Ferocious Bunny

"Please follow this way, yes do follow this way let me show you the way to the lounge, oh maybe I should prepare some refreshments for you? Oh, bother I didn't go to buy anything recently… what to do, what to do…" Expor started to speak in a quieter and quieter voice until he couldn't be heard anymore.

Alin and Uriel followed the small beastman inside the building. Inside the walls were covered by a large number of pictures of various mouse beastmen that Uriel figured were Expor's family.

The wall themselves were a dark emerald green with pale wooden panels that went up around ⅓ of the wall from the ground. The inside of the building was surprisingly clean and well kept, while the decor itself could use a change everything else can't be complained about.

Expor opened a door before showing the way in as if he were a loyal butler awaiting praise from his master.

Alin gently nodded his head towards Export which made the small man jump in excitement. They walked into the room which had sky blue coloured walls with clouds painted on them, it had similar wooden panels as in the hallway except these were darker brown with a bit of emerald green on top while the couches that surrounded a simple round coffee table made from a tree stump stood between them.

Alin and Uriel both looked horrified by the decor and had to hold back the urge to throw up. They went to sit down on the couches, as he saw that Expor grabbed both of his hands together and said "I'll fetch them now I will, yes I'll do that now…" he turned around closed the door and started walking away but his voice could still be heard as he walked away.

"Oh this is exciting, I wonder what will happen, oh I wonder how they…" his voice slowly faded as he got further away.

"Them? They?"

"Haaaaaa, do not be impatient. Just wait" Alin gritted his teeth while trying to look forward as not to look at the boy as he was afraid at that point he would explode and things would get awkward if he did.

"And 'they' and 'them' are kind of self-explanatory, brat" Alin spoke through his clenched teeth in a quiet calm voice that hid a slight irritation within itself.




"Master I have brought them I have, yes I did a good job, can we come in, please? Oh, boy am I…"

"Come in" A loud voice roared and interrupted Expor who quickly opened the door and pushed it fully open before showing the way in for two children.

A boy and a girl proceeded to walk into the room. As they were walking further and further inwards towards the opposing couch, Uriel couldn't help but stare at the pair. This was the last thing he expected and it was a huge surprise. This is the first time Uriel would get to meet someone who was his age, or at the very least looked it.

The boy was just over a head taller than Uriel, he wore a plain white T-shirt and blue jeans and brown steel toe-capped boots. His hands were in the pockets of the tan winter coat he was wearing. Its fur hood covered his face and he kept his head low so Uriel wasn't able to tell how he looked like.

The girl was a similar height to Uriel, she had two different coloured eyes with one her left eye being Magenta while her other eye was Teal. Her hair was white with a slight hint of pink in it. Her lips curved revealing a smile composed of spiky sharp teeth that neatly fit within each other as if they were crafted to perfection.

She wore twin sashes around her waist that were also both teal and magenta, the colour scheme even reached her shoes, she wore simple skate shoes which were also both teal and magenta respectively. She wore black trousers and a t-shirt with a grey hoodie.

Her eyes suddenly grew in size as they eyed Alin, she jumped up and shouted "Alin!" before reappearing right behind him. She went to grab Alin's head but he grabbed her hand and flipped her skillfully yet gently over the couch.

Uriel's mouth opened up into a shocked O. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, a young girl standing in one spot and then the next second appearing behind his grandfather. It's the first time he had seen a child using magic. While his grandfather showed him a lot of magic and taught him quite a fair bit. He has forbidden him from practising it and infusing mana into his body until he turns 18 years of age.

Uriel always thought everyone could only learn practical magic once they turned 18 as his grandfather has never said otherwise. Uriel couldn't help but wonder. Was the girl special in being able to use magic before 18 or maybe there was simply something wrong with him?

Alin roared with laughter snapping Uriel out of his daze "Ha, Ha, Ha you are still far too young for this to work on me, but keep trying my adorable bunny!"

"Hmm, I'm not adorable, I'm ferocious" she showed her teeth and made claws at Alin before hissing at him.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, Yes that is right you are a ferocious bunny indeed. My mistake." Alin continued laughing causing the young girl to pout and go sit on the opposing couch. Expor and the boy had already sat down while all that was going on.

A silent moment passed where everyone looked at each other. The young girl kept looking at Uriel before quickly darting her eyes back towards Alin, it was clear she wanted to know who Uriel was but she figured she was about to find out.

Alin cleared his throat before looking at Expor and speaking "Expor, would you kindly leave the room and prepare some light refreshments? I would like to speak with the children on my own."

Expor flew up onto his feet before flying out of the room while repeatedly saying "Yes yes, I will do that now I will, I will prepare refreshments right this second, oh boy this will be good…"

As Expor was walking away the young girl elbowed the young boy next to her in the side wanting him to take his hood down. Seemingly understanding her intentions as if this wasn't the first time it happened the boy lowered his hood.

He had light brown, slightly wavy hair that reached halfway down his next. His eyes were light blue as if a beautiful lagoon resided within them. His face looked extremely nervous as if he just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide somewhere.

The door slammed shut behind Expor, Alin waited a brief moment before gesturing towards Uriel who was seated beside him.

"This is Uriel, he has been living with me for the past 7 years."

He then gestured towards the boy and girl pair

"Uriel, this is Hari and Leo they have been living here for the past 7 years with Expor and I would come to visit for a day or two now and then."


Everyone stayed silent for a second while they processed things before Uriel spoke up breaking up the silence.

"Are you saying that we are?..." Uriel trailed off

The corners of Alin's face curved slightly.

"Good, I would have been worried if you did not pick up on the hints."

He looked over towards Hari and Leo, Hari had a curious and slightly confused expression on her face, she was still thinking about it and it looked like she was getting close to the answer. On the other hand, Leo was so nervous he looked as if he was about to pass out.

"Looks like the pair of you have not quite caught up yet, let me tell you a short story and explain in detail what is going on..."