Chapter 5


When the night is over, Eldon discussed with them a strategy of getting more people to from an army for them.  The ways to capture humans and turns them to vampire, he planned to throw a party and invite a lot of people, through that,  they will look for humans capable of becoming better vampire in the short time that they have got and make use of them. 

He calls them together in the bigger sitting room, a sachet of  human blood was given to them all.

They were all sitting and listening to the low country music of 1910 that was playing and enjoying the sachet of blood served to them as breakfast while Eldon discusses with them. By now,  it can be said that they are more enjoying the company of Eldon from the look of things. 


Eldon : - So,  to get the armies we are looking for, i have come up with an idea. 

Odessa : - That is good of you, you are simply the best. 

Shirley : - What is that? What is the idea? (she asked after taking a sip from the sachet of blood) 

Eldon : - We will have to invite a lot of people from the neighborhood , just this neighborhood as to avoid suspicious events. 

Noreen : - Do we just invite people? 

Eldon : - No,  we will throw a party. 

Odessa : - (excited) Party? Cool! 

Inez : - (scoffs) A fucking party? 

Eldon : - And from there, we get the ones we need. 

Shirley : - Like how many people are we talking of here? 

Eldon : - (exhale heavily) To stop "the greats" we would have to get at least two thousand strong vampires, some witches and really good vampire hunting weapons. 

Agar : - Do we stand a chance? 

Odessa : - Can't you just figure out that yourself? 

Eldon : - If we gets all that we need before they are here, Yes, we could perhaps stand a chance. 

Shirley : - We could? 

Eldon : - I told you, "the greats" are strong, they are different kind of vampires. 

Eaton : - How can we get all those people without the police knowing? 

Eldon : - You are right? I expect any of you to ask that..... We won't hold them in captive, they will return to their various homes after we have turned them. We only have to use them to buy ourselves time when "the greats" come. 

Shirley : - When exactly are they coming? 

Eldon : - According to the witch, they could have be around by now. 

Shirley : - I have someone i wanted to turn at the nearby mansion. I will go there tonight. 

Agar : - You wanted to turn, or feed on him after having your lust sex with him. 

Shirley : - It is non of your business .

Agar : - The boy would get you killed. 

Shirley : - You have always said that,  and how many of them have got me killed...huh!  How many have i turned now? Thirty three? How many have got me killed? 

Agar : - You wil..... 

Eldon : - Will you stop your nonsense? 

Agar : - Sorry, Eldon! 

Eldon : - That mansion, we should have that mansion, this place is not big enough. 

Shirley : - I told him that already, i told him times without number that you will prefer that mansion to this when you come... But, Agar here was too busy looking at my ass everyday instead of being the leader he was meant to be despite all the fat women he always feeds on. 

Eldon : - (angry)  Agar!!! 

Agar : - It was never like that, Eldon. 

Eldon : - I would have removed your heart from your chest, if not for what is coming for all of us..... I need you, you are lucky of that! 


He told everyone to leave, they were all on their feet going.  He said, "Not you, Eaton and you Noreen".  "Sit Noreen".  he said.   He told Eaton to go print the invitation card, and asked Noreen to sit. The two of them was in the room for hours locked up themselves and no one else know what they are up to, because Eldon have blocked the mind chatting and hearing again. 

Inez and Odessa are at the same room discussing. 


Inez : - You seems to have like Eldon now, is that not it? 

Odessa : - What makes you said that? 

Inez : - You into his words, you are supporting his ideas and questions back whoever questioned him in there. 

Odessa : - You are super observant, i give you that! 

Inez : - What makes you like him now? 

Odessa : - I knows him better than the so called "the greats", so Yes, actually, not that i like him, but i still prefers him to them. 

Inez : - You are right. 

Odessa : - We don't know what is coming for us yet, how powerful they are or how many they are... He's one of us, he's a father to us, we have to be on his side and trust him. 

Inez : - You are right there. 


It is December 16th, noon, on a snowy day. At Mr Hudson's mansion. The children are playing outside the mansion and forming shapes with the snow. 

A car drove in making it way from the far gate through the premises to the mansion. Mr Hudson realised from the mansion that, that is his Attorney, he went down to the visitor's sitting room to meet him. 


Attorney : - Sir, good afternoon, sir! 

Hudson : - I didn't hear from you, is anything wrong? 

Attorney : - No,  No,  not at all. No.  I was kind of busy these days, you know Christmas is at the corner... The preparations and all of that. 

Hudson : - Okay,  i believe you have finally through with the paperwork now?! 

Attorney : - Oh!  Yes,  yes. I am through now, just that, just that, sir, i need to inform you of the mansion again, sir... I shoul... 

Carol : - (breaks in)  Are you through with the paperwork, Attorney? 

Attorney : - Yes,! (nodded his head) 

Hudson : - Do i have to add any money? 

Attorney : - No,  not at all... You don't have to. 

Carol : - You never wanted us to acquire this beautiful and peaceful perfect mansion.... Why? 

Attorney : - No,  no, i am only doing my jo... 

Carol : - Oh!  I see,  you are doing your job to make us lose the mansion so you can save up to get it for yourself and family? 

Hudson : - The man did his job.

Carol : - Tell me, how much do you earn a year? Ten thousand dollars, Twenty thousand dollars.... Tell me do you make up to Five million dollars a year? 

Attorney : - Ma, I.... 

Carol : - No, i bet you don't! We acquired this lovely and nice gigantic mansion for millions of dollars.... And i bet you don't make Half a million dollars a year. 

Hudson : - What with you woman? 

Carol : - Your whole family would never be rich enough to acquire this..... I know that is why you are making up superstition concerning the mansion. 

Attorney : - (looking depressed and angry) 

Hudson : - Carol, that is an insult, apologise to the man. 

Attorney : - No,  no need to, and i also wanted you to know that the incidents that have been happening in this premises happens in the winter period through an invitation, so if there is any person or a group of people that invited you to somewhere please don't go and inform the police immediately, especially if the person is a stranger. 


He (the Attorney) unlocked his brief case and hand over the papers to Mr Hudson, Mr Hudson apologized on behalf of his wife and told him that he will transfer a million dollars to his account in a way to say sorry, the Attorney was very happy, Mr Hudson shakes hands with him,  and the Attorney left. 


 Mr Hudson : -  Why are you so rude to that man! 

Mrs Carol : - I wasn't rude to him. 

Mr Hudson : - You did,  you even insulted him. 

Mrs Carol : - He did make superstitions and you are so afraid of this mansion because of his superstition.

Mr Hudson : - I am not being superstitious, you yourself knows there are legends concerning this mansion. 

Mrs Carol : - It wasn't up to the way he says it. 

Mr Hudson : - That man has been working with us as our Attorney for years, Carol for years, do you know him as someone who would lie about that. 

Mrs Carol : - One of your weaknesses, you trust people easily. 

Mr Hudson : - For years now, Carol, he never did any suspicious thing for once since he's been working for our family and you still find it hard to trust him? 

Mrs Carol : - We have been here for two weeks now, nothing happened. 

Mr Hudson : - Do you expect happening of anything the moment we step in? We have to be vigilant, woman. 

Mrs Carol : - (arrogantly and with pride) We will be very vigilant, Mr vigilante. (she's leaving) 

Mr Hudson : - And report to me immediately if there is any invitation by unknown person. 

Mrs Carol : - Copied that,  Mr vigilante! 

Mr Hudson : - (annoyed) Bullshit! And stop calling me that, okay? 


Both of them went their ways, immediately Mr Hudson got to his room, he picked up his mobile phone and sent the Attorney a million dollars he promised. 

By evening that same day, when the sun has almost gone down and the windy weather is now snowing, the family and their guests are at the lowest floor of the mansion, they were having a good time, laughing and cracking jokes together and there was a knock on the front door, the main entrance of the mansion. Mrs Carol went there by herself,  she deliberately asked the workers not to bother going, she thought it was one of her guests that arrived. By the time she got there, she saw this beautiful young woman standing at the front door, she was wearing a black well designed gown and holding an invitation card with her hair well packed.   She stretched forth her hand to give Mrs Carol the invitation card, Mrs Carol was carried away with the classic vintage garment the young woman was wearing, she stared at it for a while, she was about to collect it when she remembered what the Attorney said.   "Attorney : - No,  no need to, and i also wanted you to know that the incidents that have been happening in this premises happens in the winter period through an invitation, so if there is any person or a group of people that invited you to somewhere please don't go and inform the police immediately, especially if the person is a stranger. "   She withdrew her hand from collecting the invitation card Shirley was offering her.  Shirley knew instantly that something is wrong, she wanted to get into Mrs Carol's mind, compelling her.  However, Mrs Carol get it off her mind, she believes it could be what the Attorney planned so they could vacate the mansion.  She said to Shirley,   ..."Come, come on in, you are welcome here ".....

Bingo, there it is,  the invitation.  Vampires are great and powerful creatures but, they will never come in into your home until you open your mouth to invite them in,  they don't have the power to do that, to come inside your home on their own. 

She invited her in, And with confidence and excitement, she enters. 

..." Goddamn it, you are so beautiful, and what you put on is gorgeous"....., said Mrs Carol.   ..."Oh! Thank you"... replied Shirley. 

Mrs Carol collected the invitation card from her, and asked her to come sit with them for a while, because Mrs Carol had called her fashion designer to come take a look at the garment and the detailing on it so she can sow one for her too. She asked Shirley of how she know them, and Shirley said she's friend of Mark. 

The fashion designer came in short period of time, she was taking the details of the garment alone with Shirley in one corner of the sitting room, writing down everything,  she opened the upper layer of the dress on Shirley's chest to see clearly the detailing behind the dress, there she noticed the necklace Shirley was wearing, it's a daytime old necklace for vampires, she deliberately cracked a joke to confirm if she (Shirley) really is a vampire.   Shirley who didn't suspect a thing smiles, her teeth were exposed and the fashion designer sharply glanced at Shirley's scissors teeth, she saw it was longer, thinner, and looks sharper than normal human scissors teeth with a little curved edge, she detected that Shirley was a vampire, because she has read about that before, she looked Shirley straight in the eyes and saw the blood running in the veins of her eyes, the fashion designer was frightened, the fear was well written on the fashion designer's face, her eyes went down to the necklace again, this time Shirley knew she's been exposed, she remembered when Eldon gave them a lesson about being exposed, that once human detects who they are, they are dead.  The woman screamed, everyone look there from afar and realized the woman was in danger.  Shirley looked her straight in the eyes, grabbed her neck and compelled her, by the time people got there, Shirley has removed other fingers only point one finger to her ears and says.   ..."Her earings, her earings is lovely".....     They asked the fashion designer what happened, she said  ...."The earings, my grandma gave it to me, i thought she wanted to snatch it, my God, i am sorry it is because the earings are damn expensive to me"...   

..."Snatch, why did you scream, how could i snatch your earings, it's okay anyways"..... Said Shirley.

Mrs Carol went to Shirley and apologized to her, she asked her to sit with them and eat with them. That was how she escaped being caught who she is. 

Shirley, on the other hand,  was seizing the time to wait for Mark.   In all the times she spent there, Mark was not in the mansion, she first had a thought that,  perhaps Mark could be waiting for her in the woods, she shrugged it off and focus on something else, thinking it's not really dark yet, that Mark would not have been in the woods yet. 

After a while, Mrs Carol's fashion designer have taken all she wanted to learn about the detailing of the garment and she take her leave, Shirley also went to Mrs Carol and informed her about her leaving, Mrs Carol see her off and went back into the mansion, she went to check the address on the invitation card Shirley gave her,  she went to the place the land phone is and called the police.
