
"Good, good" replied the captain

He turned back forward towards Alin. He pulled down his hood revealing what looked to be a broken nose that was red from drinking. He put on a smile that showed a golden diamond-encrusted tooth and gently extended his arms to the side as if he was about to welcome an old friend and wanted to embrace him in a hug.

"Greetings, my name is not important and I'm in charge of this small group. I don't know who or what stopped my earth wall but it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you and everyone else on that bus give us all your valuables and we will simply let you go on your way." Smirked the captain filled to the brim with confidence that whatever stopped his earth wall was just a fluke, maybe he didn't put enough strength into it or he might just be tired he thought to himself.

Alin stopped 5 meters or so away from the group and took off the cloak of his hood. His white hair was tied nicely into a ponytail while his beard still looked bushy and wild. He was a tall and muscular man but his clothes and the fact that he loves to sit down and tends to hunch a bit help hide the fact.

He straightened up properly now slightly towering over the leader of the small group.

Sniffy, the one who shouted something about the stench of wealth coming from him could be seen gagging and retching even more so than before. It looked as if he could barely handle the overpowering stench.

Alin decided to inquire the man in charge about Sniffy "That's quite an interesting ability he wields."

While no questions were said the group's captain could infer what the man ahead of him meant.

"Ah, yes. You're right it is quite an interesting ability. It allows him to sniff out wealth. Not in the pure sense that he can smell gold coins but more about sniffing out golden opportunities that could and most likely will lead to wealth and fortune"

He continued talking "the bigger wealth and fortune the stronger the stench, and as you can see right now by my poor, poor Sniffy. He can barely handle the stench coming off from you. So we will also need you to compensate us for this, I mean at the end of the day it is your fault he is in this state, wouldn't you agree?"

He grinned threateningly before moving his arm towards his waist and revealing a sword hanging off it.

"We wouldn't want anything to happen to you…"

"Or that kid travelling with you!" shouted a big boxy-looking man. His face looked plump and pudgy as if he never had a bad meal in his life.

The group of men started laughing menacingly, the big boxy man had slapped the back of sniffy's shoulder causing him to fall to the ground as he still hadn't been able to compose himself and lost his balance.

His hood had managed to fall revealing his face. He had a big hooked nose and a generally skinny face. He had big and brown sunken eyes and short mousy brown hair. He was lean and thin and fairly tall for his age which Alin guessed was between 16-18 years of age.

Due to the hysterics, they missed the change on Alin's face that only lasted a fraction of a second.

His face twisted into a devious and near demonic smile. His eyes looked cold as ice as if any semblance of humanity was long gone if it was ever even there. Veins popped up on his neck and forehead and his fingernails dug into his hands causing them to draw blood.

He managed to compose himself in that instant and coldly replied "Hoh, I almost did something quite foolish"

Still slightly chuckling and wiping a tear that had fallen from his eye the captain looks towards Alin and spots some blood dripping from the palm of his hand.

"Well, I'm glad you've realized it would be foolish to oppose us. We would…"

"No" Interrupted Alin, pausing briefly before continuing.

"That's not it. I almost showed something unsightly to my grandson"


Alin snapped his fingers causing a shockwave that extended for over 1000 meters to flow outwards from him. Once it reached the bus everyone on it promptly fell asleep other than Uriel.

Uriel managed to hold on for a bit longer than others on the bus only to see a petrified expression on the face of one of the bandits before his eyes forced themselves to close.




Even though it did not affect them in any way, the group could see the magical shockwave and could feel its power, but that isn't what caused them to cower.

At the same time as he clicked his fingers and the shockwave hit the bus, Alin's face started to transform slightly. His nose became a bit flatter while his skin became slightly scaly, smoke started coming out of his nose and when he opened his mouth to speak flames could be seen trying to escape and grow big.

"You have made a fatal mistake, if you didn't mention the boy I would have let you die easily. But that is no longer possible." Flames shot out of his mouth with every word he spoke adding towards the fear.

"Kneel," Alin uttered the command but no one moved even though in their eyes you could see both fear and hope. Deep within their minds, they thought that if they listen maybe nothing will happen.

"KI KI KI KI" snickered the captain.

"I'll admit your appearance is unsightly, but if you think we will kneel just because of something like that then you're a fool." He commented before drawing his sword.


The rest of his members other than Sniffy had all also drawn their weapons and pointed them towards Alin. Colour came back to their faces and they looked like their morale had come back in full force. Their respective weapons started to glow a variety of colours.

The captain's sword was glowing brown. The boxy man had a pair of gauntlets with sharp spikes on the knuckles that were glowing a bright yellow colour, he lightly tapped his knuckles together causing sparks and small trails of electricity to spark up and flow around his gauntlet and arms and to fly outwards in all directions.

A third man who was smaller than the rest and looked to be quite agile sported a dagger with a long chain attached to it. Both the dagger and the chain gave off a really faint deep grey glow.

The last man still standing hadn't drawn a weapon, instead, he took a combat stance and started silently chanting a spell.