Chapter 04-The only good thing

The sound of a message notification echoed through the immense and pristine office, the young man who had received a text message remained unfazed, sitting gracefully on the chair, as he leaned his back against the backrest, his long legs were crossed languidly while his hands were busy dividing various files into sections and deftly arranging them on a table.

He hid a yawn that made tear up his eyes with a document agilely while he looked at the watch on his wrist as a result of his boredom in the silence of the place, his exhausted gaze did not show any threat and the bags under his eyes detracted from his gaze, almost giving him a resigned appearance, allowing the person with him to relax.

However, his presence was not careless, unconsciously his gawkiness generated a feeling of incongruity despite his disinterested appearance as if it were contrary to his personality, as proof of this his eyes captured every movement of the person behind an elegant mahogany desk, analyzing him, without losing the smallest detail, trying to capture any possible weakness that he could get from the man and then use it to his advantage, clearly his true objective was not known to the other person, otherwise the confident smile on his face would have already faded.

Later he raised his head from the documents and smiled awkwardly as he unintentionally dropped a pen to the ground, looking away momentarily, the young man left the sound of the cell phone by putting it on the vibrator, but not before observing for a short moment the sender's name with a glow of warmth in his eyes that was imperceptible in front of the older man as he hid his gaze under several strands of brown hair and put the device back in his pants pocket.

Finally, the sound of a lighter was heard before hearing the husky voice of the man.

"I finished reading the report, it's not bad at all Liam, your financial reports on the state of the company have improved a lot."

He pointed to the chair in front of him and the young man approached encouraged by the comment. "I'm not surprised, after all, the knowledge you've acquired you owe everything to me." An arrogant smile spread across his face as he held her chin in his hand. The young man only nodded enthusiastically at the false flattery, inwardly enjoying the old man's ignorance at his animosity at his mere existence.

"It's nice to know that my skills are good enough to help you with the company, uncle." A slow voice with a note of thanks came over the comment seriously.

Two rings of smoke came out of the man's mouth, as he nodded in agreement, shaking the highest quality Cuban cigar to put it out after several minutes.

"I am glad to hear that you recognize it. And to think that you were so stubborn and refused to contribute to the family business as a child and look at yourself now you are a man ". He patted her shoulder gently looking at him superbly. His words caused his eyes to cloud over as a consequence and he made the blood within his body boil with rage.

"Bastard, if it were up to you, I'd be better off dead." He had to restrain himself from jumping on him and smashing his shit-eating grin.

A refreshing and relaxed laugh was expelled from the young man contradicting his thoughts and he shook his head very modestly. "Well, it was time for me to mature and accept once and for all that you only want the best for me." The man, pleased to hear this, leaned in to answer him.

Several knocks on the door interrupted their conversation, and both men fixed their attention on it, to later hear a delicate voice of a young woman but with remarkable professionalism cross the place, after allowing access, the figure of a beautiful black woman was glimpsed with beautiful jet black hair straight walking in his direction making her heels sounded.

"Mr. Barrows, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation with her esteemed nephew, but one of the investors who are interested in the Green Soul project is in the waiting room."

"Hey? Why? What kind of idiot would walk into the company unannounced? Do you think I have a lot of free time? Go and tell him that I am a very busy man. " He made a disdainful face turning his chair with his back to her.

The young woman took a deep breath, rolling her eyes in frustration at the incompetence of her boss, while she crossed her gaze with the boy who was sitting listening to her requesting her help but he only smiled maliciously refusing to intervene.

Taking another deep breath with her head down, the woman raised her head with determination.

"I am afraid you cannot refuse to receive it at this time since the person who is waiting is Mr. Charm, who is the majority partner of the Iron Building company."

She commented extending a folder that contained a pile of documents and opened it indicating with the index a photograph where the plans of a large housing complex with large green areas and elaborate gardens added sophistication to the construction.

The older man had no choice but to turn around in shock and immediately got up from his chair, adjusting his tie, after straightening his suit jacket, he ran his hands through his hair, combing it back, seeking to obtain a more distinguished appearance, generating a more distinguished appearance. the graying entries of her dark hair will be more marked.

"Adina, quickly take care of Mr. Charm, offer him a drink while I prepare the proposals that I have planned to make regarding the project." He urged her to make a gesture with her hand indicating her to leave quickly.

The young man had no choice but to restrain his snort at the amusement that seeing such a pathetic man caused him, change his attitude from an arrogant one to an ass-licker, knowing that the old man was preparing to release the sweetest words from his mouth to sweeten that businessman's ear.

"Adriana, Mr. Barrows, as your order, I'll go immediately." She nodded solemnly, accustomed to his smug personality, turned her head in farewell to the young man who was silently observing everything, and withdrew.

"Tchsst, this girl has to learn some manners and decorum, look how daring to correct her boss." The man clicked his tongue and shook disapprovingly, picking up the documents on his desk. "Good work on the proposals, this just shows that you and I are an excellent team and we can achieve great things if we work together, Liam."

"I agree with you, uncle. I am sure that while I work in this company I will bring you big surprises ".

The man smiled hugely and patted his shoulder hard. "You don't disappoint me, nephew, you're the only good thing that stupid woman left behind." He squeezed his shoulder amiably. "You'll see that the best decision she could make was to leave."

After saying this, the older man left ignoring the storm of negative emotions that his words generated in the boy.

This time he was the one who took a deep breath trying to calm himself down and was finally able to peruse the messages he had received.

Mandy: Can you believe I forgot Sellers canceled class? I'm an idiot, I didn't even get to eat breakfast.

Mandy: Hey, do you know how rude it is to read someone's messages and not reply?

Alexander: I can't deny an undeniable truth like that, eat something so your situation doesn't get worse. I'm in the company, don't ask. I will see you later.

Mandy: You are obnoxious. Okay, we'll talk later.