Uriel furrowed his eyebrows head. The Emperor is supposedly the descendant of a legendary draconic bloodline "If it's so bad then why doesn't the Emperor do anything?"
"Ha, you have hit the nail on the head, he should be able to fix something like this with ease with just that status, but he is also the Emperor of a super-powerful Empire yet he does nothing. So my dear Uriel, what do you think the reason for that is?"
Alin asked, his eyes were filled to the brim with curiosity, he wanted to know wherever his grandson was listening at all and if he could figure out the answer to the question all by himself. His lips were formed into a straight line and overall he looked expressionless but truth was that he was barely able to contain his excitement and it took everything from him to stop his lips from curling into an excited smile.
Uriel put his hand to his face gently rubbing his chin "Hmm…"
Uriel wanted to answer quite quickly but a lot of possibilities were going through his head but in the end, he opened his mouth and asked "I t-think he just doesn't want to?"
A giant smile showed up on Alin's face for a brief moment before he quickly moved his hand to cover his mouth to hide the smile.
"Ha, Ha, Ha, I knew my Uriel was quick, that's pretty much exactly right. He just doesn't want to. The reason could be one of many, he could be lazy, incompetent, or maybe he is corrupt and the vile rotten scum has spread far and wide, regardless we can't know unless we ask him or someone exposes him"
"But why doesn't anyone do anything then?" inquired Uriel with a twinkle of innocence in his eyes.
Alin sighed "They simply don't have the strength, power, influence or wealth to do anything. The 10 families hold a large amount of influence and power and they use it to keep those below them oppressed. Unless an outside force comes in to change things I doubt anything will be different in our lifetime"
He spotted Uriels upset and nervous expression before gently petting the top of his head "Do not be upset. This is how life is, unfortunately. If you do not like it then you should become somebody who can change it."
Uriel's face beamed before he clenched his little fists and nodded. "Yes!"
The grandfather, grandson duo both smiled from ear to ear at each other and sat in silence for the remaining handful of minutes remaining in their journey
The bus screeched to a halt in front of a large building. The sign above its doors read "Bus Station"
"Get up, we are getting off and walking from here" Commanded Alin before springing up to his feet and walking down the aisle.
Uriel quickly followed in getting up but was curious as to why no one else was getting up. His grandfather went in front. Uriel's attention flowed towards his grandfather's hands which were rubbing past seats as he leisurely walked past them.
A light shine was being given off from his hands for a brief moment whenever he touched a new bus seat. Uriel looked at the people as he passed them. He was shocked to see just for a moment a terrifying sight.
He saw a woman pale as snow with milky eyes. Her face was void of any expression as if all joy and life were squeezed out of her. But in the same instant colour started to return to her face which looked to be relaxing and her eyes seemed to have cleared up.
Uriel's head jolted forward and towards the back of his grandfathers head. He had many questions to ask his grandfather but fear stopped him from asking. That's when his head started to hurt and Uriel had realized that he couldn't remember a part of his day.
He decided to follow his grandfather in silence until they reach their destination.
The pair walked for what felt like hours to Uriel. They started relatively in the centre of the city and started walking outwards. As they went on the houses, shops and buildings, in general, started looking older, more rundown and empty. Cans, cigarette buts and many other miscellaneous pieces of trash.
Eventually, Alin started leading them down a narrow and damp alley before stopping in front of a big metal door that had a small viewing screen near the top.
Alin proceeded to lift his arm and knock a few times. Loud bangs echoed as the door shook. Alin had unknowingly used so much strength that others might have mistaken his intentions and thought he was trying to break the door down.
The viewing screen swung open. A pair of brown eyes appeared in the viewing screen, the moment they spotted Alin they bulged out before the viewing screen suddenly was slammed shut.
Various clicking and sliding sounds could be heard coming from behind the door and before they knew it the door was pushed open.
When he saw the face behind the pair of eyes Uriel gasped internally. The pair of eyes belonged to a small man not much taller than Uriel, he looked to be middle-aged and quite plump. He had rosy cheeks and big round ears, his moustache looked like whiskers he somewhat looked like a mouse to Uriel and that's when he decided to whisper "Gramps…"
Before he could even finish what he was going to say the mouse looking man started talking rapidly. He looked ecstatic to see Alin as if a great weight and burden were lifted off his shoulders.
"Master, you're here. Yes, you are ohhhh that's great news. Does that mean it's started? Oh but then things are going to get busy..." The man said rapidly in a high pitched almost squeaky voice.
While his eyes were fixated upon Alin, he still spotted in the corner of his eyes a small figure before he continued talking.
"Oh this boy, is it the young master? It truly has begun, hasn't it? Oh, this will be grand. Oh but I'm curious the young master, what is his…" Before he could finish the question a chill enveloped him. It felt as if the temperature suddenly fell drastically.
"Expor…" Alin said the name in a low voice, it sounded cold, authoritative and most of all angry.
"This is Expor. He has helped me with something important the last handful of years. As you may see he is a mouse beastman."
Uriel looked back towards the man, he was curious as to what he was going to ask about him but right now he was more fascinated by the very first beastman he has ever seen.
Expor was still slightly stunned, his face paled and his mouth was agape and his whole face was as pale as a sheet.
He shook his head and focused his eyes on Uriel before bowing slightly "Greetings young master, or would you prefer me to call you something else? Oh, but what would that be…" He trailed off before going on once again.
"Oh right, where are my manners, my name is Expor Muirem, if you ever need anything please don't be afraid to ask, young master."
His face beamed into a large smile.
Uriel's face had visible confusion upon it. That's when Alin smacked the top of Expor's head and grumbled "I told you to not be weird and be so formal around Uriel…"
Alin sighed before asking "Are they here and ready?"
"Y-yes they are here master. Would you like me to take you to them?"
"No, it's fine. Have them meet us in the lounge"
Uriel at this point couldn't help but ask "Who are we meeting, gramps?"
Alin smirked at Uriel with his eyes closed, "it is a surprise. One that I think you will be very happy about."
"Why is it a surprise?" questioned Uriel
"Stop asking so many questions brat you're about to find out aren't you?!"