get to work." One of them said they all blurred out.

On the battlefield Aurelia was fighting Alfric, she was trying her best not to hurt him but he kept attacking her. "Alfric, come back to your senses." But there was no reply. Instead, he threw a punch at her and she blocked it with her hand. Aurelia was moved back by the force, she hissed in pain and then looked at her arm, purple mushrooms were growing on her arm, and this made her pupils dilate.

He sent another punch her way but she was able to dodge it, she realized that she couldn't feel her right arm and it was now jelly-like. "Alfric! Come back to your senses!! You have proven to me that the elves are weak!!!" Alfric who was coming to attack her but.

Aurelia stared at him, whilst breathing heavily. "The elves aren't that weak." Aurelia beamed in joy. "listen, Aurelia, you have to find a way to knock me down." "But you are back…" "It is only temporary!" he grabbed his heart. "he will take over soon before he does that find a way to knock him out, please," Alfric begged. Tears rolled down her cheek. She nodded her head.

"I could be of help." A beautiful pale-skinned girl said. "You're from the ice clan." Aurelia pointed out. "Yes, I didn't mean to eavesdrop…" "Do it now!" Aurelia commanded, Alfric began to growl the girl said a spell and his body slowly covered in ice.

"Our family…." Aurelia watched a spear pierced through the girl's stomach.

Blood dripped down her mouth. The unseen person pulled the spear back and the girl's body fell to the ground. She saw a person in tight leather pants and a black leather jacket with a weird-looking mask break the ice prison Alfric was trapped in.

Aurelia gasped. "that's impossible the ice prison can only be broken by someone from the ice family." The guy yawned and gave her an indifferent look. "Guy, why is she still alive." he sounded drowsy. Aurelia stepped back her eyes danced in fear. Then a spear was stabbed into her chest. Aurelia true out blood.

Alfric stood in the field and used his ability to make more branches with buds on them grow in different parts of the battlefield "What is this?" Romulus was getting a dreading feeling so was Elder Qing.

Ephyrus and Trent were still fighting each other and used his reality-warping ability to turn the ground to look like a spiky ground with larvae shooting out. He punched Trent in the stomach, Trent could feel the impact making his intestine vibrate, and he kept punching Trent vigorously. He hit him hard on the face and sent him falling, Trent gritted his teeth in frustration and warp the spiky larvae ground to teddies and cotton candy and he fell on them whilst breathing heavily.

"You have more abilities than me but do you know why you're failing?" Ephyrus asked him. "because I didn't practice to use them." Trent answered whilst breathing heavily. "No, is because I have more experience, I went to a lot of battles, I was sitting on top with my close comrades, together we ruled the world."

"What happened to your Disney world." Trent mocked.

"the people that called themselves the celestial being interfered; more powerful people were being born and those trouble things that called themselves the brainiacs." He clicked his tongue in anger.

"I decided to go to sleep and leave my comrades in charge. That's when we were overpowered and they were killed. "and no princess came to wake you up from sleep with a kiss." Trent mocked again. Ephyrus rolled his eyes at his unserious son.