Chapter 4


They are all standing in there with fear, their hearts are beating so fast and heavily, no one could outter a word, not even greeting, they dare not open their mouth,  anyone that speak could be the first to die. Eldon is well known, he is the hot tempered type, apart from he's the strongest and oldest, he doesn't take nonsense and they hate him for that, they hate him because whenever he's around they don't roam free. Vampires are adventurous creatures and they are very strong, their hearts doesn't give up easily, despite Eldon still choking Agar since, his heart has not stopped yet. Eldon released him, at that time that Eldon released him, the fat woman who is his captive tried to kiss him, Odessa in her own mind was like  ...."Not now, you fool, you going to get yourself killed "...,  Agar was very angry because the fat woman tried to kiss him at that moment in front of Eldon, he passed aggression down to her, he snapped her neck and killed her. 


Eldon : - Why did you killed her?

Agar : - (coughs and shakes his head to say no)

Eldon : - A fat one! Ah, You got her so you could have enough feeding on her? 

Agar : - (coughing and spitting) 

Eldon : - You are supposed to be their leader, i gave you rules in to lead them..... It shows you yourself is not abiding by the rules. (sighs) How long have i gone now? Two hundred years, three hundred? You all know nothing, anyways, the time has come, you will be different now. We have got a lot of work to do. 

Odessa : - (exhale deeply and speak with tremendous fear) What work.....Eldon? 

Eldon : - I believe any of you here doesn't know who "the greats" are! 

Inez : - the greats? What is that?

Eaton : - What are they? 

Eldon : - Shirley must be here before we start. 

Agar : - Whenever she leave like that, she never return until she wish. 

Eldon : - Who's fault is that? 

Agar : - She's hard to control! 

Eldon : - I know she's hard to control, but you have to make her obey you, you have to make them all obey you, make an example of any of them and that doesn't exclude Noreen. (looking at Noreen) 

Noreen : - (she look at him with hateful eyes) Me? 

Eldon : -  Yes you! ..... You should all get yourselves prepared, Shirley will join us soon. 

Agar : - She might not come back for weeks.. Anyways, she has someone nearby she's after, so she could come back tomorrow because of that. 

Eldon : - I will speak with her, she will join now! Go and arrange for the meeting..... I need two people, a male and a female, you all should come back here in fifteen minutes. 


Eaton and Agar set out to go get him the two people he needed, both Inez and Odessa were cleaning and arranging the house. Eldon and Noreen are in a room, they locked themselves up, and the others doesn't know what they are up to.


Inez : - He said he will speak with Shirley, he's just got back from sleep, does he have a smartphone or he know how to use one? 

Odessa : - Yes, he just got back and sure he can't operate smartphone. 

Inez : - How did he intend to speak with her then? 

Odessa : - He will speak with her through the mind chatting from here and Shirley will hear wherever she is. 

Inez : - (chuckles) Shirley could be miles away, how could she hear, she's not here in the same building with him. Vampires can only speak with each other in their brains if only they are at the same building or area, but Shirley is enjoying herself miles away from here. 

Odessa : - Look,  Inez, Eldon is different, he is way powerful than any of us, he is the first, he can do things we can't  even imagine or try.

Inez : - (scoffs) What did you think they are doing in that room, having sex?  

Odessa : - Who? 

Inez : - Eldon and Noreen, the two old guys! 

Odessa : - Careful. 

Inez : - He won't hear, i tried listening to them, he blocked the mind chatting. 

Odessa : - Because you can't hear him doesn't mean he can't hear you..... He blocked the mind chatting and hearing because he doesn't want us to hear them.... I told you he can do things we can't do! 

Inez : - We will see, he said he will speak with her and she will come back soon.... We will see if she will really come back soon. 

Shirley : - (from outside speaks with them through mind chatting) I am here already, he spoke with me not long ago that we have work to do and he wants me around.... (she opened the door and walks in) And that is why i come quick. 

Inez : - (on seeing her, she was surprised) What?!  How?! 

Odessa : - I told you, didn't i?, Watch your tongue now that he's here, he's dangerous and hot tempered, you will only get yourself killed. 


Shirley came back, While others that left has also came back,  Agar and Eaton, and they return with a male and a female, the exact type Eldon wanted. 

Though, they are all around now, but when Eldon got to the room they should have the meeting hold, he couldn't find any of them there. He summoned all of them through the mind chatting and they all came immediately. 


Eldon : - I said we should all meet here and none of you came... What's that, what did you mean by doing that?

Agar : - I personally think you will feed first, and that i thought everybody also thinks. 

Eldon : - Feed? Don't you get, what is coming for us is, is... Hell! 

Noreen : - Wait, how important is what you want to discuss with us, you have been sleeping for centuries, you have just came you need to feed. 

Eldon : - As a Vampire you can't feed on other Vampire, you can only feed on humans and animals... It doesn't work that way for the one called "the greats". Your blood is what they want the most. 

Eaton : - "the greats" ?

Eldon : - Yah, we need armies, we need a lot of vampires and we need to bound ourselves together against them, how many have you turned to vampires since have been gone. 

Agar : - I, Seven people. 

Eldon : - Seven? 

Odessa : - I have turned Thirteen and all male. 

Eldon : - Better. 

Eaton : - (stammering) T, Tw-Two, I -I have , have only turned Two.

Eldon : - What?..... And what about you three? Inez, Noreen and Shirley?

Inez : - No one, boss. 

Eldon : - (depressed and shows signs he's depressed) Noreen? 

Noreen : - (shakes her head, saying no) 

Eldon : - No,  No No..... We are done for! 

Shirley : - It shows have been the only one here working,  whenever i turned people, they all criticize me for that! Especially Agar, Your lust for human is driving you insane, and it will be your end one day, he says! 


Eldon was sitting on a chair and facing down looking at the floor, he was short of words, in his mind, he wanted to pierce Agar.   Anger is getting better of him already, his eyes has turned, his scissors has grown long, his claws are coming out,  his body was changing and Agr already knew he was coming for him, Agar was moving backward taking one foot after the other slowly, he's preparing to charge and run off, Eldon stood on his feet, his teeth were grinding and he was snarling, about to charge and remove Agar's heart from his body. Then Shirley opens her mouth in fear and speaks again.  ....."Eldon, have been working, have turned Thirty three people to vampires".... She said. 

The snarling stopped, the grinding of the teeth, stopped,  his scissors grows smaller and went back in, his eyes changed back to normal.  Only his claws are still out, he walked up to Agar and cut him with his claws on the neck without using vampire powers. 


Eldon : - I shouldn't have made you the leader, Shirley would have been better leader than you, i could have made her,  the leader had it been she's old enough when i left. 

Agar : - I am sorry. 

Eldon : - You could have cost us, if not for Shirley. And i don't know how strong the ones she turned are. Good job,  Shirley, you did great. 

Shirley : - (smile) 

Eldon : - "the greats" are a group of ancient vampires, they are the ancestors of all the vampires in the world, they are at least five times faster than I do,  they are stronger, ten times stronger than I do. And,  you all know how faster and stronger am i too you! With a snap of their fingers, they will kill you. 


Everyone of them standing finds a chair to sit. They were now sitting on the chair and listening now more than before as Eldon explains to them who "the greats" are. 


Shirley : - Where have they been all these while that no one has seen them? 

Eldon : - They were cast away with magic spells, locked up in Thanato's realm. 

Agar : - They escaped or what? 

Eldon : - The spells holding them there is breaking away, if not broken by now! 

Agar : - And you said they are ancient, the first? 

Eldon : - They were cast away for thousands of years sleeping, and now they are about to arise or rising already! 

Shirley : - Sorry! If i may ask, how did you learnt all these. 

Eldon : - Have been working with a witch..... Have not been sleeping all these while, i do come sometimes and go back to sleep, all the times that i am not sleeping i worked, and the witch has reasons she has no choice of than to work with me. ..... I am hungry, you could all go and rest we will discuss more tomorrow, mind you, winter is here and "the great" love the winter, because they were created in the winter, one of the reasons we vampires never feel cold in the winter. Go and rest now, it's already 2:45am, but,  i will advice you not to sleep deep these days, they could be here anytime soon, today is December 16th,  right? 

Inez : - Yes. 

Eldon : - In the morning, we will talk.

@ Mr Hudson's mansion. 


It is December 16th and everyone are preparing for Christmas. The children are running around the mansion playing, the other guest have arrived, the big mansion have more people in it now. 

Mrs Carol sees that the decorators have designed well the rooms for Christmas, Mark and his cousins were playing games, but Mark was dozing off because he didn't have proper sleep at night. 

It is time for launch, all the employers in the house have prepared well to serve, something then happened.

They were all at the dinner table about to eat, all the cutlery has been served the food too has been served. 

Everyone started eating except for Dean, ....."Why are you not eating, Dean".... Asked Mrs Carol. 


Dean : - I am not eating this, i only want to eat vegetables  It is not good to eat food, only vegetables. 

Carol : - Where did you hear that from? 

Dean : - Mark told me! 

Mark : - Me? When? 

Dean : - Do you remember, Mark, when Jeff said,  "Dean was arguing with me because I told him that the chickens clean themselves up using sand, that it will be better if we uses the sand to wash instead of using water and I also told him that vegetables are better than eating food"?

Mark : - Oh! I remembered. 

Dean : - And you said, Jeff was right. 

Mark : - But,  i, i wasn't myself. I am sorry,  Jeff was wrong. 

Carol : - Look at him, the two of them, they are eating, you are the only one here not eating.  You better eat so you can grow. 

Mr Hudson : - Why did you say that to him? 

Mark : - I don't even listen to them that day, i only said something so they can leave me be.  I don't know he note it! 

Carol : - They are kids, Mark, pay attention to their questions. 


They all laughed and eat, they made fun of three of them, especially Mark. But his mum went to him afterward, she talked about the weed, that Mark must have been smoking some weed that day. 
