Chapter 3


Mark was very angry seeing there is nothing written on the paper, because he thought when he got home he will follow the descriptions to the place the girl is, when he found that nothing is on the paper, it made him got really angry. He took the paper and burnt it out of anger, the washed blood on the paper moved one way as the paper started burning, the blood all joined together and dropped on the floor while the paper burnt normally on its own. 

The blood that dropped on the floor got swallowed by the tiled floor immediately the paper finished burning leaving a mark that seems like door way on the floor. Mark cleaned it, but it is not what that can be cleaned with just an ordinary thing, he was trying hard to get rid of it when his mum entered, she thought Mark was smoking, ...."I am not smoking, Mum, i am not smoking i am only getting rid of a paper " Mark said....  His mum then responded  ..."Is it that you smoked and you deliberately burnt a paper so no one would suspect you".... Mark laughed and told her ..."No mum, how could you think like that, i didn't do that".....    Carol says, i don't see any reason why you will have to burn a paper in the room, if not that you are hiding something. 

His mum told him not to think of doing such thing now that they have visitors and she left.


Jeff : - Where were you,  Mark? Have came here two times before and i could not find you!

Mark : - I am here now! What do you want? 

Jeff : - Dean was arguing with me. 

Mark : - (depressed and not in his mind) On what? Just get it over with. 

Jeff : - I told him that the chickens clean themselves up using sand, that it will be better if we uses the sand to wash instead of using water and I also told him that vegetables are better than eating food. 

Mark : - (angry) Fuck!  What's mine with that? 

Jeff : - Tell me, Mark, is it better? 

Mark : - Yeah,  it is.

Jeff : - Which one? 

Mark : - I don't know, the whatever one you chose! 

Jeff : - Yes, i told him. (he ran off) 


Mark was wondering why the mark on the floor refused to be cleaned, he's still trying to get rid of it, he knelt down beside it and have a closer look. 

From the mark on the floor, he heard his name, at first,  it doesn't seems real, he heard Shirley calling unto him again and again clearly, he was been carried away seeing a lot of demonic things, meanwhile, his brother, Jeff and his cousin Dean,  are already beside him, they have asked him some things which he didn't responded being carried away, they started tapping him and calling him.....  Mark,  from his distractions, he started hearing his name like he was being called from miles away, he started coming back to his senses and the name keep coming louder and louder, and now he can feel the tapping on me. Seeing his little brother, and his cousin brother,   ....."What??  What??  What happened?? "..... He shouted. 


Jeff : - What is it with you? You acting strange! 

Mark : - What? No,  i am not! 

Jeff : - Tell Dean that i am right and he was wrong! 

Mark : - Why?! 

Jeff : - You said i am right and Dean was wrong. 

Mark : - On what?! 

Jeff : - I said Dean was arguing with me because I told him that the chickens clean themselves up using sand, that it will be better if we uses the sand to wash instead of using water and I also told him that vegetables are better than eating food.

Mark : - (breathing hard) Yes Yes,  you are right! 

Jeff : - You see, i told you. 

Dean : - Oh!  I don't know, i will start taking my bath with sand then, and i will stop eating food but only eat vegetables. 

Jeff : - Let's go Dean! Mark is not really himself today. 


The two kids left, because they knows they will not be playing with Mark that night, it clearly shows he is not in the mood.    That night, Mark didn't sleep properly, he often wakes up at night because of the nightmares he had, he thought of the weed, he have it in mind that it was the weed and the lust he had for Shirley that caused all that...   He said to himself that he had the nightmares because he's high and in lust with a stranger. 


@the woods. 

Shirley : - I tried to get into his mind but i can't, I tried and tried for several times..... What happened? Am i losing my powers. 

Agar : - No,  I told you about the weed, I told you you cannot get into human mind when the person is on weed, if the person is with salt and anything from Olive tree, always have that in mind. 

Shirley : - Others? 

Agar : - What?! 

Shirley : - What are the other things? 

Agar : - You will get to know it yourself. 

Shirley : - (sigh) 

Agar : - You have been sucking animal blood for weeks now, that will also make you grow weaker. 

Shirley : - I am only doing that because, i don't want to cause scenes. 

Agar : - I told you, i will teach you how to suck on humans properly without brutally killing them.... 

Shirley : - But you refuse to teach me. 

Agar : - You know what i want in return, don't you? 

Shirley : - Have been doing this for centuries and i can't suck without brutally killing..... What do you think Eldon will do to you if he learns you have not been teaching me anything. 

Agar : - Eldon? (scoffs) No one has seen Eldon for centuries, he is probably dead. I am in charge now! 

Shirley : - And what if he's not?

Agar : - I will rather kill myself or run away to a place no one would see me after i kidnapped you before i see that thing called Eldon back here.

Shirley : - Say that to him whenever you see him.

Agar : - Let's go, Shirley..... We will come back tomorrow night and try again tomorrow, we need to find a way to turn them all into vampire, because we need that mansion. 


They went to their nearby home,  it is also a mansion but it's a dwarf compared to that of Mr Hudson's. Their house is kilometers away but to them, and the way they move, it's just a couple of meters away.   By the time they got home, they met Eaton (male) at the first sitting room feeding on a girl, Shirley who is anxious for blood tastes left the scene to avoid also going for it,  she went to the second sitting room, the lager one, and there are Inez (female) , Odessa (female) ,  Noreen (female) with two guys, they were also feeding on them, Inez and Odessa feeding on one guy,  while Noreen the older one kissing, romancing and feeding on the other guy, the scene was intense and Shirley couldn't take it, her upper scissors were growing long as her eyes changes, she moved close to them to join them, Noreen who is the oldest of them, turned, facing Shirley, she roared at her with her mouth wide opened, the four scissors out long and blood full her mouth.... It means to Shirley back off and go find your own. Shirley snarling and staring, and she left to her room.  

In a blink of an eye,  she moved swiftly to her room and back, she has changed her clothes, she's well dressed for a party.  She wanted to go have her own, normally, it easier for Shirley to lure guys or lesbians into loving her without using her supernatural powers than any of them combined. She was angry and intended to bring lots of guys back when she comes. She only wants to do that to show them, she may be the youngest, but best. 

Shirley was running swiftly, she moved off things when she's running, she's practically can't be seen when running because she moved too fast and it is same for all of them, but she's one of the fastest if not the best, she was running and somebody chased her down, it was the first time that somebody chased her down. 

She was talking to herself and sniffing ....."Who the hell is that....Who caught up on me while running?.."  She said as she slowed down and stopped to know who the person actually is.  As she stopped and sniffing around the dark and snowy night, she felt a presence of someone strange, the smell was different from the normal human or vampire smell she normally perceived, her scissors grows long, and her nails started growing into claws.

There appeared in front of her a man (Eldon) who happens to turn them all into vampire centuries ago, he has just arrived in town, he is about thirty six years old, but he has lived six hundred years.  She didn't know it is Eldon, she was getting ready to set off attack as she saw him in front of her, then Eldon speaks,  ...."You will fight me?..... 


Eldon : - Are you going to fight me? 

Shirley : - Eldon? 

Eldon : - Yeah,  it is me! 

Shirley : - (her teeth and nails returned back to normal) Forgive me, i don't know it's you! 

Eldon : - What happened to you? You were meant to be strong, specially created. 

Shirley : - I can explain. 

Eldon : - Explain what? The last time i was in town you were stronger, faster. 

Shirley : - Have not been sucking.... 

Eldon : - (surprised) Oh! I see... Where are you off to now? 

Shirley : - I want to go an... 

Eldon : - Never mind, don't cause scene out there, it better you bring here whoever you want to feed on. 

Shirley : - I am not going to cause scene. 

Eldon : - Bring home the person,  it is better that way. 

Shirley : - I intend to bring home my meal, but you are around now, it will be better for me to feed away from home, because you won't make me enjoy. 

Eldon : - I don't want you to feed like an animal, you are not one, you are superior to  animals and human both, don't behave like them. 

Shirley : - No, i won't .

Eldon : - Don't cause scenes out there. 

Shirley : - Damn, Eldon, you are back with your rules!

Eldon : - Do you understand? 

Shirley : - Okay, have heard you, i understand... Can i go now? 

Eldon : - Will you be back today? You should come back today! 

Shirley : - I prefer you out of town, sleeping or even dead, Eldon! You are always giving rules. You and your rules, i will be back anyway. 

Eldon : - Kill me if you really don't like my ways and be done with it. 

Shirley : - I will kill you if i can, you know i will. 

Eldon : - You have to be back today, we all have an important thing to discuss... And let see if you really don't like. 

Shirley : - What is important that we have to discuss, i want to stay away from that house a little. 

Eldon : - You dare not, this is not the time.... Have you ever thought of how you became a vampire? 

Shirley : - I heard stories, it all starts from you! 

Eldon : - And me, how did i become one? 

Shirley : - (she opened her arms to show she doesn't know) Never thought of that! 

Eldon : - There are some, we called them "THE GREATS", they are the first, they have the powers to kill us from a distance.   They are coming for us all, i am scared! 

Shirley : - You mean you? You? You are scared? I am not going anywhere again, let's go have the meeting. 

Eldon : - No, you have to feed and get ready, someone of your calibre will be our most priority when they comes. Go i will be waiting for you! 


Eldon got home to their mansion, he was standing at the gate, looking at the mansion. He took in deep breath for he dearly missed the place, and  he continue going into the mansion. 

As he opened the door and walks in, no one noticed him, the two young ladies were dancing to the music they were playing so loud. He swift pass them and go to the other sitting room where he saw Noreen the older lady untop of her victim having rough sex with him. He also swift pass and went to the next room, Eaton was mixing blood and alcohol together, Eaton was the only one that felt something, when he turned back to check, Eldon hid, and Eaton continues what he's doing. Agar was in a bathtub with a fat woman, kissing and sucking her blood.  When Eldon saw him, he was angry because he was the one that should have organised the house. Eldon moved swiftly to the bathtub and grabbed Agar by the neck.   "What exactly should i do with you, lock you up, kill you or banish you"...  He asked.  The fat woman which Agar has gotten into her mind never knew what is going on, she was still laying and kissing Agar on the chest.   Eaton heard splashes and he went there to check, when he saw Eldon, he went on his knees immediately.   "Eldon, you are here" he said.   "Go get the others" replied Eldon. 

When Eaton told others,  they wanted to run, they wanted to vacate the mansion for him, because they knew they are in trouble already, but they knew if they flee, it will only cause them more trouble, Eldon is the kind of powerful vampire that will track and hunt them down in days. They went to him after they have all freed their victims of their misteries.   

In fear, pain, disappointment, hate, depression and respect, they went to meet Eldon with all these. ...."The boss of all boss is here now, and Agar has started suffering from him".... Said Eaton. 
