Chapter 03-Sellers'matter part 2

"I still don't understand the purpose of this situation."

"There is not much to understand." Camille got up stretching, pointing with her chin at Lilian Charm. "Her parents classify people as useful or not, she can only follow their orders, that's how things work for her family. Jean is no exception, the fact that he is the son of a partner in the company only makes them feel inclined to pair them up and put pressure on Jean's parents. "

"Which are limited to indulging the whims of that family." The aforementioned answered irritated. "Although I must admit that it is only in appearance and it seems that they begin to understand that I am not going to give in on this, which is something."

Look around me, Charm was with her friends, sitting on the teacher's desk with her back to me, her wavy hair in a ponytail, she was waving her hands agitatedly, her irritation was more than palpable by the topic of conversation, she turned her head towards a girl without looking away for a single second as if measuring her and then continuing the interesting talk they had.

"Sometimes it seems incredible to me that you and she were friends with her." Anne finally spoke, Jean raised his head hopefully but she just ignored him.

I wrapped a strand around my finger and fixed my attention on the ends as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. "It's not like we agreed to stop being it, I still consider her that way. But it is she who believes that our differences were greater than one friendship of years".

Sarah shook her head. "You have to accept that it was something that was destined to end." I opened my mouth to reply. "It only remained to see the way they both felt about him." She spoke with a serious face, to which the three agreed.

Before that, I could not argue anything and Jean said goodbye with an uncomfortable grimace, kissing Anne on the cheek, whose expression seemed to be indifferent but she hesitated which I noticed when I saw her hands tremble a little, while she watched him go in the direction to your friends. Camille looked at me cautiously noticing that I wanted to intervene but she subtly denied it.

I cleared my throat. "Does anyone know what those Sellers' matters are?"

Camille yawned as she sat back, twisting in her position, leaning her chin on the backrest, and shrugging, she replied. "You shouldn't get involved in other people's affairs. However, Sarah would be interested in answering you…" She couldn't even finish when my friend was already speaking.

"It's about his wife," she leaned over my position excitedly. "Before you ask how I know, let me tell you that she is at the clinic." Anne's face turned pale and she made a worried grimace.

"My God? I hope it's nothing serious."

"Don't worry, although she was admitted for pneumonia, my mother informed me that her condition was stable. After all, she is the doctor who treats her."

"What happened to the confidentiality of the patient" Anne murmured pulling her chair closer.

"It is not as if it were a secret, everyone comments on it, it is not known who was the source of the information. Besides, I have not yet mentioned the most relevant of this, such as how overprotective our teacher is about the health of his wife." She continued the black-haired woman.

"That man is very intimidating, your mom is very brave for dealing with him."

"Not as much as seeing your mom angry." Anne hid a lock of her hair behind her ear, still uneasy, looking at me.

Camille twisted her lips, tapping her forefinger on her chin. "That is true and that Amanda is quite calm."

"Do you want to know the rest or not?" Sarah clasped her hands in annoyance at the interruption.

Camille turned her body around as she took off her headphones ready to ignore us.

"You too Camille, don't tell you everything last night," she called out to her raising her voice, at which she reluctantly closed her book and pulled the artifact out of her ears slowly.

"Well, do you want cookies?" Anne and I had one, Camille anticipating that we would last like this for quite a while, cleared her throat. "Mom said that Sellers came with her in his arms to the clinic, very distressed, asked to be treated as quickly as possible and, had a little discussion with the clinic staff when they did not allow him to enter the room."

"Well, it makes sense, just because he's so strict with us doesn't mean he's not affected by what happens to her family, plus pneumonia isn't something to be taken lightly, right Anne?"

"It depends" She answered recovering some color in her face, "the cause of this infection is bacteria or fungi, normally you can prevent its symptoms from being severe with a vaccine, who knows if this was the case. They tend to get complicated are the bacterial ones. "I wonder what kind of pneumonia she has." Anne bit her lip thoughtfully.

Camille whistled in amazement-Now I understand why you are the best in chemistry and biology, not bad for someone who plans to study medicine.

"Thank you, but I owe this to my brother, the medical books that he left at home and the conversations we have every time he comes home", she replied with modesty and shifted uncomfortably.

Sarah combed my hair absentmindedly. "I heard the name of the bacteria, my mom mentioned something that ended in the coconut ... It sounded like Strepcoco pulmonic or something like that. Sorry, it's hard to remember."

"Oh sure". The brunette nodded with obvious concern. "Streptococcus pneumoniae, this bacterium causes different infections such as pneumonia, sinusitis, or meningitis." The three of us just blinked in confusion, she scratched her neck uncomfortably. "Please continue".

"Anyway, I had the opportunity to meet her over the weekend, she is very kind and quite cute."

"Why did you meet her? Aren't you only supposed to visit her family or friends?" I raised an eyebrow. Sara shrugged dismissively.

"I didn't see my mom in a week, you know that our schedules are crossed and it seemed like a good idea to bring her lunch, it just so happens that I was taking care of her when she arrives and the teacher didn't bother to see me either, in fact, he introduced me as a good student before her. They even asked me to come back because she gets bored of being alone. "

I looked at Anne who remained thoughtful, noticing my gaze she stirred again. "What if we visit her? You and Sarah already know her," I gently squeezed her shoulder, outlining a huge smile, Marianne tilted her head appreciating the request that calmed her unease a bit.

Her relationship with Sellers unlike with other students was much closer, my friend admired him and he was impressed with her writing skills, nothing to be misinterpreted, it was evident to everyone that she had earned her grades on her own. effort. Added to this was her friendship with her son Kellan, adding another reason for her to be concerned.

They all nodded in agreement with my proposal, Camille more out of compromise, considering that neither she nor I knew of her existence before.

I finally got up, stretching, and they turned their heads in my direction. "How about going to the cafeteria? I want to eat something before the next class."

They nodded in agreement and gathered their things, to go in the direction of the cafeteria.

While I was writing a few text messages, I decided to get ahead a few steps.